------------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------
Comm ID: Commandante Don Carlos Benitez
Source: Tartarus Gunboat, Omega-47
To: Corsair Command, CC: Benitez familia.
Amigos, the Order High Command has, many time accused the Corsair Empire of bearing false witness against them, and unfairly penalising them for clear acts of trechery. The following log is written with the purpose of dispelling such accusations, as the evidence herein is beyond contestation.
After fending off an Outcast invasion in Omicron Gamma, Benitez fighters were dispatched in the direction of the Dublin system, to respond to a distress call from a Hogosha smuggler who had apparently run into trouble with the BAF.
Jose, already on the scene but in a Corerro Freighter, kept the situation under control while our fighters headed for the system through Omega-47 and 49. Long range scans indicated an unusual Order presence in Omega-47 as we set off, so we established a secondary objective of investigating what the Order, who had passed through Corsair territory un-announced, were up to.
As we arrived in Dublin, Jose had to pull out due to ship damage, and we were left facing an enemy gunboat, fighters and a bomber, with only two fighters ourselves, and a heavily damaged friendly Corsair gunboat.
As we battled to save the lives of our comrades, the Order patrol passed close by, and completely ignored our struggle.
The Gunboat fell, followed by Cruz, and I was left to tractor in escape pods and pray that I'd escape safely. Luckily, I did, and returned to Gran Canaria with the sobering thought that we had lost a fighter and gunboat in exchange for ensuring the safety of one Hogosha smuggler.
I continued to monitor long range scanners to keep an eye on the mysterious Order group in Dublin, and after appealing to locals at Gran Canaria for information, set up a scan-post at the Dublin jumphole ready to stop and interrogate the Order group when they returned.
Around two hours later, after I had docked my Titan and rejoined the crew of the Tartarus, the Order ships finally left Dublin and returned to Omega-49.
The Tartarus successfully intercepted them near the Omega-47 hole, and the following conversation ensued;
The group feigned ignorance to our struggle in Dublin which endangered the lives of at least 10 people. They also seemed under the impression that Order and Corsair relations had been officially ended, clearly indicating that the Order is either preparing for, or behaving as if our alliance has been terminated.
The Order pilots could offer no acceptable justification for failing to assist us in attempting to preserve the lives of our pilots in Dublin.
It now seems clear that the Order no longer consider us as allies, having failed to assist Corsair forces at a time of maximum peril tantamount to assisting our enemies against us, and now conducting covert operations within and beyond the Corsair Empire without keeping us appraised or in any way informed.
It has been made clear that the Order no longer consider the Corsair Empire an ally, and no longer respect our territory or right to oversee activities within it.
It now seems clear that the initially criticized rising level of suspision held by the Council of Elders towards the Order was entirely justified, and that the Council would be wise to abandon all co-operation with the Order, and to step up persuit of relations with other organisations with the resources to assist us with a co-ordinated effort to keep the Nomad-Worlds secure.
------------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------
Comm ID: Commandante Don Carlos Benitez
Source: Corsair Fighter Helius, Omicron Theta system
To: Corsair Command, CC: Benitez familia.
Detecting the presence of an Order taskforce in Omicron Theta, I headed personally to Freeport-9 to investigate, alongside Gabriel of the Sails.
Naturally, I demanded information on their purpose, and activities. They, as expected, co-operated, if reluctantly, to my demands for information.
It is my intention to continue to pressure the Order by continually intercepting their patrols, and demanding information on their activities. We must present the impression that they cannot sneeze without us knowing, and thereby prevent the Order from offering any assistance to our enemies without the Empire knowing, and being able to prevent it.
I enclose the log of the encounter.
To the Elder Concil of the Corsairs:
I hope that I've been given the correct transmission frequency to reach you on, and that this message finds you all in good health and a place of safety.
