>>>Guillestre NetworkONLINE<<< Connecting with Royal Navy Transmission center...DONE ID:Lieutenant Aubert Giroux
Today I received an emergency call coming from the battleship Guillestre: The weapons platforms in the trade lane between Gap Station and Languedoc Jump Gate were deactivated, so I had to escort a team of engineers who started to check the weapons platforms. While the engineers were working on the weapon platform number 2, a wing of three Council fighters ambushed us. The engineers worked against the clock and I managed to shoot down two of those ships, forcing the other one to retreat. We succeded. Probably the Council could have launched the attack from the fields marked with a '?'. I'll be ready to repel further attacks. >Graphic mission report attached:
<div align="right]I hope to see these rats in the death row soon:
Today the Flamme took position beside the grand marshall while the others patrolled lorraine. No major activity to report, aside from a sirrian using unknown technology to speed faster than my fighter's cruise engines.
>>>>>OPENING CHANNEL<<<<< Sender: Marachel Maurice Pierre Delavoux the III Duke of the Delavoux Estate
Location: Planet Nevers; Languedoc
I'd like to make a brief report on the new point defense system for our Valors: They work. Some sort of large Outcast ships was vaporized before we even knew what it was! The wreckage identified it as a destroyer hull. Maybe. It was rather chewed up. The insolent vessel jumped from the Omicron systems and was atomized before it could even move.
We had another Sirian. Something ugly and tall. Vaporized it as well.
For the King!
>>>Dijon NetworkONLINE<<< Connecting with Royal Navy Transmission center...DONE ID:Lieutenant Aubert Giroux
Performed a patrol in Dauphine. I spotted a Sirian ship which used the Languedoc's jump gate. Fortunately, the Battleship Guillestre shot it down:
<div align="right]
After this, I made my way back to Dijon Station, where I met the rest of the primary fleet. I launched a patrol mission through Lorraine with the Lord Marechal and two pilots of the Seconday Fleet:
First, we followed the path marked in blue. On our way back to Burgundy, we followed the red path. Small Maquis activity was reported near Verdun, but nothing relevant. Lorraine is safe right now. >Graphic mission report attached:
[font=Trebuchet Ms]Once again perfect on schedule, I started my patrol at 20.00SMT. My patrol partner Mlle Montaque wasn't there yet. Sources indicated that there were 2 sirian traders in Dauphine, so I immediatly set a course to intercept them. Mlle Montague finally showed up, 4 minutes late. By the time we got to Dauphine, the traders were out of our reach, and got away.
On our way back to Burgundy, we spotted a Junker vessel "zortan" hauling military vehicles. His plan was to go to Planet Quillan, thus supporing the Council. Ofcourse, we couldn't get that happen. We talked him out of it, and he decided to bring the military equipment to the RNS Carcassonne. Seems like we cut off a regular supply there! We escorted him to the Carcassonne to make sure that he kept his promise.
