You know I helped you in Tau-37 with that slaver and the other Outcasts. Yeah, well, you ran before I could tell you what I need. I would like to buy four...
*Looks on a piece of paper*
IMG/Colonial B11e-4 "Vampire 4" Tachyon Cannons, one "Mini Razor" Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon and one MX-17 Nuclear Mine Dropper.
[color=#FFFFFF]*Opens a suitcase filled with Sirian Credits*
I don't trust those new things... the credit cards and the banks in general so, I'll give you cash for that equipment. As you can see...
*Takes a couple of money packages and starts playing with them*
... I got plenty. Oh and let me tell you what I will do with those weapons. I will hunt down the Outcasts... where there is a bounty on an outcast, I will be claiming it. I hope you agree. I'm waiting for your answer on Java.
Dear mr. Vance,
I have checked our flight logs and indeed your name is mentioned as a pilot assisting in interdiction of slave smuggler in Tau-37 system. We appreciate any help, especially in these tough and difficult times, therefore I do not see yet a single reason why not grant you the weapons you desire.
I am therefore granting you right to travel to our system and buy the requested weaponry, just show this message or copy of it to Quartermaster on any of our stations and they will know. If they have problems, just report that to me, I will deal with them.
As for the financial part of this request, for the said weapons system, a compensation of 1,750,000 Sirius credits would be much sufficient. You can give the cash directly to Quartermaster when buying the weapon systems, he will forward them to Armaments bank aboard =CR=Buffalo[ISE] unit.
I hope we have a deal here sir. If you agree, once the transfer is complete, your name will be added to the known tech user list to prevent any misunderstandings with our pilots in the future.
Best regards
Pavel Sohaj
Armaments Minister
[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]I'm glad to help in situations like that. I will come to Tau-44 tomorrow after I finish a deal with the IMG here on Java. Then I'll give the 1,750,000 to your man from Sulawesi.
*The phone rings*
Eh?! Oh, sorry... this is Tommy, my partner... Thank you and good bye!