iam thinking to buy one never got one witch is better ? handling, hitbox (size), turret directions (arc)
iam looking for agility & smallest size of them
Basicsally its the Bison or its not the Bison. The Bison's long tubular shape gives it the smallest rear profile (important when they are chasing you), but the weapon distribution along the tubular shape gives it the worst firing arcs for shooting backwards. The other three are compact blobs and are easy to hit from every angle, but it also gives them better firing angles. The Bison has 4300 cargo and 10 guns, the other three ships have 4200 cargo and 12 guns.
Max damage-out is one of the not-a-bison ships. The Bison is more likely to take less damage in if you are good at running.
The nice thing about the Shire is that it has 12 turrets, capable of firing all forward and reverse.
Did I mention it has TWELVE turrets? In actual in game combat against a single pirate bomber or fighter, I've actually WON with the Shire. I regularly take my Shire out to Dabadoru to resupply our base there (in RP at least once a week, even if I'm not in game that often). The Shire can take out an NPC Ossie with supporting fighters - I've done that more than once.
Yeah, I've a Cap 8 on it.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
The best turret arcs are probably on the Uruz at present.
Akegata: 8 to 9 guns in all directions, all 12 in some of the side directions. A good allrounder for attacking anything on any angle.
Shire: 12 guns fore/aft/up/down, 6 to the sides. Half the firepower when something hits you from the flank, so it's not as good in a turret view targeting.
Bison: Haven't flown it, but I'm told some 8 guns in every direction, akin to the Shire
Uruz: 11 guns fore/aft, 10 to the sides, but the up and down arc only have 7 I believe. For the usual styles of combat, this ship has the best arcs.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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