After that, we headed back to Dauphine, making sure everything was peaceful and quiet as it should be. The peacefulness was brutally disturbed by a loud whistle over comms. We couldn't pinpoint the source, but the transmission signature revealed it was a Maquis pilot! He tried to scare is with a fake head, pretending it was one of our Capitaines. I checked the logs, but since there were no missing Capitaines reported, I quickly concluded it was definitely fake. So pilots beware. If you ever encounter monsieur Leon LaBreau, don't let him fool you! The head looked like this:
***Attachment uploading***
[color=#FF6666]Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: *Whistles*
[color=#33FF33]GRN|Michelle.Picard: What's this
GRN|Michelle.Picard: Montague, can you pinpoint the source? GRN|Lucile.Montague: Not at this time. Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: Oh, look at here..some Royalists..wish this beheaded pilot of yours could confirm this to me. Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: *Moves the decapitated head's mouth as if it could talk* GRN|Michelle.Picard: Thats just... disgusting. Almost real Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: Disgusting oui, but I made the piggy squel. GRN|Michelle.Picard: You almost got me there LaBreau, but you can see by the hair that its fake Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: The body and blood tells me otherwise. GRN|Michelle.Picard: Montague, do you know that guy? GRN|Lucile.Montague: Whom do you speak of? GRN|Michelle.Picard: Well, he claims that head is real. I don't know him. Do you? GRN|Lucile.Montague: Oh, I thought he was already back in his hole. No, I don't know. GRN|Michelle.Picard: Bon, so its fake. What brings you here then. Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: Hmm, fake...non...the blood here tells me otherwise. Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: This Madame's id tells me she was a Capitane of the Navy. GRN|Michelle.Picard: You told us that already. Stop lying, we know its fake GRN|Michelle.Picard: I would know a Captitane gone missing Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: Then find me Monsiuer and clarify the blood on my ships interiors, maybe I'll add you to la collecion. GRN|Michelle.Picard: Well, unless you have that head for several months... GRN|Michelle.Picard: How about I make that "collection" go away GRN|Michelle.Picard: Seems quite easy, I can't imagine that you can properly fly a ship filled with fake heads Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: Hm, pitiful royalists you all are.. Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: To protect Gallia you say? Non, you failed at that many times, if we can so easily, stroll in and cause some.. "fireworks". GRN|Michelle.Picard: Well, if it wasn't for us, Gallia would be crawling with dirty Sirians these days Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: This Sirians wanted to make peace, and your King blindly turned them away, with tensions again your Navy.. Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: They'll be a welcome addition to the forces to tear your kings limbs, one...by one. GRN|Michelle.Picard: Peace? They want to take away our resources, and get away with it GRN|Michelle.Picard: Gallia is better of without them GRN|Michelle.Picard: But a simple minded man like you wouldn't understand I guess Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: Gallia would be free of unjustice and poverty created by that vile king! Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: If it takes me to a death of explosions, I'll will see that I pain the kings throne with his blood! GRN|Michelle.Picard: Everyone should keep dreaming. But I'm afraid that your dreams will never come true GRN|Michelle.Picard: Nothing will stop the King Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: Your king must be high on some bad tabbacco if he dreams of conquering Sirius. GRN|Michelle.Picard: If that is what the King desires, that is what will happen Maquis|Leon.LaBreau: You fail to realize the king will be the downfall of Gallia! GRN|Michelle.Picard: I'd say you fail to realize the King will make Gallia a great nation! GRN|Michelle.Picard: Lets find this idiot, and put an end to his lies
We exchanged some thoughts of the well-being of Gallia, but the fools brain were too incompetent to understand that the King is nothing but good to Gallia. Our little discussion was interupted by yet another voice over the comms. This one had an unknown signature, so it had to be a Sirian! After some analysis, it appeared that they were Sirian Mercenaries. I have no idea what they were doing in Gallia, and I didn't really care. They refused to leave on their own, so we set up a searching grid to track down the sirians. Lieutenant Aubert Giroux joined us in the meanwhile.
We assumed he was hiding somewhere in an asteroid field or something, but after a thourough search, we couldn't find him. The fool then revealed his position, proving his stupidity twice. He didn't only reveal his position, he also was near one of our lanes! After that foolish mistake, we found them pretty quick. There were two Sirians, and we found monsieur LaBreau there too, together with another Maquis Poisson.de.Garcon. As if that wasn't enough, a member of the LaBrise family, Aigre An'e, was also present, which made me wonder what his intentions were. On the other hand, we got some backup from the Gallic Royal Police. Sous Brigadier Marlon Signet joined our side. And after a short while, even the Grand Marechal herself joined us.
In short, these were the people involved during the entire incident:
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GRN|Lynx - Grand Marechal Lilith LaCroix
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GRN|Blaise.Mersenne - Lord Marechal
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GRP|SBg-Marlon.Signet - Sous Brigadier
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After repeated refusal to leave, the Grand Marechal ordered us to eliminate the intruders.
The fight, leaded by the Grand Marechal, went very good. SirLootsAlot wen't down very fast. He had some sort of giant slow fighter-like ship. Lieutenant Montague fired the final shot at 21.11. The intentions of the LaBrise became clear quite soon, because he openly expressed his support for the Maquis, although he didn't engage himself. There will be a more detailed report regarding this. It appeared that the enemy was targeting me, because no matter what I did, they kept on hitting me. I managed to stay alive though, and the next kill was once again registered to Lieutenant Montague, who fired the shot at 21.30 and killed MM~Thiago.Raven.
