This is Captain Aldo Rein of the AP-540392 Bounty Hunter Battlecruiser class Pride of Hyghara. Due to numerous reports of rising of the Outcast activity in the following systems:
~~~~~Sending additional data~~~~
Kyushu, New Tokio, Honshu, Sigma-13
I have decided to move this new battlecruiser to those systems. I would like to inform you that I will not fly in the vicinity of any Planet or Base belonging to KNF or KSP. Also, I will help your forces to fight back any attack from an Outcast or a man with a good bounty on his head.
Commander, you are not authorized to bring your ship into Kusari space. The Kusari legal Codex clearly states the situations where foreign Capital ships can be used and not. Your request is clearly in the not section. On top of that, the operation of Bounty Hunters in Kusari is limited at the time to operations south of Deshima Station in Shikoku. To sum up, if you bring that ship to Kusari, it will be destroyed.