I was on a solo patrol of Delta when i came across something ive
never seen before surrounding any ship. The Cpt informed me this
was Nomad Tech. I think it should be investigated. Video Feed Here.
**Highly Encrypted Channel**
**Barnes Online** Considering a day has passed and the Primary Fleet
have had no interest at all in this TCG will take charge
and investigate this fully. As usual.
"Order High Command is completely aware of the situation you have managed to up link. What we choose to do and when we choose to do it is up to us, so whether or not we have provided you with an answer within a day is irrelevant. If you wish to contact the HC in haste, there are different methods of doing so and you well aware of most of them.
Further more, you will act when ordered to, not before and not on your own, without supervision or approval.
**Barnes Online**
Well considering i am the Leader of TCG
i will tell my men what to do , when to do it and with who to do it.
Do i make myself clear. Good, now get on with your job,
and il get on with mine.
Dont you dare speak to me like that again Admiral, we were
simply sick of waiting for you to pull your finger out and be aware
of the situation. That desk and donuts are making you soft.
I would also like to offer you some quick and needed advice.
Please note in future that we are the Order High Command, and you are merely one branch of the Order.
To be honest, I am fed up of seeing all these dataslates from you and your wing.
I can't talk for the rest of the High Command here, but I make a point to read all of your transmissions, yet I don't reply. Why? Becasue it's hardly ever nessercary.
Contrary to your belief, the High Command does know what's going on throughout Sirius, we do have contacts, we do have reports flooding into our inboxes regarding such things every day.
If you wish to take that tone with us, then we will be the same.
You will not act on anything controversial, new, or anything which may have an effect on the Order without High Command Approval. Do I make myself clear?
I'm sure you want to stay on friendly terms with us, or you will find your wing falling apart. I will not stand for disrespect and disloyalty within an organisation such as ours.
[color=#000000] Fleet Admiral Lee Brandon - Order Primary Fleet
"Grand Admiral Lee Brandon shared what I would have, as such there is no more need to add anything to his statements. As to keep your mind occupied I will share this with you.
Captain Barnes, you are on very thin ice. The AID is one of the last branches of The Order people wish to threaten."
Either way, the Wedjat has already conducted preliminary investigations on the vessel. At this point in time, we have concluded the vessel poses no threat to The Order, or humanity. If you wish to waste resources on it, go ahead, but they will be just that, a waste of resources.
We also advise you not to bait the Zoner ship into combat. As always however, you are free to defend yourself from destruction.
Another point to consider is the fact that you are loitering in a No-Fire Zone. Something which is prohibited by our allies.
Finally, curb that tone.
Order High Command
Xander Aaron Ainsley Augustus Jacen Bastian Eadbhard Alexander Qayshon Dabney von Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorf
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I dont care what crap you pen pushers make up, the simple fact is
i came across something i thought was worth reporting to High Command.
And then i get attacked by you fools for doing so. We thought it was important
hence the urgency for wanting a reply. We are not mind readers at TCG, a simple
reply would of sufficed, and we wouldnt be left wondering what to do about it.
Instead you all feel the need to flex those tiny biceps and feel the need to
try and belittle me, well try again lads it dosent work.
Also i would like to point out.
1 : I was not baiting the ship i was actually talking with the Captain.
2 : I was not loitering as you put it , i was talking to a Zoner at a Freeport.
3 : My tone is fine, and i expect an apology from The Admiral.
TCG does a fantastic job at defending Minor...best you remember that.
Your tone is not fine. Calling us pen-pushers, referring to our biceps as tiny and accusing us of fabricating things is not fine. However, that is rather obvious.
Anyway, we are not able to respond in 24 hours at times. I, personally appreciate the report, even though we already knew of the issue.
I am reminding you not to bait the Captain, not accusing you of doing it. I consider it loitering, but if the Zoners are fine with it, then frankly it is none of my business.
All in all, I do not think that warrants an apology from the Admiral. However, one from you, considering your various veiled and obvious insults would not go astray.
Order High Command
Xander Aaron Ainsley Augustus Jacen Bastian Eadbhard Alexander Qayshon Dabney von Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorf
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