PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] High TARGET ID: Order High Command COMM ID: Major Alison Williams SUBJECT: Destiny Ascension
Greetings Admirals.
I am Major Alison Williams, Commanding Officer of the OCV-Destiny.Ascension I hereby report for duty and submit my vessel under your jurisdiction. The Ascension is a "Geb" Light Assault Carrier. Its load out is as follows.
* x2 TL-4a "Light Mortar" Antimatter Artillery Batteries
* x1 Cruiser "Battle Razor" Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon
* x1 EMP-4a Cruiser Pulse Cannon
* x1 Order Cruiser Ballistic Missile Launcher
* x13 Order Cruiser Point Defence Batteries Mk I
* Battleship Class Gravaton Shield Generator
* Capital Grade Reinforced Titanium Armour Plating Mk IV
* Train Cruise Disruptor Launcher
* Heavy EMP Counter-Measure Dropper
* x10 Bastet Support Fighters
* x5 Sekhmet Bombers
Our current mission is to investigate Nomad Activities at the Alaska Jump hole and to cleanse the area of any Nomad threat.