Message to: Dagger Quattro
Comm ID: Kaspar Meisnerr
It seems that our raider wings impressed you, Herr Quattro? Well, they are quite impressive if I do say so myself. At any rate, I do believe we could use you, though you will have much to learn. The Volkrevolution is not about revenge, it is about social and economic change. Change that is badly needed in Rheinland, our - and now yours as well - Vaterland. Stopping the Corsair rampage is a means to securing Rheinland from their barbarism - that is our goal in the Omega systems.
Take your flight toward the Omega-11 system. One of our patrols will pick you up, and you'll receive further information once you're on board Freital.
Regards, Meisnerr
Message to: Dimitrij Fjodorow
Comm ID: Kaspar Meisnerr
Your feats are most impressive, Herr Fjodorow. Quite a history. I can see already that you will be a good asset to our forces. The road to revolution will be rocky, but this is why we all fight together, forming a united front.
Make your way to Dresden, we will find you there and bring you to our home base. Then we will integrate you into our wing.
I hereby wish to apply to the Red Hessians. I will tell you my reasons:
My name is Rufus Nibelung. I was born on planet Stuttgard. I am the brother of Gabriel Nibelung, the ex-RFP director. He has left the RFP becuase he could no longer stomach the corrupt and facist government he worked for. I have always told him the government was like that, but he would not believe me.
As he has left the RFP and dissapeared to god knows where, I now have no reason to hold back. I was reluctant to join becuase I feared one day I would encounter him. And that would lead to drama; him being an officer and me being a Hessian.
Now that he is gone form the RFP (and even the whole of Rheinland it seems) I want to join your cause. I want to be the one who did not serve this foul governemnt, but fought and won over it.
My flight experience is only that of the short time I did the RFP flight course. I quit very soon after seeing its true colours. But I have a taste for light fighters. and the Loki is... *drools over the commpanel*
Anyway, that is my story. I hope this is enough reason to let me fight alongside you.
Ach so! I had a feeling you might turn up sooner rather than later. We've had our eyes on you for a while. Sorry to hear your brother. He would have made a very valuable rekrut to our cause and a useful face to our Rote Front's radio broadcasts. But nevertheless I think Rote Front might want to use you too for their own purposes.
Make your way to Planet Stuttgart and kontakt Jurgen in GutEssen Gmbh headquarters. He'll give you instructions how to make it to Vogtland.
I was created by a pilot from Rheinland Military, he found me in a escape pod, when I was a baby, so, I never met my parents, he taught me to fly when I had 10 years old, five years after, when we were flying, he destroied a hessian fighter and shot its escape pod, I got enraged and killed him. Running away from the militaries, I found you, and lived in Vogtland where I am today, now Im sending this application to join you and make the militaries feel my shot in their escape pod.
Mein herr, after some deliberation the recruitment office has decided that it would be best you spend some time in space first, getting to know your surroundings and the inner workings of the Red Hessian movement before your transfer to the Red Hessian Army can commence.
You will be evaluated based on your performance in space before we can admit you in. This is purely to assure that the Revolutionary Flag of Rheinland is always displaying the highest standard. Our pilots will recommend you when it is best to resubmit your application, which by the way should be more detailed than this.
Guten Tag,my name is Klaus Kuhnert an i want become part of RHA
I was born on planet Stuttgart.My father worked as miner and my mother was unemployed.We live in small house and we were very poor.Well nobody care about us.My father fight for our right every day but Rheinland Military and police doesn't care about us.My father was very angry and few days later he do one thing that shocked my mother and me,he decide to join Red Hessians.We decide to stay at planet Stuttgart but he went to Dresden.When i was 21 years old Rheinland Military accused me and my mother for betray.My mother was arrested but i escaped from Stuttgart.I want to see my father so one trader escorted me to Dresden.Few Hessian vessels robbed transport and i was taken to Vogtland base.I met my father in hospital because he was badly injured from fight against Military in Frankfurt. One week later my father die because his injuries were to badly.I swore to my father that i will fight for human right against Military an police for rest of my life.Then i fill up application for Hessians.
//OOC:well i have lot of experience in PvP fight special with fighter and bomber but i am not so crazy about capital ship,i have some experience with GB but i am better with fighters
//My skype name is bere341
//Timezone:GMT+2(On weekend i usually play in the morning from 9AM to 15PM,whenn i have school i playing from 18PM to 21PM)
//My other factions i am in: [XTF] and Order|
We have a long standing reputation of providing refuge to oppressed Rheinland volk and chance to fight back. You'll do fine and don't let us down. We are placing faith in you rekrut.
Apologies for the encryption of my application. It is paramount that I inform you of my past, and my hopeful future amongst my Hessian brothers. My name is Alaric Anselm, I am a pilot in....a former pilot in the Rheinland Military fleet. I have seen first hand, what this "government" we live under is capable of. We are just tools for the Kanzler, and his puppet masters work our strings.
I come from planet Baden Baden, a peaceful planet. It once had much tourism and commerce and my family and I were happy. As the war began, my first thought was to fight for our people our beloved Vaterland. In the year I have spent in the Military I have learned their ways, their tactics. Their Iron handed propaganda had once taken hold of me.. But I digress.
I feel great sorrow for the horrors I have committed. I have heard many stories of guerilla fighters and a revolution. A Volkrevolution. For the people of Rheinland, not the heavy wallets of these corporations I have come to see taking their hands and digging deep into the pockets of our beloved people. They pave their way to self-righteousness with money. And corrupt our officials with greed.
I wish to join you, I wish to work for the betterment of my people, my brothers and sisters. For mein Vaterland. Herr, I prompty offer my application, and my pledge of undying Loyalty to the Volkrevolution, and the Red Hessian Army.
May our next meeting be fruitful,
Alaric Anselm.
Skype: Mobius-Three
Timezone: -5:00GMT Eastern Time
Red Hessian Army is always glad to employ people who have witnessed the rule of Kanzler first hand and seen beneath the surface of the government. You are not the first military pilot to defect and you will not be the last. And like them your training and insight into military operations will serve you, and us, well. Welcome to the Rote Hessen Armee. It is advisable to get acquainted with these documents. Operational Manual, Pilot progress chart and requirements for the promotion.
I have given orders to our Hangar officer to have your ship ready and waiting at Vogtland.
my name is Klauss Thorn, I am the second son of Stephan Thorn, a petty trader and smugglers
I was born on the planet Berlin 28 years ago, from an early age I was flying with my father and assisted him in the navigation first and later when I matured and smuggling. They were beautiful days
until a police patrol of Rheinland cut off all
that day is etched in my memory
We passed close to JH from New Berlin to Dresden, was full of cargo Mining Machinery when we were stopped by a patrol of three Phantom - 72-ARKM Rheinland-G27 Light Fighter
no particular reason, and without a lot of stories opened fire on us Gull
fire spreads quickly by boat, the only thing I could have squeezed the button to leave the space.
I watched as Gull was in the fire and .....
my father ............
after 2 hours got me was a merchant and took the Junkers base
3 months, full of bitterness and anger I have practiced with the Junkers Collector managing and learning how to fight.
I was looking for revenge
one day at a bar Kreuzberg Depot on the table, I found your flyer on recruitment
and now here I am
I want to become a member of the [RHA], I would like to avenge, I want to destroy this false government, to destroy them, I want to return hope to the small people who want only to have his peace in the Rhineland
//OORP- skype name Viragons1, real name Sasa
//OOC- My native language is not English, but Serbian therefore apologize in advance if you're a little can understand me
// timezone +2h from server time