This message dump will be where we will coordinate Nayehiya actions and report activities. We now have five members (six if you count my two characters). Check in with your status as soon as you can.
We are now in a cease-fire status with Sirius Forces [SF] on condition they honor our license to carry Nomad Brains. They will not fire upon us or harass us in any way so long as we do not stir up trouble in Bretonian space. This does not mean Bretonia is a safe haven. Do not spend much time there. They have agreed to look the other way so long as we do not open fire upon anyone (save Corsairs) in their space.
As such, I have secured a clan-wide Nomad license. Any and all ships wearing [N] are free and clear to harvest Nomad Brains and bring them to Ames in the Kepler System.
This is appropriate. Also prepare a banquet for our newly formed alliance with the Union of Gold who go by the tag .:UOG:. They suffer a similar plight as we do. Together we shall make our names known among the houses.
Today was a good day on the battlefield. Atlvtasdi and I made several successful raids on traders in Sigma 13 and Omicron Theta. Although there were those that refused to pay, we were able to bring in over 13 million today alone. I believe we are building a good base to work with for feeding our families.
We were also able to take out one of the Corsair's prized battleships. This is a great day for our people.
We were joined by a Mercenary today in the fight against the battleship. House militaries, police and corporations have chosen not to hire them. This will be their downfall. We will make good use of them as they can add to our firepower.
I am happy to report that we are growing in size. We now number six. Once we reach 10, I will need to appoint two of you to leadership positions, Deputy Chief and War Chief. The order of succession will be Principal Chief, Deputy Chief and then War Chief.
For administrative purposes, I need all citizens to meet up with our camera ship to take a snapshot of your ship. Post your ship's photo here.
I've just been informed by our Chief Maintenance Officer that it is time for some periodic preventive maintenance on our fleet. He assures me this maintenance will require minimal time in dry dock. However, due to the necessity of this maintenance, all Nayehiya vessels are ordered to remain near Humboldt. You may operate in systems South of Liberty only. This maintenance should be complete no later than Monday morning next week, 4 Sep 07.