"The Hellfire Legion hereby declares itself to be in a formal state of war with the South Alliance. We will attack them throughout Liberty space and destroy their fleets until they realize the errors of their ways.
Now there are rules of engagement to be STRICTLY adhered to. And if ANYONE violates the rules of engagement they will be severely punished.
(These rules of engagement were agreed on by myself and Razr. And it is also agreed that anyone violating them will be punished.)
(1. No power gaming or attacking enemy controlled territory when there is a force of enemies less than yourself by a 75% margin. (Ie, 7 SA fighters attacking 2 HF in Magellan.... NO NO, however these rules are open to discussion and further discussion between ME AND RAZR)
2. No fleets of 4 battleships, on either side...
3. And only fair play, only Role play, and any insults will not be tolerated.)
"We call upon all those in opposition to liberty and its corrupt manners. AW, Bs|, Helghast. And perhaps all other pirates that find themselves oppressed by Liberty."
If Any SA violate any of the terms stated above by TankTarget you will be issued before High command or me personally (depending on how bad the offense is) I want this to be flame-free and fun for both sides and all factions involved. In the near future I'll think of anything that may need to be added to the conditions and agreements.
Helghast will support this war, your corporations and military is not safe SA.
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
Good call on the battleships mate and of course i wasn't ganna look for loopholes (too lazy of course) but is an intresting point. You've seen us in action no more capship whoring for you guys:Pyep no more giagantic targets to slay witn novas. Anyways Goodluck to everyone.
Well it seems that some very elementary things need to be said in here. This is regarding my faction sadly, but only one person *sigh*
1. Scan for an ID before shooting!
2. Do not fire on a starflier HF tagged or not!
3. If you know he's a new recruit be courtious (The war is RP people not a personal battle!)
I issue a public apology on behalf of the whole South Alliance faction. I'd like to thank TankTarget, his allies, and HF for living up to the agreement. I promise if I get another report of an SA pilot pulling a stunt like this they will be kicked regardless of Rank no questions asked!
The Asgards will take a defensive instance on this war. We will defend HF and Bs| space and forces. We will respond distress calls, and will provide training to all of the HF.
But we will not take part on offensive actions, not we will start battles ourselves.
Unless the SA attacks us directly, or the SF or other powerful faction steps in the war on SA side.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )