.:Incoming Transmission:.
Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin.
Neural Net ID: Flieger, Heinrich Kraus.
[color=#FF0000]Transmission Begin
My first day as a new Flieger was quite eventful. It is a great honor to finally be accepted into the Rheinland fleet. As I took my wraith out into space, I was immediately confronted by two belligerent Unioners. Several of my wingmen teamed up with me and I attempted to reason with these men. I explain that they should leave Rheinland with their lives, rather than die with their pride and that should they not abandon their criminal activities, I would have no choice but to destroy them. These men mocked and spit on Rheinland's good name. I will not abide dissent within our glorious nation and I gave the order to my fellow soldier to open fire. The odds were stacked in our favor and this filth's destruction was quickly sealed with the assistance of the Alberich. We followed another fugitive that accompanied him through one of the asteroid fields until he had left our scanner range and we lost him.
I then joined the RNC-Alberich in front of planet New Berlin, where we waited for our other wingmen to assemble to begin a patrol. A Rheinland behemoth, with the IFF tag Daumann, was carrying the proper identification for a slave ship. I quickly questioned this gentleman's ID, and he assured me that it was a mixup. His cargo hold was empty and there were no signs of slaves. After careful deliberation, and advice from Herr Vogel, I decided it was best to allow the captain to continue on to a Daumann base and assume the proper identification.
I could then hear Herr Hund conversing with a vessel over the open communications channel. The conversation sounded somewhat heated, and we proceeded to his location to determine the cause of the situation. This is when I came upon the Gaian vessel that was transporting flora and fauna that could have posed a potential threat to Rheinland. My superior Herr Vogel, was confronting this vessel. The captain of this vessel claimed that he was looking to make a profit and open up a trade agreement for the study of this wildlife. After his terms were refused, he asked to receive an escort into Bretonia. This of course was unacceptable and he was instructed to return to Brandenburg station, where the plant and animal life could be safely disposed of, while he could still receive a marginal profit.
During the course of our patrols and our interrogations of the different vessels we encountered, we had multiple intrusions from a group of mercenaries known as the AGA. They were a Daumann hired escort service and they did nothing but stick their nose in our business and attempt to take the role of police, even following pirates into an asteroid belt. While their assistance did prove useful at certain points, I'm not entirely sure I appreciate their presence and vigilante tactics.
Once our preliminary patrols had been completed, one squad maintained patrols, while my group headed to Braunschweig for some training. My opponent was Herr Hund and he fought excellently. We began with simple dogfights with low powered weapons and our engagements broke as soon as we dropped the others shield. I was in the race very heavy fighter, and he was using a bomber. The first round went to Hund. The second round was quickly mine. Several rounds later, I found myself quite humbled and in need of additional training... which I definitely will schedule. Herr Hund's shift ended, and I resumed patrols with Herr Vogel myself. After a rather uneventful patrol throughout the core systems of Rheinland, have Vogel and myself are turned back to battleship Strausberg, where I docked and proceeded to fill out the report which you now read. I was rather pleased that I was able to distribute some Rheinland justice on my first day service, but it still pains me to have to kill a fellow Rheinlander. Tomorrow I will diligently resume my patrols, and report on my findings.
I had several gun cam shots saved, but I believe it took a hit from an asteroid as we scanned the belt for that Unioner. All I have to attach to this report is video proof of the Unioner's destruction.
Location Confirmed: Brandenburg Border Station, New Berlin.
Neural Net ID: Flieger, Heinrich Kraus.
Transmission Begin
Mein Herr und mein Gott, it is with a heavy heart that I report today. I was informed upon my departure from the Battleship Strausberg docking bay, that Das Wilde were detected in the area. Immediately I formed up with the RNC-Neuss and prepared to engage the hostile targets. Something was very wrong though. These men claimed to be our own and that they were under orders from the Admiral herself to destroy the 'traitor' vessel I had just come with. They opened fire without word upon the RNC vessel and I began to fire upon what I believed at the time to be my own brother in arms. I don't know even how to describe it, but his words felt like they were echoing in my skull. He was so calm and his demeanor so unnatural. I had my suspicions, but surely these men were on our side. Surely they had just made a mistake. I ceased fire as I had been directed and . . . I watched as they destroyed the ship. I didn't know what to do.
