Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
[Flight Log, Entry #25]
What happened today was a classic example of what I like to call 'escalation of the situation'. What began as a simple routine run of artefacts to Trafalgar Base, New London, turned into a full-scale battle in Omega-3.
The convoy consisted of Ronaldo, in his Titan; Selena, Valeria and Fausto, in their Correos respectively; and me, in my Decurion. I suggested the Decurion because it had a good CD on board.
Anyway, we moved into Cambridge and set up shop near the Planet Cambridge <-> Ross Planetoid Lane.
Soon we were joined by Alka.Nica, who wished to get a piece of the action. However, not much traffic was coming through the lanes today, so we decided to head over to New London, to sell the artefacts in our holds.
However, soon, things began to get hot. Several BAF and BPA ship showed up, including 2 gunboats. We decided that the odds were definitely against us, and decided to head back to Leeds.
To our surprise, that did not deter them from following. At this point, things were getting a bit tense, because we had several BAF ships on our tail. We split up, with the 3 freighters heading for Edinburgh, and the 3 fighters staying on course for Cambridge.
As expected, they followed us all the way to the Cambridge hole, and jumped through as well. What's more, they even followed us to the Omega-3 jump hole. Some of them jumped through, mainly Templar VHFs.
What we found in Omega-3 was again, highly disturbing. We came across a squadron of SCRA fighters taking on some Wilde ships. In the presence of this threat to humanity itself, we stood down from combat to observe the outcome of this critical battle, ready to jump in if things got out of hand.
But the SCRA had everything under control, and soon the Wilde were vaporised. In the absence of the common enemy, the BAF and we recognised each others' presence once again, and entered into battle.
It began as a routine battle of VHFs on VHFs, but soon, as we began picking down on their numbers, destroyers began to show up.
By now, the transports were safely back in Omega-5, and Fausto had scurried back to Crete to get his Titan. We were soon joined by Xavi Fernandes and Silent Bob of the HAF. Alka Nica was still with us at this spoint. Xavi's bomber was decisive in turning the tables on this battle.
Needless to say, we made short work of one of them ' Rob Brent.
I was lucky too'¦managed to score the decisive shot on the other gumboat ' Windsor.
After seeing their capital ships fall, the remaining Templars couldn't do much. We had our losses too ' Ronaldo's Titan was destroyed, as was Xavi's Praetorian, but I tractored them in before the BAF could lay their hands on the pods.
Soon however, the one lone remaining Templar began to scurry towards Douglas Station, and sought refuge. A wise move, I'd say, because if he hadn't, his ship would soon have been space dust. After this, we did a preliminary scan of the area and headed back to Crete.
Comm ID: Selena Benitez
Source: Tinos Outpost, Omicron-94
After returning from patrols in Bretonia, I received a short-range transmission from those now famous Anarchists - it sounded like the Zoners had finally decided to try and make their stand at Freeport 9. I took the opportunity to refuel at Skiros and headed out to Theta, alerting the Benitez pilots that were currently in Corsair space of the situation.
The first thing I noticed as I broke through the clouds surrounding the Jump Hole was that Omicron Theta seemed to have grown a new star overnight. It took me a few seconds to realise that it was actually Freeport 9 engulfed in flames...
As I moved in closer, I could see the air was thick with ships. Many of them were damaged beyond repair and floating uselessly in space, but there were still dozens of ships still continuing the fight. It was with grim satisfaction that I saw the destroyed Zoner ships far out-numbered their Corsair counterparts. There were Outcasts present with the usual agenda, although fortunately it seemed the full might of Malta had not chosen this moment to move against the Corsair nation.
Apparently the battle had already been raging for hours, and was showing no sign of letting up. Every element of Corsair society appeared to be present - Anarchists, Sails, The Brotherhood, HAF and a few independent pilots. Unusually high solar radiation was playing havoc with electronics and making conventional piloting difficult.
Some guncam shots follow:
Zavier and myself arrive on the scene, with Zavier captaining the Charybdis. Chico, Juanito and Valeria join the battle shortly after.
Unsure of what the Benitez policy on attacking Zoners would be with this new development, we decide to play it safe and move in to engage the Outcast forces. Throughout the course of the battle we take pains to avoid firing on Zoners, but it came to little avail as the Charybdis was later set upon by enraged Zoners.
The crippled MNS Basilisk finally begins to fall to the heavy fire from our bomber wings.
