Marlboro_Cowboy has been sanctioned for to breaking the following rule:
5.2 Wrote:All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.
Banned for 14 days. Post here in 14 to be unbanned. See you then.
Excuse me, but as I remember i attacked one player without messaging when saw mass fight with oucasts and second time when thougt that transport i tried to rob was going to land on base. And I haven't killed any player character.
Quote:3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under
any circumstances. Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language directed at other members, factions
or server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats
are allowed on the server.
Seems Cannon forgot to add this rule infraction as well, coupled with the other little problem you had.
Post when the time is up please.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Sorry, but when I try to RP pirate I can't use agrressive (don't think frases like "get lost" are hateful or racist) language? I surely haven't used offensive phrases and language.
And it's not clear to me- I modified some files and mined 50kk in Dresden instead of Omega7 and was nuked. It was fair, i understand. But is'nt this enough maybe? I am already punished, why also ban me for character I used for 3 hours and which is already deleted?
My patience is wearing just a little thin today. Any form of the word beginning with f and ending with ck, and
all of it's variants are not allowed, and this report was posted before your cheating episode came to light.
You are lucky to be here at all to be honest, so best quit while you are ahead ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."