It was just myself and my fellow Flieger, Herr Hund. As I spoke to them, their words became more and more false to me. I ordered them to return to the Strausberg with me to report on their 'victory'. They refused and began to leave. I called out once more to stop them and they made veiled threats against me. I could no longer refuse the truth and I ordered my comrades to open fire and destroy these traitors. Herr Hund, a Gefreiter and a mercenary joined us in our duty to exterminate the infested filth that now controlled the withered husks of these once good men.
The tides of battle seemed to be shifting in our favor, but our men fell slowly one by one. I would not give up, I could not give up. I would either win this fight or lose my life, but I would not allow them to escape after what they had done. I became careless in my panic and zeal and as I radioed for anyone that would rally behind our cause, my Wraith was pierced by several of the traitor's powerful blasts. I had no choice but to eject and make my way to Brandenburg Station. How I escaped with my life, I cannot say, but I hang my head in shame that so many lost theirs today because of my hesitation.
Fortunately, I was able to recover the final image transmitted from my gun-cam before my vessel was destroyed. I saved it into the computer of my escape pod and I will attach it to this report.
I was called out of the barracks on a scramble of sorts; I'd heard offhand that a Bretonian ambassador was arriving and was in need of escort. What I hadn't heard was that the vessel carrying that ambassador had already arrived, but was being pestered by the nefarious Joker. So after strapping into my Wraith and receiving the green light for launch, one of the first things through the system comm channels was his cackling.
A bit unnerved, but nevertheless determined to ram his ship into a star if I ever saw it, I requested a situation report from the units currently afield. Frau Leutnant Schneider was acting as our host and was on station with her Wraith, while two Bretonian Intelligence Service pilots were serving escort for the diplomatic vessel, named the HMS Albion. They had gathered in Neu Berlin orbit alongside the RNC Alberich, all the while being pestered by the Joker. But instead of a band of cronies, as it turned out, a Unioner bomber pilot was with him, and was making jabs at our military and our government all the same.
Frau Schneider ordered myself and a nearby "Able's Aces" pilot to start scanning around to find them; perhaps she was a bit too motivated by his personal insults, but I digress: I followed my orders. A quick sweep of the outskirts of the Ruhrfeld and Saarfeld gleaned nothing on the scanners, but the Joker felt like proclaiming his location after Frau Schneider demonstrated her.. desire to fight.
We found them, only the two, by the Stuttgart Jump Gate. The Joker was not one for pleasantries and quickly got to pulling triggers, while the traitorous Unioner followed suit; it was simply amazing that this individual could stoop so low as to even assist such a vile terrorist. Clearly morals are no longer a factor in their "righteous" campaign.
In any case, we did battle nearly half-way across the system. Even with all reserve fighter pilots called in, the Joker's ship proved a tough target; since we were ignoring his Unioner freund (who decided to make a habit of shooting me in the back), that snake fed the Joker more recharges, prolonging the fight. Eventually the fight began to reach a critical spot: Leutnant Schneider was warning us of her ship's status whilst a second Unioner and a Corsair appeared on the scene. The second Unioner belted out some ideological phrase or another, and the Corsair sat back and waited while the Joker attempted to bribe him, but oddly enough the Unioner escaped from the fight before it had even concluded, and the Corsair simply sat idle. A gunboat, the RNC Rommel, appeared very late in the fight to offer assistance, but it was called off.
