I put myself into position. Waited. If the information Agathon got was right, I'd see a few smugglers. It took a while, but one finally passed.
Scan Info: XT-19.Tango
I demanded that it drop the Cardamine. It was an AI... after some cajoling, it finally complied and I destroyed the contraband. Afterward, I figured that any other Cardamine that is dropped will be tractored and sold on Barrier Gate Station; as long as it's not getting to Liberty, it shouldn't really be our problem. I also found two other ships of interest:
Scan Info: Nephilim
Scan Info: EscapeVelocity
On the second one, he passed both me and Razor[9], and we questioned him. He seemed amiable enough, and might even be able to help us in the future; he seemed to be willing to pirate contraband. We are keeping an eye on him, however, and are prepared to take him out if necessary. Also, a Junker slaver passed us.
Scan Info: Ace.Ventura.Frigate
We demanded that he drop the slaves off at Barrier Gate, but after some rather surreal conversation, he offered us three million to let him pass. Me and Razor talked about it, and figured we'd take it and let him pass. Our reasoning was that even if we destroyed him, the slaves would die. Also, he was smuggling them out of Liberty. Any Cardamine shipments into Liberty will not receive the same mercy; they will be forced to drop.
I transferred the three million credits to LPI accounts through the buffer "off shore" account set up for such purposes on Curacao.
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<span style="color:#FF6666">Division 9... "Just as every cop is a criminal..."</span>
We took up position near the Coronado jumphole this evening, after an interesting encounter with the COC, they seemed to buy our cover story, but will require caution in the future.
Scan Info: Ace.Ventura.Frigate
The first ship we encounted was an old friend, and once again we managed to coax some credits out of him, as he was hauling slaves. We took every penny off him, amounting to approximately 700,000 credits. He left the system swearing he will get revenge.
Scan Info: Ace.Ventura.Frigate
He soon returned, with a freelancer as escort. This escort proved rather useless to him, so he called in a bounty hunter gunship to deal with us. The bounty hunter was eager to attack, until I pointed out there was no bounty on our ships that he could claim. With the thought of profit gone, I pointed out that there was a large Cardamine smuggler nearby, which caused the hunter to engage Ace.Ventura.Frigate, while I was allowed to sit back and watch. This however is not where it ends. As the smuggler attempted to flee and began to make progress, a massive SCRA fleet showed up. Seems they dislike Cardamine smugglers as well... the poor smuggler met his demise over paradise.. Planet Curacao. So, that is one more smuggler down, and we were able to sit back and watch as others dealt with him.
Credits to be transferred to LPI accounts via buffer account on Curacao.
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<span style="color:#FF6666">Division 9... "Just as every cop is a criminal..."</span>
To elaborate on Hunter's report about the 'Children of Conviction', I engaged Keller's Roc bomber and Petrov's Stinger VHF outside Barrier Gate and, after an extended furball in which Keller couldn't seem to get me in his sights enough to dish out any real damage and Petrov seemed to have trouble hitting me, I disabled Keller's ship. He called for parlay and we struck a deal whereby we can all get along. The last thing we need out here is another enemy, so I'm hoping that we can stay out of the CoC's way as much as possible. He admitted that he has no great love of Cardamine, so that's a plus.
Scan Info: -[CoC]-Keller [mid-combat]
As it stands now, we'll have to keep our guard up.
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<span style="color:#FF6666">Division 9... "Just as every cop is a criminal..."</span>
I decided to poke around the rest of Coronado, since it was a slow night. Look what I found: an Outcast smuggler's wreck, kitted out with a high-tech lab. I boarded the wreck using my EVA suit and took some close-scans, while also trying to get a feel for what they were after. It didn't take much poking around to notice Cardamine and terraforming gasses, plus canisters with "California Minor" imprinted on them. It would appear that the Outcasts are trying to infect all of California Minor by using compromised terraforming gas. I advise that the LPI increase patrols around California Minor, and also increase customs inspections.
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Another thing we saw is... beyond words. It's ancient. And not human. We've never seen anything like it. And most important, there was the wreck of a Rogue Mule in the middle... the pilot bled to death through every orifice in his face. We got the hell out of there before we were next. I have no idea what that thing is, but one thing is for sure: it ain't ours.
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<span style="color:#FF6666">Division 9... "Just as every cop is a criminal..."</span>
It has been months since we've received any word from LPI high command. While this is unusual, it is not unexpected. I've ordered a full analysis on our communications array to ensure proper operation, but all seems functional on this end. I cannot risk breaking our cover to re-establish communications. It is possible high command decided to reduce communications in order to reduce the risk of us being discovered. Or.. is there something more going on? I will attempt to make some subtle inquiries next time I'm on the station.
For now we will operate as usual.
Hunter out.
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<span style="color:#FF6666">Division 9... "Just as every cop is a criminal..."</span>