I am Commander Ash Falthion of the 42nd Order Reconnaissance Division. I humbly request an audience, either in person or via a secure transmission, with someone of your order with whom I can speak about the procurement of your armaments. While I know tensions have been continuously rising in recent weeks, and we have had our differences in the past, I humbly implore for a moment of your time, asking you as a fellow human being. I can assure you that I have no major grudge against your people at this time - I've not been slighted in the past, and so long as it continues to be as such, I will not be hostile to you. While this may not be the overall view of our High Command, I happen to be a little bit of a rebellious sort, operating my own autonomous division, the 42nd, and sometimes clashing with High Command's opinions on matters.
If you happen to have the time available, and would see fit to honor me with your presence, I will make it my priority to be available to speak with one or more of your own.
Thank you.
Good flying and as always,
Ash Falthion
OCV-Montu: //NPC = not particularly capable 42|Khonsu: //Friggin hilarious Critius
------------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------
Comm ID: Elder Jose Benitez
Source: Sunshine Villas
To: Ash Falthion
Senor Falthion,
I am somewhat non-plussed as to how you managed to obtain access to this secure frequency, but now that you have I will be changing both the frequency and the encryption as soon as I have sent this message.
I can only assume that you are not amongst the sharpest of tools in the Order tool box? Clearly you are a spy, and have in some way managed to hack into our communications channel, the fact that you then advertise this achievement by requesting some weapons from the Corsair Council is very possibly one of the most silly things I have ever heard of.
However, if wish to continue to prove how silly you have so far demonstrated yourself to be I'd like to redirect your request to this frequency.
I suspect that you will receive a unanimous "no" to your request, if for no other reason than we do not generally permit fools to use our weapons, much less fools with whom we have little trust.
If the Order had not seen fit to begin cosying up with the SCRA and their friends then things might have been different. However, your leaders have seen fit to follow this ill advised path and the realtionship that now exists between the Order and the Corsairs is in part at least as a result of that decision.
....The iron lung wheezes and struggles on the limited amount of energy it is generating from the solar panels and the batteries as it pumps air in and out of the lungs of a frail body......
"Is he going to live medico ?", Don asks as he looks on.
"Si senor but not the way you think", the doctor had a worried look in his eyes," There are multiple fractures in his spine, I am not sure why he is still alive, but we can stabilize him. "
" Well do what you can ", Carlos replied, " Him and I....we go back a long way"
" Senor...one more thing", the doctor looked at the Don again; "the nerves that control his breathing are severed, he leaves this machine and he will suffocate"
A frown develops on Carlos' forehead as he thinks about it for a few seconds , " Thats not good"
The wrinkled body stirs a little as it tries to fight the demons in the mind that had started to show activity.
"Where have you been all this time hermano ?", Carlos thinks, " We thought you were dead."
Corsair -Pepe_Benitez opens his eyes and utters two words, "kill...me..."
Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
[Flight Log, Entry #19]
Today, long distance scanners told me that one of the newest members of the family, Fernando, was on his way to Cadiz, Omega-5. Ronaldo was also on his way to Cadiz, but only to give Fernando some venture capital, and take a shower at the Benitez crashpad on Cadiz. I informed Fernando that I would shortly be at Trafalgar, where he was expected to proceed after purchasing his ship and equipment.
Once in New London, we flew a couple of missions from Trafalgar. Soon, Ronaldo too showed up, fresh from a quick shower, and also joined us. It was a relatively uneventful time in New London, as compared to the last time we were here.
Soon, after, we returned to Trafalgar, from where I returned to Crete. Once there, I took out my bomber for a while, in case some pilots needed assistance in taking down some destroyers, as is common in Gamma. Soon, I was rewarded with the opportunity to assist Exterminador, a Praefect class cruiser. After that I returned to Crete.
But soon, my comms recorded an emergency broadcast from Fausto. It seems that a small BHG fleet had breached the system perimeter. Unfortunately, after my previous encounter alongside Exterminador, my Nova torpedo was jammed for some reason, and I didnt want to launch till that was fixed.
It only took a few minutes, but by the time I exited the docking ring, most of the battle was over. On our side, we had Mateo and Fausto. Montezuma, one of the Elders of the Corsair Council, was also present, in his Legate. Also, on our side was a Freelancer by the name of Aerelm. I was able to see that we were against [RIP]Vivat, a BHG Battleship; BHBC-TR.234, a BHG Battlecruiser and Nuke, a BHG Havok bomber. By this time, the Vivat was almost on the brink of being destroyed, and once that was taken care, we trained our sights onto the Battlecruiser, making short work of it soon after.
The bomber proved to be a plucky little pilot, taking several shots at Montezuma's Legate. He repeatedly evaded attacks by several fighters. In the end, when his shields were down, one well aimed SNAC from me shot took care of his hull in its entirety, and his ship was destroyed.
After that, we began to disband. Thats when we noticed Aerelm, who was in a Sabre, with a suspicious loadout of Outcast weapons, which I knew he could only lay his hands on if he was friendly with them. Nevertheless, we chose to ignore this, as he was indeed on our side, for this battle in the very least. But he did extract our word that we would not speak of his presence at the battle with others. I, for one, intend to keep that promise.
Comm ID: Ronaldo Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
Tonight I was trying out my baby as I had recently found the keys in my other coat again and was preparing for the big raid tomorrow.
As was disrupting traffic and generally annoying the locals to get some tuition funds I ran into a Police officer in a hussar who did not find me a valid target so he left for dublin. A bit later after some unfriendly senores who did not give me a dime or a unit of gold ore at all I ran into BSF Lt stoltz.... who found me guilty of loitering and disurpting trade and wanted to escort me back to the o5 hole... as I was trying to get away from him he blew up my tiny centurion... the bunghole probably found me to dangerous....
Luckily I was able to float back home to trafalager and get a transport back home. My ship has been refunded by the local insurance agent and is ready to roll tomorrow.
Alfonso was waiting for me back home so we hopped into our larger vessles and continued to to look for tuition funds for my cousin. Luckily a friendly senor in a royal liner donated us the funds for Little timmy so he can go to school..
afterwards devante joined us and we headed for o3... nothing special there...
one thing is for sure, there are many unfriendly and dumb hermanos out there...
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez
Comm ID: Alka Nica[color=#006600]; Source: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete;
I'd like to present evidence of a "Corsair group" tagged as [A]- that have caused quite the trouble for the empire. As you probably heard in this transmission, they attacked transports carrying food and supplies to Crete. I was attacked today by one of their pilots, namely [A]-Sassam., and destroyed my ship. One of his friends said he was "mental" but that is no excuse for such behavior. They pose a threat to the Corsairs and their allies. I wish to push this case to the Council of Elders. The sooner we get rid of them, the sooner the supply transports start brining food to our bases again.
Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
Alka Nica, as a member of the Benitez, I can inform you that we do recognise the presence of such individuals in the Corsair Empire. However, there is little we can do to pre-empt such actions as these people may/may not be following the codex laid down by the governing Council of Elders. I quote the following from the Laws of the Corsair Empire:
Quote:3) Corsairs must not attack other Corsairs unless;
An order has been issued by a Corsair Council Elder.
The target is in violation of Corsair law AND is a threat to other pilots.
A warrant for the execution of the target has been issued by the Council of Elders.
The target has failed to comply with a sanction issued by the Council of Elders.
On face value, the pilot which attacked you is in violation of Corsair Law. This is indeed a grave issue, however, I remind you that this is the Benitez Secure Communication Channel, not one belonging to the Council of Elders. But, I assure you that your concerns will be communicated to my superiors.
Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
Alka Nica, I suggest you register an official complaint at the Corsair Supreme Court. I believe that would be the correct place to handle this issue. Just provide all the evidence you are in possession of, and I'm sure that appropriate action will be taken soon.