By the Order of Chief Dan Renolds of the Liberty Customs & Border Organization. You are to place Wrecker-J Under Arrest current Evidence is at this link. please visit the LCBO Neural Nets look under crime office and look at the Screen Shots there
By the Order of Chief Dan Renolds of the Liberty Customs & Border Organization. You are to place Pvt.Ferrier Under Arrest. Current Evidence is at this link. please visit the LCBO Neural Nets look under crime office and look at the Screen Shots there
By the Order of Chief Dan Renolds of the Liberty Customs & Border Organization. You are to place (Name) Under Arrest current Evidence is at this link. please visit the LCBO Neural Nets look under crime office and look at the Screen Shots there
PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] Low SOURCE:Fort Bush, New York TARGET: Chief Renolds COMM ID: Captain Jack Bauer SUBJECT: Fugitives
Greetings Chief Renolds. May I suggest using this in the future? It is the LPI's current database on fugitives, e.g smugglers and mercenaries etc. Each suspect automatically gains a two million credit bounty on their vessels.
It's just a suggestion though. If you do want to continue using this channel, it's fine.
Captain Jack Bauer
LPI Captain
Liberty Police Incorporated
[10:10:28 AM] Josh (Dejavu): Bauer is legendary to the LPI, I joined because I wanted to be that epic.
PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] Low SOURCE:Fort Bush, New York TARGET: Chief Renolds COMM ID: Captain Jack Bauer SUBJECT: Fugitives
Greetings Chief Renolds. May I suggest using this in the future? It is the LPI's current database on fugitives, e.g smugglers and mercenaries etc. Each suspect automatically gains a two million credit bounty on their vessels.
It's just a suggestion though. If you do want to continue using this channel, it's fine.
Captain Jack Bauer
LPI Captain
Liberty Police Incorporated