Heading to either Sedona or Bonito to equip my brand-new Conference, the [TAZ]Party.Van. Then, she'll be stationed on Freeport 11 for the purpose of blowing Nomads into space dust.
Annette out.
P.S: Can't get proper equipment on Bonito. Heading to Gran Canaria, then to Corfu instead.
To: Malaclypse, Baffin
Comm ID: Reggie, Veranda Incognita, Port C.
Well, Mal, I can report completion of that Molly "market research" you commissioned me to do in the Veranda.Vixen, old friend. It was a hectic and somewhat emotional voyage.
I set out early from Gran Canaria. Moira was still away visiting old shipmates on Islay, and I took minimal crew, and no cargo along as instructed.
I jumped to Dublin, and wasn't there two seconds before I was contacted rather gruffly by a Republican named "Liam". After the obligatory "'sairs off Canaria!" speech, and a few moments of confusion while Liam verified my "pass" with Arranmore, I was allowed to transit Dublin.
There were multiple pings in Dublin at the time, so I didn't trouble Liam for permission to dock at Arranmore; but I have some old data from a previous visit "before" the recent unpleasantries:
As you can see, no surprises there. They have gold and light arms in abundance, and require H-fuel for daily patrol operations. I then proceeded to New London, and mapped the location of the "Molly Destroyer". I was however unable to dock, as my Whale wouldn't fit in the bay, so no market data was gathered.
I then proceeded to the Cambridge JH, and proceeded to Lisburn Rock:
I didn't expect much to be available on a stoney asteroid. However, they may have "concealed" needs. More Net research will be required. From Lisburn, it was a short hop to the Leeds jumphole, and back into Dublin via the JH south of the Edinburgh lane. I moved quickly through Dublin, then on to Chester and Newcastle.
I recalled that some time ago, Mull Base was buying scads of plutonium from us, so I proceeded there first:
Mull seems to have fallen on hard times, and the plute market seems to have dried up; possibly due to the completion of whatever "project" the Mollys were working on back then. (Oh, and we bought back quite a bit of it when we toasted old Yog Sottot at his "Nomad Prison".)
From there, to Belfast. Surely that nefarious place wouild have some possibilities for trade with the owners:
My day brightened a bit, Mal. They appear to be in good shape manufacturing both Hull Panels, and H-fuel. It also appears that whatever project Mull was involved in has moved to Belfast, as they seem to pay well for plutonium there. The panels could go to our own yards at Livadia or G.C., or perhaps even to Mykolaiv or The Mollys' own yards at Foyle. H-Fuel could go back to Arranmore through Chester.
Another long flight across Newc'sle brought me to the Dundee JH, and then within visual range of Tayport Base, another new Molly outpost:
Tayport requires only the usual necessities, and have a few light arms at rather inflated prices; but again, they may have needs not readily apparent.
I then popped down to Islay, deciding to pick Moira up. They brought her to the docking bay in a bloody wheelbarrow, laughing and enjoying the Thud out of her sorry state. They dumped her in our stateroon, and I could hear her snoing the rest of the way!
And now, my friend, comes the "emotional" part. I dropped back into Dublin from Edin'bro, and managed to contact a coiuple of Indy Mollys for permission to enter Londonderry. Breen's name did the trick this time, and I entered the Guard system without incident. The first station sits in a serious radiation field near planet Cork:
My Goddess, Mal, my radiation detectors were off the scale at a distance of 18 kilometers. How the Mollys can survive, let alone exist on the Kilrea station is testimony to their resolve:
It is not surprising that there is nothing offerred for sale here, nor do they have funds to buy much either:
I lifted from Kilrea with a hard knot in the pit of my stomach, Mal. I had no idea of the scope of this past tragedy. Radiation detectors were still screaming when I grabbed this still on the way to Garvaugh Mining facility:
Garvaugh is an impressive base, but as instructed, I won't reveal any further pictures or intel on Molly assets in Londonderry. However, the amount of gold in that system is staggering:
I'll have to go over more data as to the price of MOX, and whether it is in short supply for the [MR]..
Lifting from Garvaugh, I was contacted by another Republican pilot, Nick Brock, who said he had orders to escort me to the remaining bases, and back to Canaria. At first he was suspicious, and made no bones about disliking his assignment; but that didn't prevent him from talking a blue streak. (I suspect a bit of the local "Greenspot" brew had lubricated his tongue earlier..)
I expressed my sadness at the conditions on Kilrea, and Nick confided that many of the children born there have abnormalities and short lifespans. Again, I was relieved that Moira was still asleep..
Our next stop was Foyle Yards, where many items seem to be in demand. I think here is where we might make the most difference, Mal:
Nick then esorted me to our last in Londonderry, Coleraine Base. It is a huge rocky moonlet, equalling Cape Wrath or Macon in size and population:
Again, if there is anything we can provide for this Facility, it must be of a "confidential" nature...
Nick seemed a bit more trusting as we lifted for the 49 JH. The trip to Gran C. was uneventul. At the last minute, I knew I would not be able to face Moira. or myself for that matter, unless I did something for those poor children on Kilrea; so I transmitted a modest donation to Nick's account. At first he resisted, afraid that he would be accused of "taxing" a TAZ; but eventually he agreed to re-send the funds to Councillor Breen for re-distribution. We parted company, and I managed to get my dear Moira into a hovercart, and reach the Veranda.
That's about the size of it, Mal. Some opportunities for profit, many opportunities to assist the [MR], and a huge feeling of responsibility to help the survivors of Cork and the children of Kilrea. Eris would want it that way, I believe.
Let me know if you need more data, and I will lift again. This time, with a full hold.
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Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Malcalypse; Reggie and Moira Waverly
I have been reviewing your studies, Reggie, and I'm very disturbed. There was much that I had only heard about but didn't really know. Planet Cork.....
*sits back, shaking his head, thoroughly disgusted. He sits speechless for several minutes*
I have ordered Commander Haddock to fly Med.Force.One to Gran Canaria. I will make it's medical and research facilities available for you and even Molly leadership if desired.
It appears we "primates" still have a long way to go, Doc. I too am saddened by some of Reggie's findings. All the more reason to continue his research, eh? I'll continue efforts with the Molly Republic, sir. Hopefully we can find a way to help this proud group of freedom fighters.
Meanwhile, I received a flimsy through the Coalition's Consulate on Shasta: Their Memo states that the need for refugee "settlers" in Omega 52 is growing again. Could you contact them and work out the details, please?
We also need to re-visit our "Travel Advisory" for Kusari, my friend. I think perhaps it would be safe to resume "non-sensitive" shipments through their Core worlds again; keeping in mind that our new friends the Consortium also needs a few items on occassion to "balance the Chao'.
To Reggie:
Your "dry runs" in the Vixen have given us a good basis for establishing trade with the Mollys, Reg. I've received permission for you to continue your research, this time with a variety of commodities which may not be listed on their dealers' lists, for comparison. Call me soonest if any problems arise, and good luck.
To all TAZ: Until Doc reviews, and we've had a chance to pursue another round of talks with Councillor Breen, Kusari and Dublin are still under "Travel Advisories". You know the alternative routes. Be careful out there.
I have not much to report about our travels; Everything went smoothly.
I'm currently taking a little break in Minnesota. Fortunately i have some Gallic wine on board!
Comm ID: Linus Koios
Vessel: Loose Ends
Location: Duluth Shipyard, Minnesota System
Busy day in Zonerville! Started out sour: found out my 'ole Mammoth'd cost an arm an' two legs to fix. Graham did somethin' really weird to her reactor, an' it's a miracle she didn't blow on the trip there. Turned around pretty quick, though; turns out Mathias (my gunner) apprenticed as an engineer on a 'moth before tryin' to join the military. I'm tellin' ya, the guy's a natural. Caught a shuttle to Hamburg to pick up a new Behemoth...'fore we were outta the system, he'd already tweaked the cruise engines. They're practically silent now, smoothest ride I've ever had!
Took a ride to New Berlin to break 'er in, and pick up some turrets from Bonn. Seems my 'ole Mammoth's liberty turrets wouldn't've fit anyway. Met Gabe at Brandenburg, an' we were off to the races! Except they weren't races, they were mazes of mines, with no mimes to make it interesting. We saw...
Pretty nutty place, but I gotta tell ya, think I'd feel pretty safe there. After droppin' by to say hi, we went to Livadia to pick up some engine components to take to Freeport 11. Thing is, when stuff breaks Out There, you need stuff to fix it with...an' not much sucks worse'n having yer engines go out on ya in Delta. So we cruised into Delta with fire on our butts an' engines in our bellies. Or mebbe it was that bowl 'o pork an' beans I ate...anyway!
From there, we grabbed some iridium to take to the Mollers. I read Reggie's report, an', well...sad what some spacemonkey's're willing to do to others, eh? We mighta had some trouble goin' through Gamma if the Corsairs got wind of what we were up to...but turns out they were about to be sorta busy with a huge Outcast raid. We even saw 'least one battleship...Renge told us not to worry, though, which is good, 'cuz I was kinda worried 'bout gettin' caught in the crossfire. We made it through okay, though.
Omegas were pretty quiet...pretty sure every Corsair in space was rushin' to Gamma, heh. On our way through London, we met a buncha BAF in passing, and even got a wee Gaian escort wing for a bit. They had to fly off to go an' buzz a battleship or somethin', though, and couldn't stay. Just as well - I don't think the Mollies an' Gaians get along too good nowadays. No real trouble from there, either; just a straight shot to Belfast in Newcastle. Sold the Mollies 2975u of shiny Zoner iridium there - they seemed pretty happy about it, probably 'cuz it's not easy to come by. Pretty sure you can't even get the stuff anywhere in Bretonia.
