' Wrote:AYE!
I have hidden my cardie so well that you can't see it on your scanners
// I have no cargo but I'm Rp'ing I have olololol
Edit: no flood -.-
Well the above is what you meant right?
No, I mean when I actually see cardamine in the person's hold and I tell him to drop it and he will then say I'm not allowed to see the cargo and draw the conclusion that he's smuggling because that would be metagaming/powergaming. (Because according to his RP he has "hidden" it.)
Same type of incident occurred for Dusty here only the difference being that the pilot in question was holding Nomad Brains or any other type of Nomad Items and the pilot was told to drop them. A reply was sent back to Dusty saying he can't see it.
Yeah, that kind of powergaming arrpee pisses me off. I've often responded with something about a "gun-based search warrant". Needless to say, fireworks of the finest variety.
' Wrote:You can actually rp that the scanner is broken - for the right amount of credits mysterious appearing on your neuro-net account.;)
That'd be an example of well-played "Hey, you! You have a broken tail light! That's a hundred thousand credit fine!"-style corruption. I usually pay double those fines for the lulz.
' Wrote:No, I mean when I actually see cardamine in the person's hold and I tell him to drop it and he will then say I'm not allowed to see the cargo and draw the conclusion that he's smuggling because that would be metagaming/powergaming. (Because according to his RP he has "hidden" it.)
Same type of incident occurred for Dusty here only the difference being that the pilot in question was holding Nomad Brains or any other type of Nomad Items and the pilot was told to drop them. A reply was sent back to Dusty saying he can't see it.
So hes telling you your scanners are broken...?
but he is in fact carrying the stuff?
Why do people always want to influence other so badly.
I do hope I got it right this time because otherwise I'm.... uh... we'll having brain issues.
Ow wait never mind I got it.
If those people want to RP like that they should do it without cargo.
and just fly with an empty hold while RP'ing there is something in the cargo bay but no scanners can see it.
But sadly no profit nor cops stopping you since you are empty.
' Wrote:You can actually rp that the scanner is broken - for the right amount of credits mysterious appearing on your neuro-net account.;)
I used to do that on my LPI a great deal. They'd still pay the fine, but somehow I always forgot to make them dump the cargo if they accidentally paid a little too much.
What I'm saying is, use common sense when you're about to draw conclusions based upon others' cargo hold items. Maybe the way I explained it wasn't very well, but if the quantity is small, it's likely used for RP purposes. This should solve the smuggling dilenma.
' Wrote:What I'm saying is, use common sense when you're about to draw conclusions based upon others' cargo hold items. Maybe the way I explained it wasn't very well, but if the quantity is small, it's likely used for RP purposes. This should solve the smuggling dilenma.
So let me get this straight.
If the pilot in question is carrying one single unit of cardamine it's for Role-Playing.
But if he's carrying 3000 he constitutes as a smuggler, and by this logic he ain't really using the cargo for Role-Playing now, he's doing something else, something that would warrant me as a lawful patrol officer to tell him to drop the cargo?
So the quantity will determine whether or not I will take legal action? Am I getting this right?
This same problem came up in the KNF Feedback thread where a KNF officer told a Pilot to drop his single unit of cardamine, the pilot in question refused and promptly was shot down.
I do not see how that is wrong. If we got a thread like the Laws of Liberty and it says: This, this and this cargo are considered contraband, then we are supposed to Role-Play (as law enforcers) that regardless of quantity, the law is still being violated and we must take action accordingly.
If you truly follow the philosophy of "well he has only a few artifacts in his hold, let's just let him go on his marry way" then there will be tons of different definitions set by people on what is considered to be "contraband" and what is considered to be "items used to enhance Role-Play".
It's kinda like allowing a brothel to remain operational as long as there is only a single whore who is working.
' Wrote:What I'm saying is, use common sense when you're about to draw conclusions based upon others' cargo hold items. Maybe the way I explained it wasn't very well, but if the quantity is small, it's likely used for RP purposes. This should solve the smuggling dilenma.
There is a quantity small enough for RP purposes that wont impact the way I interact with you.
That's an amount too small for me to detect at all.
If I can see it, I can detect it.
If you want to sling words like common sense around I strongly encourage you to consider that rather simple formula.