Eventually not even the infamous Joker and his Tridente could withstand the full weight of some four fighters, with their combined tachyon, pulse, and missile payloads. As for his Unioner freund, he got his reward shortly after: bereft of recharges he was a nice target, and I personally was just a few seconds shy of punching a pair of missiles through his cockpit before the bomber exploded. The two observers bolted without a word.
We returned to the planet where the ambassador's ship was waiting, safe and sound. After a bit of socializing, I politely declined to join the festivities aboard the Albion and returned to the ship in order to chalk those two kills on the board and write this report. A brief "patrol", ja, but eventful enough I'd say.
At 6:21 SMT 26. 04. 818., aboard the command cruiser of Vizeadmiral Alec Voelkel, the Seydlitz, a mortal accident occurred. The Vizeadmiral himself while attempting to recover a can of soda from a vending machine was the subject to the terrible occurrence, as the faulty machine fell on him during the process. The disaster was immediately noticed by several members of the cruiser's crew, who hastily summoned medical aid, thus saving at least temporarily the life of Vizeadmiral Voelkel. He is currently in a coma, resting in one of the finest beds provided by a New Berlin hospital, which one exactly will not be named on a public channel. Some of Rheinland's best medics and surgeons are currently fighting for his life, but the chances of recovery from this terrific accident are dubious.
Soldaten, I ask you not to be affected by this occurrence and keep fighting for the Vaterland as you always did, with or without Vizeadmiral Voelkel. He is now fighting another war, fought for his very own life while you make Rheinland's glory rise through our victories against the Libertonian marauders.
Location Confirmed: Brandenburg Border Station, New Berlin.
Neural Net ID: Flieger, Heinrich Kraus.
[color=#FF0000]Transmission Begin
Guten tag, mein vorgesetzten. It has been some time since the Das Wilde incident. Yet, my dreams are still haunted by the voices of those that cry out and who are no longer among us. I have decided that instead of wallowing in self-pity, I'll take charge and never let this happen again. From this moment forward, I'll never see another brother in arms struck down by the treacherous infected dogs.
I have finalized the preparations for my bomber, while my Wraith is being mostly rebuilt. The Bergelmir is my new pride and joy. She will deliver swift justice to the enemies of the Vaterland and I will do my best to be the hands, eyes and mouth of the Chancellor.
Today was my first patrol in the Bergelmir and I must confess it to be rather uneventful. I had the chance to strike up decent conversation with a Daumann vessel that told me he thought he had seen Red Hessians, but I found none in my patrols of the core systems.
After my patrols, I reported to Battleship Strausberg for any particular missions. Whether the Daumann captain was indeed correct, or this was a very strange coincidence, I am uncertain, but I was sent with a small detachment to clear out a Hessian base in the nearby asteroid belt. Of course, these minor foes to our glorious nation were promptly eliminated. Still, it pains me to see fellow Rheinlanders die. Why do things have to be this way? My faith in the Chancellor is unshakable, but how could these others be so willing to lay down their life and die for a blind ideal? Perhaps time will be the only one to answer these questions truthfully, but I digress. I maintained a constant vigil until my shift ended and I returned to The Strausberg, to hit the rack and close my eyes. Whenever I do, I still see the Neuss' destruction. I think I finally understand some of our best soldiers are cold. Sometimes you have to be.
>> INCOMING TRANSMISSION >> Location: Hamburg - Battleship Westphalen >> CommID: Rene Gruse - RNC-Nauen >> To Rheinland Military Border Patrol Command >> Opening data channel...
Guten Tag Herr Patrollienoffizier,
please register the following actions to the patrol log -> Northern Patrol Section and Liberty embargo barrier log.
Patrol Members: Reserve RNC-Nauen, Reserve RNC-Rommel, Reserve Wotan Steiner, Reserve Gneisenau Patrol Orders: Patrol northern Rheinland sectors. Patrol embargo barrier zone. Time: 20100428-17... ***CRZRZ***.... Transmission aborted... recovered ***crzrzrz*** ...until 20100429-02:20 MEZ Report:
During this patrol in the northern Section no suspicious elements break the embargo barrier.
