It's kinda bothered me that the Zone 21 minefield has fluff text warning of dire consequences for trespassers, but there's nothing to back these threats up. Liberty Navy Guard patrol ships in the gate's immediate vicinity would make things a bit more realistic. t's supposed to be a restricted Liberty Navy area, but any old ship can just wander right through to Alaska. Hell, I've even been attacked by level 3 or 4 Outcast NPCs in there!
I can't recall any other houses having "restricted areas" off the top of my head. Kansai Research Station would be another candidate for some security, but I think there's probably not room in the minefield.
Edit: BPA Newgate and Vierlande would be "realistic" places to have beefier security. It seems a bit strange that by merely being an "alright chap" you can gain access to a high-security prison.
"a russian sub? Our dad won't even buy a foriegn car!"
anyways, i do quite agree. I was rather dissapointed to find 2 measly Wepons Platforms being the only thing stopping a ship if it got through the mine field.
there needs to be a couple Fighter-GB-Cruiser patrols, maybe a Dockable battleship, possibly even a Virg Jump Hole, but 2 WPs is rather pitiful for a SUPER-RESTRICTED area.
-and there shouldn't be outcast patrols going though there. The enterace is supposed to be Top Secret too. Only guard pilots should be knowing about it!
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
You are suffering under a misconception. The Gate on the NY side to Alaska is accesible if you can find the access point. I found it recently and it is very safe place for private transactions.