After destroying several enemy vessels, the Charybdis' life support systems were critically damaged by a lone kamikaze attack. The crew were forced to evacuate the ship. It seems our enemies were getting desperate...
With only a few pockets of resistance remaining, the Bounty Hunter's Guild destroyer Pallas Athene arrived on the scene. Several of our pilots - working under the understandable assumption that it was now the Corsairs against the whole sector - opened fire upon the destroyer, heavily damaging it before they were shouted down by the Corsairs with enough presence of mind to remember our treaties with the Guild.
At this point my Decurion took a hit from one of the last Outcasts desperately fighting for their life, and I was forced to eject. Happily, I was picked up by the Black Sails before my pod drifted into the sun.
The death toll for the Zoners and their erstwhile 'allies' was remarkably high for the losses we sustained. Hopefully all our victories will be as decisive as this...
Comm ID: Selena Benitez
Source: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Another threat to the Corsair Empire from the forces of our supposedly combined enemies, I think they will have found we do not give ground so easily as the Zoners on our home ground...
I'll make a more detailed log tomorrow - now, back to the celebrations...
Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
[Flight Log, Entry #31]
Entry #31
Today, I was roused by klaxons. For the first time ever. The room was bathed in a resplendent red. A red I hadn't seen before. I got up, groggily, and ambled over to the notice panel. What I saw was enough to wake me up.
A Zoner fleet had accumulated in Omicron Theta ' a number of high level capital ships were also reported. Moreover, there were reports of the Joker in Gamma. Double trouble, I thought.
To explain the Zoner fleet's presence a bit more clearly, it is important to delve into some of the recent decisions made by the Council of Elders. Apart from the occasional transport of food from Gran Canaria or the biodomes of Freeport 9, the Zoners didn't really serve any purpose. Moreover, the Corsairs are displeased with the manner in which Freeports allow our enemies to come within striking distance of our home territory ' a staging ground, if you will.
Besides, it was time the Corsairs got themselves a base in Omicron Theta. As a result, we began our offensive on Freeport 9 ' in a bid to take it by force. I was not part of that offensive, but I didn't have to time to think. All I knew is that now, it was a battle between us, the Corsairs, and them, the Zoners, along with their allies ' the Outcasts, the RHA, the SCRA and the Order. I simply ran to my Praetorian, punched in the access code, and took off.
As soon as I was in space, I was granted access to the secure comm channel, which was simply abuzz with people shouting directions, coordinates and patrols. It seemed that a great many Osirises and Legates, including the Talos, had gathered at the perimeter of the Malvada Cloud. Till I was given further instructions, I decided to stick with the Talos.
Soon, we had another threat to deal with ' The Joker. The Joker, and his thugs, are simple a group of terrorists in gunboats, and no amount of reason can inject any rationale into their actions. After getting to know that they had been spotted near the Kappa hole, I set course for it. I soon found Selena and other ships engaged in combat with the 2 gunboats ' the Joker's and one belonging to his crony. Soon, this happened:
By now, some of the Zoner ships had descended upon Gamma, so some of the attack wing broke off to regroup with our battleships. This left only a few bombers to deal with the second gunboat. The situation was exacerbated by the arrival of several Freelancers and and 13th Brigade Outcast ship, which made it increasingly difficult to target the gunboat.
Other Zoner ships, were in the meantime, busy getting blown up:
Eventually, I decided that it was getting unsafe, and decided to retreat to the Talos as well, which by now, had advanced to the Theta hole. The Talos provided the covering fire I needed to recover from the attack. The Joker's thug got away, but we had bigger fish to fry.
A large number of Zoner ships were about to jump through. We decided that the battleships needed to be moved out of the Malvada Cloud. So, on impulse speed, with a number of hostile ships hovering just beyond targeting range, the battleships retreated nearer to Skiros Shipyard.
Fausto's ship was destroyed, but he didn't take it lying down, of course. He took another hostile with him.
Once we were out of the cloud, the Zoners began to pour in. But with stalwart ships such as the Talos, the Artemis, the Heraklion, and the Huitzilopochtli, the Supremo and the Black Sail, to name a few, they stood no chance whatsoever. Along with fire from the number of bombers, including mine, each one of them went down in a matter of seconds.
In the end, there was only one GMG craft left in the system, and there were no Corsair casualties to report, apart from the lone fighter ship being destroyed.