After a quick drink in the Belfast bar, we bought some ship hull panels from 'em an' parted ways. The trip to Duluth Shipyard in Minnesota went smooth, too - brief scare when some fella named Sanchez seemed to be followin' me, but turns out we were just ridin' the same river for a bit. Gabe and I had a nice little talk with a passin' Freelancer, an' docked. Gotta do some routine diagnostics an' such on the 'moth, make sure everything's still shipshape. She's a fine ship, sturdy, great sensor suite, good firin' arcs on the fore turrets, an' plenty of crew space. Dahlia gripes 'bout her emissions, though...thinks Rheinland engines can't run clean, so her an' Mathias have been arguin' 'bout how to make 'em better. The Chao spins!
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Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Gran Canaria
To: E-Prime;
You will find Med.Force.One docked just off of Gran Canaria. I have advised Commander Haddock, the medical and research staffs on the the Molly situation. They are ordered not to fire unless they come under direct attack themselves.
Mal, Reggie, they are standing by with all facilities available for Reggie's work. If the MR wants and allows, it will be able to run some pretty deep scans and such. No, it can't bring back lost lives but we can try to make things right.
To the rest of TAZ, unless Mal trumps me, I am adopting the policy that OSI has in place. Nothing more than food, water and consumer goods are too be shipped to rival factions. I want deny anyone such basic necessities. I think we have strayed a bit from neutrality and it's time to get back to it. Keep the plutonium going to Lanzerate and any military type goods can be shipped to the Gallic Council on Marne and Macon.
I will be busy in my office here at my Estate as it's central to things. I will be shuttling to and from Med.Force.One as well but mostly, I need to be home more with Mrs. Holliday as she gets closer to delivery day.
To: [font=Comic Sans Ms][color=#FF0000]This Channel From: [font=Comic Sans Ms][color=#FF0000]Cadmus
Well, I've been puttering around the Core Systems recently... taking a look at things from a different perspective. It's a while since I came through these parts, so I'm taking a bit of time to look around, and avoid volatile situations. Took some hull panels to that quiet backwater Minnesota, then shipped some chemical byproducts for ALG down to Alster... the Navy was fine with that. I'm itching to take some Engine Components or H-Fuel out rimwards, probably to Arranmore. I'd need your blessings to do that, given the political climate we have out there, as of late. Probably ship some heavy water north to Ames after that.
I don't think I'll end up going to Gallia for a bit... I'm enjoying this change of pace.
Last time I saw Houston, I was being shot at by the battleship in orbit... heh.
The good news is, I continued research on Molly trade this morning, running engines to Foyle Yards. From there, I shipped basic alloy over to Belfast. Now, as ship hull panels seem to be in need on Mykolaiv by the Coaltion, so I loaded up and proceeded down through Dublin and towards Omega 52. On the way, I chatted amiably with the [MR]Landsverk; and also briefly encountered an SCRA vessel in Omega 49.. "Ben" something. Oddly, the SCRA pilot was grouped with an Order vessel. Bloody Thud, I can't keep track of who's sniffing whose arse anymore..
Oh, yes, and yesterday, Kyte and I flew into 52 with that first load of refugees requested by the Coalition.
We had even popped over to Mykolaiv to pick up engines outbound.
It seems that if the Coalition is willing to allow us access to Mykolaiv, and well as transit through Omega 52 for other TAZ routes, we may yet be able to "Balance the Chao".
++ Source : Gabriel Angelos, Captain of the Tau.Ceti.Central ++
++ Destination : Episkopos Prime, Mr. Holiday ++
++ Derivation : TAZ Popes ++
++ Encryption level : omega ++
++ Transmission begins ++
I had today a nice talk at Tom's bar in Gran Canaria with a Molly pilot.
I tried their home made Whisky, and it's a tuff drink!
Besides, it seems he wanted to have a talk with me.
He gave me an envelope containing some evidences Mollys gathered in Omega 49.
Among others files, there was a picture showing a Sails gunboat docking to Gran Canaria, and another one showing two Corsairs gunboats using Dublin JH.
I was quite surprised about this. I didn't know the Area of influence of Sails contained Omega 49.
Althought i stated everyone could cross O49, as long as they didn't break our rules, and that it could be a problem for we Zoners to control who is crossing or using our system.
The pilots said if we didn't or couldn't address this, they would have to do it themselves.
He spoke of placing mines around Omega 49 JH in Dublin, so that no one could use it anymore. He agreed this would not be the best way to fix it though.
I asked him if instead they could build a station and defenses near the JH to control the traffic. But it seems they would not want to waste resources for this matter.
I was thinking we could make an agreement to provide to them materials to make this station. After all we zoners have access to a lot of sources for such materials.
The only problem is about what the Queen of Bretonia would think about all this.
We could consider allowing the building of the station in Omega 49, near Dublin JH.
Just throwing ideas here actually.
Anyway, somehow i think this is the very core of the issues we have to address with Mollys :
Allowing Corsairs to use and stay in Omega 49, as long as there is a way to ensure they will not endager Mollys assets in Dublin.
That is all i remember about our little conversation.
Have a good day.