Then, out of nowhere, a civilian apeared. He had Brigand equipment, but his radio transponder didn't show any sign of his affiliation. Without a word, he joined the side of the Maquis, and started shooting us. It was a foolish move, because his ship was the next one to be schredded. At 21.36, the Grand Marechal shot the idiot. 10 minutes later, Poisson.de.Garcon followed him to, and was killed by once again Lieutenant Montague, registering her third kill of the day. During all this time, my ship was constantly under fire, and I was taking a lot of damage. I was quite sure the others would manage to handle the rest, so I chose to preserve my ship, and pulled out at 22.00. I was replaced by Lord Marechal Blaise Mersenne.
My assumptions were correct, and the others managed to kill the remaining sirian. The Maquis made a wise decision, and fled. Once again, another victory!
>>>Dijon NetworkONLINE<<< Connecting with Royal Navy Transmission center...DONE ID:Lieutenant Aubert Giroux
I'd like to add priority information to Picard's report. During the fight in Dauphine, a member of the La Brise de Mer Family was spotted 6 clicks away from the "battlefield", talking nonsense on the local comms channel:
We didn't mind the presence of that Corse member, until we heard this:
The Grand Marechal ordered me to chase that rat, but managed to escape.
If we want to ensure the safety of our Great Nation, this individual should be treated with total hostility.
Comm ID: Capitaine Pauline Valence
Location: Battleship Beuvray; Burgundy
Soon after I started my daily patrol at the Beuvray, Lieutenant Aubert.Giroux contacted me and told me about the position of a wing of those 'Legion des Damnes' traitors. I moved to the coordinates and took the command.
I will submit the audio logs as well, to give a better overview of the whole situation.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Bonjour
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Bonjour, mon capitaine
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Where are you Lieutenant?
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Lorraine jumphole, back to Dijon
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Although I've spotted a few traitors...
I moved to the Lieutenants postion.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: There you are Lieutenant...
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Definitely, your brain is seriously damaged
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Why else would they be fighting against our king... our cause?.
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Mon capitaine, that individual is carrying two of our pilots
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Oui... and said individual will hand them out otherwise the Council pilot, which I appear to have here will be executed
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Alongside said individual...
When I arrived there, Lieutenant Giroux was still talking to the traitor, which was able to capture 2 of our pilots. The individual did not comply, so the Council pilot was executed.
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: You so called royals attacked us for no reason, we fight against you in self defence that is the only reason
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Bla... Bla... Bla... We're proud of doing it
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Now... traitor... you blame us for your mistakes?
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: you are proud of attacking forces superiour to yourse because you don't like being shown up ?
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: no, how kind of you to voulenteer...
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: shoot the king and we can be done.
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Quite enough.
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: not much of a king anyway
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: what king attacks his own forces...
GRN|Pauline.Valence: A wise one, if said forces are traitors.
At this time only one traitor was spotted by our scanners.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: More and more of them are coming, like rats crawling out of their holes...
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: the same can be said for you
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Let's put the rat on fire then, mon capitaine
GRN|Pauline.Valence: It appears that we should finish what others couldnt...
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Oui.
+LE+Wd.Damien.Germain: *sighs* As always... Crush, kill, destroy... Do you know any other words?
GRN|Pauline.Valence: We do... purge for example.
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Hypocrite
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Lieutant... prepare to clean the place...
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Oui
+LE+Wd.Damien.Germain: *laughs* Exterminate too, then?
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Enough of this... For the Crown!
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: After you!
More of them came and I decided to give the command to take them out, before even more would have the possibility to move to our position. They even brought a gunboat, so I sent out a distress call which was answered by a secondary fleet pilot, namely Zack Monte.
+LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe..Back off GRN
+LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe:..This is a fair fight...
Zack.Monte: And what gives you the right rat ?
+LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe:..You enter..I shoot..Fair?
Zack.Monte: Bah ! Such meanless wording.
+LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe:....Now...Turn around..
Zack.Monte: Ha !
+LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe:...As you wish...
Zack.Monte: I profer not to take orders from scum bags
+LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe:..Your mine then
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: heh, more lives lost for the GRN.. +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe" was put out of action by Zack.Monte (Gun).
Upon the arrival of the additional ship I gave the order to take the gunboat out, which was performed successfully. Soon after the gunboats destruction, Pierre Lachance moved to our position, willed to assist us.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Bonjour
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Bonjour, I am onroute to your location.
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Hostiles spotted, prepared to engage upon ordered.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Stay down for now...
+LE+Wd.Briggite.Bardot: bring a few valors, even it out
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Copy that. standing watch.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Even if those rats dont deserve this mercy...
GRN|Aubert.Giroux: Insolent tramp
Soon after Lachance's arrival a unknown contact appeared, I ordered him to take care of it.
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Unknown contact detected, investigating.
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Kamikaz, cut your engines for inspection.
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: A Sirian Vessel!
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Take care of it Pierre...
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: With pleasure, locked on and opening fire once in range.
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Jumped to Lorraine, persuing.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Oui... try to catch it, but do not risk your life... Kamikaz was put out of action by GRN|Pierre.Lachance (Gun).
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Enemy down.
GRN|Pauline.Valence: Well done!
GRN|Pierre.Lachance: Returning to your location.
Soon after the removal of the Sirian, another traitor was removed.
+LE+Lord.Etien.Fitzroy was put out of action by GRN|Aubert.Giroux (Gun).
While fighting, my vessel appeared to have some problems, a fuel leak to be more precise, this fuel leak was used by a Rookie Council pilot, to damage my vessel hard enough to make it useless. The fight ended for me and I returned to the Beuvray as fast as possible, before those traitors would have been able to damage more then just the ship.
I have been able to scan the hostile vessels, the gunboat as well as the fighters they were using.
Bonsoir, Lieutenant Emmanuelle Mimieux reporting on the most recent events
At Approximatly 18.40 SMT I received a transmission from one of our ships about 2 hostile ships in Languedoc near Remoulins. I arrived at 18.50 SMT, Lieutenant Aubert Giroux and Lieutenant Michelle Picard where already at the site assisted by Sous-Lieutenant Pierre Lachance. locked the gunboat as my primary target. After 5 minutes of playing cat and mouse... at 18.55 SMT I succesfully destroyed the hostile gunboat.
After this the remaining bomber attempted to flee, but realizing his attempts where fruitless he decided to turn his guns on me. Shortly after this Sous-Lieutenant Luiz.Lanzerath also arrived. At 18.59 SMT I delivered the fatal blow to the last remaining enemy.
At 19.00 SMT we were heading back to Burgundy and at 19.09 SMT we arrived at Dijon Station, no serious damage or malfunctioning was found on our side.
>>>Dijon NetworkONLINE<<< Connecting with Royal Navy Transmission center...DONE ID:Lieutenant Aubert Giroux
Urgent report, three Maquis capital class ships spotted near battleship Beuvray. They made their way to Dauphine, where the Lt. Picard and the Sylvana tried to chase them, but they escaped. Stay alert. Guncam screens attached:
New report added:
Lt. Picard and I encountered a Council traitor flying around Burgundy. He challenged me to a duel. I accepted.
{ID Locked: Armel de la Roche}
{Rank: Sous-Liutenant}
{Commencing Report}
I launched from the Guillestre to perform a patrol of the Dauphine system. Upon reaching Briancon station, I found a Council Bomber, though it had no IFF, taking the lane to Gap Station. 'Doktor' was the ID, though I could catch little else, for it sped off before I could disrupt the lane. I attempted pursuit, but was not fast enough. I believe the ship escaped to the Languedoc system, and I could pursue no further after that.
A short time later, I was called to Burgundy to assist in the removal of some Legion des Damnes ships. A huge swarm of Council and Brigand ships came in, including one of theFBGand unfortunately I was unable to take down my target before my ship was almost completely destroyed. My escape pod was pushed from the battle, and I made it to Dijon eventually.