Soon after, we formed up and jumped to Theta, to mop up the rest. We succeeded in destroying another battleship. After this, a curios incident ' scans indicated that we had Order ships in Gamma. Upon jumping, we found 2 of them near Skiros. One fled to Kappa, with Selena and I in hot pursuit, and the other was destroyed. Soon after, another Order gunship jumped into Gamma. The pilot seemed unaware of the state of relations between the Order and the Corsairs, but was wise enough to retreat to Kappa.
After this, we returned to Crete. We were among the last ships to return, and found that the celebrations were already underway. Yet, I could not shake the feeling that this was far from over.
Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
[Flight Log, Entry #27]
Today, I intended to get some practice in my bomber. So, after making sure that the Praetorian was properly loaded, I went to Mission HQ and wrote my name against a couple of high-threat i.e. capital ship missions in Gamma.
I enjoyed myself for a while, but my missions were interrupted by the arrival of a trader – Supply Ship 1, of the ETW - who wished to deliver some food to Omicron-94.
I escorted the ship in and out of the system safely.
On reaching Tripoli, where I needed to refit my ship a bit, I ran into Selena. We decided that it was a good time to raid Dublin.
It was moderately successful, with a few miners coughing up money. One trader in a Luxury Liner – Sven – coughed up money without us even raising any demands.
Then, we encountered a Kusari Naval Forces ship – in Dublin – quite far away from home. We were unaware of its intentions, so we simply chose to ignore it, after warning it not to interfere with out collections drive.
Soon, Valeria arrived in her Correo. But after some time, we returned back to the safety of Gamma.
Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
[Flight Log, Entry #28]
Today, I was part of yet another raid party on Dublin. This time, in addition to the usual fighters, bombers and interceptors, we had with us the Scylla for additional support.
One of the first miners we encountered was a tad bit uncooperative, and soon met with a catastrophic destruction soon after this picture was taken.
Then, as usual, the Bretonian Armed Forces turned up to play.
But soon things began to get heated up. The BAF kept getting backup, and the battle had drifter nearer to Battleship Essex, which meant that the gunners got worked up into a frenzy, firing indiscriminately at the scrum, often hitting BAF and other Bretonian vessels as well.
I managed to score a kill, but soon, we decided to retreat, because things were just the three of us by this time (Fausto, Valeria and I). We dropped back to the Omega-49 hole and made our way back to Crete from there. We met up with Pepe near Fes, who was in his bomber.
But soon, scanners picked up RHA and SCRA ships incoming. Pepe couldn't do much in his bomber, as the attack craft consisted only of Sabres. To be honest, neither could Valeria, Fausto and I. Espi, of the Black Sails also dropped in to help, but the Sabre pilots outnumbered us. First Fausto went down, then my ship's hull disintegrated, shoving me rudely into space with nothing to protect me from the crossfire but an escape pod's wafer thin hull. Luckily, I was tractored in by Pepe, who then safely landed on Fes.
Comm ID: Alfonso Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
[Flight Log, Entry #29]
Today, while walking past the notice panel in my quarters, I noticed a red message flashing. A closer inspection revealed that a single Spa and Cruise liner was wandering in Omicron-94. Since this was off-bounds for everyone except Corsairs and some traders who chose to deliver and load goods directly from the system, I chose to jump aboard by Titan to investigate.
I radioed on the Benitez comm. channel, and Enrico responded. He too set course for Omicron-94. As soon as we reached, we first conducted a preliminary search till Skiros. By now, there was another ship in the system of unknown origin.
By now, the Spa ship had opened communications on the system frequency. It said that it was lost, with the navigation systems having been knocked out. It then said it was docking with Tinos Outpost. Enrico continued his search for the other ship, as I doubled back, and shot off a message to Tinos to prevent the ship from mooring.
By know, Enrico had established that the other ship was another Corsair ship ' but what was worrying is that it had escorted the Spa ship to Omicron-94 in the first place.
However, after a certain amount of time, it was apparent that the ship was in fact at Syros, and not Tinos ' the captain once again attributed it to his malfunctioning navigations systems. Enrico and I RVed at Syros to ensure that the liner left the system. But then Syros command told us that the ship had already left. We then sped towards the Gamma hole, and then towards Crete, only to be able to grab this photograph of the ship mooring with Crete.
I immediately radioed Crete's defences to not let them reach the surface of the planet. At the same time, Enrico issued a KoS order on the ship. After having done this, and leaving the rest up to the forces on the ground, we ourselves retired to Crete.