I would first like to apologise to everybody that was waiting for an answer.
Somethings have been keeping me occupied in other areas.
Through discussion we have determined that we will be taking the package offered by Magnificentness.
As the person who offred the most complete package his work has been accepted and he will be contacted to work out payment details and transfer od PSD files.
A couple of people who contributed with submissions of their own will be contacted in the coming week about a couple of other things we have seen that we may wish to purchase.
I have everything on-hand and ready. Provide a skype, and we can do a transfer anytime, the sooner the better. But don't transfer any money unless we're actually doing the transaction with us both online, my money has a habit of going poofles if i'm not there when the /givecash comes in.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.