**Incoming signal
**Target: Rheinland Federal Polizie Report Database
**ID: Kommisar Hans Regenkurt
**Subject:Patrol Report on 21.03.818
Today was quite interesting if I may say this. After taking off, I ran into a rare sight in Rheinland, a Bounty Hunter built battleship, flying around in New Berlin. At this time, the Rheinwehr was already escorting it towards the Dresden System so it may leave Rheinland.
Just a few minutes later, two outcast ships showed up, both ships belonged to the 101st of the Outcast. They didn't come to cause trouble, and I also ordered the nearby Bounty Hunter and Rheinwehr ships to leave them be. Fortunately everyone understood, so there was no trouble with them.
After making sure everything is in order, I moved to Hamburg, where I was looking for embargo breakers or pirates, but I didn't find anything. I was on my way back, when the following message arrived:
I rushed towards the targeted area, but by the time I reached the Frankfurt Jumpgate, Helgoland Station from Sigma-13 reported that they saw the ship on their scanners, heading towards Kusari. With nothing more I could do, I headed to New Berlin. During this time, I also contacted some Rheinwehr pilots to ask for assistance in catching the Libertonians, but we failed thistime. Also, Rheinwehr escorted the Bounty Hunters out of Rheinland, but ran into a few Hessians in Dresden, so I moved to assist.
On my way, I ran into one of these hessians, who had quite strange weapons mounted on his ship. Intel told me those guns are Libertonian pirate made, and it is used by a faction called "The Lane Hackers".
Upon my arrival, there were 4 Hessians and a Libertonian mercenary fighting 3 Rheinwehr pilots. During the fight, All Hessians retreated, leaving the Libertonian there, who I left for the Rheinwehr to take care of.
Guten Tag,
Patrol started at New Berlin, from where I moved to Dresden, Stuttgart and Hamburg, to check the Lanes, everything was clear. I encountered 2 Junker transports in Hamburg, both were following the law, so I had nothing to do. A bit later I was called to Stuttgart, a Daumann vessel called for help, because it was under attack by a Haessian. Unfortunately I was too late, the Daumann Vessel had to pay to escape the complete destruction...
I ended the Patrol in Stuttgart, lets hope I can be faster next time.
** Incoming signal **
**Target: Rheinland Federal Polizie Report Database **
[color=#000000]** ID : Kadet Otto Von Helman **
** Subject : Report on 1.04.818 **
** Location : Elbe **
Guten tag mein herr.
Sorry for the delay reporting in Elbe but Rheinland Military need my help. They had a small battle with some pirates ( Nothing important for them ) but need somebody to help them with a prisioner. Just a routine scort to the prision in Hamburg from New Berlin.
Fernando.Alvarado ( Outcast bomber, outcast trasponder ) was moved to Vierlanden Prision without any problem. After that I returned my travel to Elbe and report and start my work.
Guten Tag, yesterdays patrol was as following:
I started the patrol at New Berlin, shortly after launching the Inspektor contacted me about some strange things in Omega 7. Once I was there everything was solved, so we did a basic patrol of the Rheinlandish space.
At all nothing worth mentioning.
Guten Tag,
Patrol started in New Berlin, from where I moved to Frankfurt and Munich. I took a little Strudel break at Ingolstadt. After I undocked I realized a vessel belonging to the Alster Union, first I tried to make this one to realize their mistakes and after that surrender, but there was no possibility.
After some time another one jumped in, so I had to face 2 of them, both not willed to surrender.
As ordered by the law, I had to remove both of them, which took some time, as both were skilled pilots, but I was able to do my job.
After both were terminated, I moved to Hamburg, to deliver some prisoners.
Guten Tag,
Patrol started in New Berlin, after meeting Inspektor Putzkanner and Kommisar Olavsson we moved to Frankfurt, where 3 Volksfront ships were reported.
After some of the usual talk, they opened fire. Heavy Ionstorms made it nearly impossible to hit them and after the Inspektors got some technical problems, they targeted me and destroyed my Mjolnir.
The Doctors said everything should be good soon, so that I can fly again.
Today i was stationed in Hamburg for Cargo Inspections of trafic inbound to Liberty. After a while i was asked to assist Inspektor Putzkammer and Oberst Meyer to track down some Volksfront ships located in Frankfurt. With minor interuptions on our way to Frankfurt we made it there fairly quickly.
As usual, from the loudmouth freedom fighters, they continued to shout out about how evil we are, how we shoot down civilians, obey the kanzler only for the pay and not for the good of the people and so on. As the cats got our tongues we began to commence the attack. Ionstorms happened to pass by making the targeting system glitchy. Inspektor Putzkammer encountered some issues and had to retreat from the battle, only me and Oberst Mayer versus three Volksfront Sabres. Oberst Mayer went down first. Then inspektor Putzkammer re-entered the fight to assist me. I was taken down.
Currently enjoying some strudles and a smoke after a quick patch-up. I should be back in duty in no time. Those grease monkeys work amazingly fast theese days. Must be the strudles!
I joined up with Inspektor Putzkammer on my Mjolnir to go for a patrol. As i exited from Hamburg i was greeted by two RNC Gunboats. Just as i was about to take the lane to Alster Shipyard. i see two OF| tagged ships who avoided the checkpoint where the RNC was stationed. The RNC went after them. They were Slavers, carrying slaves in their cargo. The RNC managed to take down one of the slavers but the other was still on the run.
I met up with Inspektor Putzkammer at Dortmund Station in New Berlin. Just then i was asked by the RNC to intercept the running slaver in Frankfurt. We proceeded to the Frankfurt Jumpgate and awaited the slaver to arrive in New Berlin. I asked for a status update and the RNC told me the slaver had gone to Sigma-13! We flew halfway through Frankfurt until my private comms was hacked by someone special: The Joker.
He was pleading for help, there was chaos in New Berlin, people dying. Me and Inspektor Putzkammer headed out to New Berlin to answer to this threat. I switched over to one of our shared Bergelmirs bombers who were on standby in New Berlin. It didn't take long before we found the loudmouth Joker.
After little talk we opened fire. Me, Inspektor Putzkammer and a RNC Gunboat was against The Joker in his Tridente Gunship and one of his thugs in an Eagle. Inspektor Putzkammer told the RNC Gunboat to target the Eagle but he didn't listen. I was the unlucky one being targeted by the Eagle. Sadly, i was taken down. A Bounty Hunter happened to pass by and he took me back to New Berlin. I heard later that Inspektor Putzkammer succeeded in taking down The Joker.
My name is Dominik.Mertins and I m new by the Rheinland Polizei.
I was by the Rheinland Military before in a squadron against Liberty.
My squadron is spliting in another squadrons and I had only two choices.
Leave the Military or joining a another Squadron.
My choice was leaving and join the Polzei in Rheinland.
This was little descripe about me.
It was my first patrol and a little bit boring with one exeption.
A Corsair is just using the lane and fly to the Suttgart Jumgate in the front of my ship.
He Jumped and he took no notice from me.
After the discuss "Why he used our Lanes" he attacks me.
He had no chance and boom.
The gute news was a Gunboat from our department, but its got during the fight some Snac hits.
A engine hit by the Berlin-Tegel and she cant move.
The Bundschhus first target was the Berling-Tegel.
After some attacks, they concentrate on my ship.
Around 20 Minutes the Bundschuh got reinforcment and 2 minutes later a Hessian.
That was too much and the Berlin-Tegel cover my retriet.
We arrived both the Bonn Station with heavy damage.