One suspect with a faulty transponder code was ordered to halt. The callsign of this armored freighter was Atlan and he fix that transponder problem at Planet Hamburg.
During the patrol some local authorities in Stuttgart request for help by several Missions in Stuttgart. RNC-Rommel and Gneisenau solved those security threads successfully.
I have to mention the escort of reserve pilot Wotan Steiner for a Rep|Ex vessel between Stuttgart and Munich. Herr Steiner encounters a Unioners train with callsign "AGS-U|Meine.Liebe" during that escort. He try to engange them but like unioners often do they flee and manage that somehow and Herr Steiner must abort the engage. Herr Steiner ecort the Rep|Ex vessel succesfully to Munich.
We got one hint that several Corsair vessels heading system New Berlin from direction system Dresden. RNC-Rommel, Herr Steiner and me saw this as a big threat to rheinland systems and so we left our embargo border patrol at system Hamburg to secure the dresden jumpgate sector.
Immediately after we reach the jumpgate 2 corsair ships attack us without communication. It was a very short fight with only shield damages and the corsairs manage to escape through the jumpgate to dresden. We engage them. After we are jumped to dresden and all ship-systems working properly we have an corsair cruiser on our radar in 4k. (Remark Gruse: We thaught we`r doomed)
I don`t know whats going on at these corsair people minds but they seem not linked together and our patrol see a bigger reasonable threat in this cruiser than in engaging the 2 fleeing ships. So we led those 2 vessels flee and secure the area around the cruiser. For our surpise the Commander of the Battlecruiser follow our orders (Remark Gruse: Mein Herr, we havent any chance with a standard border patrol squad against a battlecruiser) to leave rheinland space.
We escort the battlecruiser to Omega-15. The corsair battlecruiser leaves there our escort, the rheinland space and our radarscreen without further problems.
We got back to our patrol station at the northern perimeter. Only further report to make is that LNS-Michigan joined Bering and disappear. Long-Range scanners wasnt able to locate this vessel after the surpising disappear.
Rene Gruse
>> Closing data channel... >> TRANSMISSION TERMINATED
~~ Comm ID: Flieger Otto Baucher ~~
Guten tag herr und fraulin
Mein first tag as a Flieger was quite succesful.
Ofcourse, not the 'being destroyed part'. Luckily, I survived. The Smokeones didn't see my escape pod.
I was launching from planet Hamburg, when suddenly I receive a distress call from a RNC.
Smokeones and Joker's thugs...
After I put down a thug, I moved on to a Smokeone. As I was using a manuever I went backwards with my fighter. I let go a mine and moved quickly towards the Smokeone. We collided and the mine went of. We were both destroyed.
This all happened near the New Berlin jump gate.
I was safely transported back to Alster shipyard.
Here are pictures of the action.
Awesome sigz by Cabulb
[20:44] Avalanche (Greg/Pharos): Yeah, I ****ing know serbian.
~~ Comm ID: Flieger Otto Baucher ~~
Guten tag herr und fraulin
Mein second tag as a Flieger was quite succesful.
I was on a patrol near Bonn station when me and a rheinland gunboat saw a AGS. The gunboat's sign was Chancellor's. After finished talking about our opinions, I opened fire. He was shortly just a pile of ruins in space.
After that, a Volks and another AGS intercepted us. We moved closer near Bonn. We received reinforced fire from battleship Strausburg. Then, they fled.
Here are pictures of the action.
Awesome sigz by Cabulb
[20:44] Avalanche (Greg/Pharos): Yeah, I ****ing know serbian.
Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin.
Neural Net ID: Flieger, Heinrich Kraus.
[color=#FF0000]Transmission Begin
[color=#FFFFFF]Tonight as I removed my uniform, my symbol of authority. My uniform, the one thing that visibly defines me as a soldier and defender . . . my mind is weary. Though it is a great amalgamation of things that make a soldier, I myself cannot define it. I have begun to question what is in myself that even makes me a soldier.
As I took my newly repaired Wraith out for a patrol, I came across two people in Braunschweig. I must confess, I had quite a shock. I saw a large Junker vessel in front of me and with this person, one of our own. Instantly my mind rushed to a negative conclusion, something I'm trying to break myself of. I had heard the name Gunther Rall before at the academy, but only among the chatter of the mess hall or as my superiors spoke in their private quarters. A hero and a legend . . . the very kind of person I hope to one day become. This same man was looking down the barrel of his Hornvipers at me with malcontent.
It has only been a few short months since my incident with the Das Wilde. Why was this man with a Junker and why would he even continue to show his face after, by his own words, 'resigning'? My mind reeled as I tried to find the answers and was confronted by only more questions of my own and insults from a former superior. The tension was thick as I dodged veiled threats in my search for the truth. Herr Rall made mention that he was waiting for someone and that someone finally arrived. Herr Steinke of the Valkyries made his way into Braunschweig to address these two.
Such cloak and dagger diplomacy I am not familiar with. I know there is chaos within our ranks these days, but truly has the sheer depth of it never been revealed to me until tonight. Sometimes I wonder who the military really follows. Is it our glorious Gott Kanzler, or our military tacticians? After the death of my father, I think I wanted to escape the confines of my own mind so much that I joined just so I'd never have to think for myself again. Does blind servitude make a soldier? Does zeal and passion make a soldier? I've fought hard just to become a Flieger and I won't back down now. I've chosen a life of servitude to Rheinland, but I cannot help but wonder if everyone else's priorities have shifted due to the rising tensions lately. It is a difficult thing to gauge your loyalty to your brothers in arms against that of your entire homeland.
When does a man or a woman turn their back on their duty to follow their ideals? When does zeal for nation turn into self-righteousness? Without sounding like a cliche, this is the route our enemies have taken. A wish to reform Rheinland that they enforce with defiance, empty rhetoric and eventually terrorism. Truly, I must wonder where the loyalties of some of my superiors lay. I dare not write more on the matter, for I don't wish for this entry to fall into hostile eyes, but now more than ever have the limits of my loyalty begun to be tested. I will not yield to those who serve themselves or each other. I serve only one and that is The Kanzler. Only his wisdom and strength will lead us out of the encroaching darkness that threatens to consume us all.
Guten Tag Meine Herren,
Today we got report from our Patrols that Liberty Navy Vessels have been spotted in Hamburg System.
I enrouted to Hamburg and soon after Herr Kreuzchen joined me. There was also a member of Red Hessian Army
with us, who had decided to help us against Libertonians. But seems they were attacked by the RNC vessel
present in System and were fleeing as we got there. After nearly an hour of searching around the System,
we got reports from Westphalia that the LNS Ship was spotted moving to New Hampshire via Bremen.
After making sure they'd left the Rheinland Space, we were moving to regroup at Planet Hamburg, but I had to
jump out of the lane when I detected Hans Eckhard on my Scanner.
There was also a Freelancer named "Hf.Henrik.Drum" with him whom I doubt was actually the Hauptfeldwebel of Military.
According to our Orders, Hans Eckhard was asked to surrender his ship and be moved to Moselle, but as he refused
we had to open fire on him and as expected, the Freelancer opened fire on us as well.
I believe members of High Command might want to have a talk with Polizei, because, in middle of the fight,
Polizei Oberst, Kurt Meyer arrived and to our surprise, He opened fire on -Us- to protect Eckhard! I don't believe
protecting a known Criminal is acceptable from a Polizei Officer.
Well, It is obvious that with the "Help" from Polizei Oberst, we failed to stop Eckhard. That won't happen again.
- Fw.A.Wiesen
~ End of Transmission ~
~ Transmission Terminated ~