Greetings and salutations,
Allow me to introduce myself and the group I fly with. I am Senator Garrick Slavjic of the mercenary unit Venator Private Security, or VPS as more commonly known. We are a Bretonian based mercenary unit with the primary purpose to protect and escort mining ships and their transports. We also assist the BAF and BPA as needed to help protect Bretonian systems from various hostile threats. We primarily operate from Dublin as we're based on the Essex, but we run anywhere from Bretonia, Liberty and Rheinland depending where our current employers are needing to go. We are also registered with the Sirius Crime Commission, Bretonian and BMM bounty boards. We have permission to use some BAF ships and weaponry, even though we primarily use bounty hunter ships.
That's a brief background of who we are and what we do. I am contacting you today to see if we could work out some business arrangement between our two companies. I've noticed that you are based from Bretonia as well from Planet Leeds. You also assist the Bretonian officials when needed from time to time. That's about as much as I really know about your operations other than your large transport convoys I have personally witnessed traveling through the systems.
That is where I think we could be of some benefit to your group, as my group consists of many escort pilots. I would like to possibly establish some communications between our groups to possibly work out some business arrangement to work together. We have the same ties to Bretonia and we appear off-hand to be very complimentery to one another.
Please take your time in considering this matter before responding back. I do look forward to your reply
Senator G. Slavjic of VPS signing out.
A pleasure to hear from the famous Venator Private Security, we just have heard a lot of your men, and seen one and another from time to time. Your offer has been received, I will hand it to my staff and it will be considered as soon as possible. Maybe we can find some sort of arrangement.
I need to tell you, that me and my company mostly try to relie on our own escorts, but there might be situations where more could be better.
As I just said, I will hand it over to my staff, and we will discuss the matter fully impartial.
The response will be sent on the same communications frequency where I have received your message.
With all Hail, and all respect
Company Leader
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Thank you for such a rapid reply, yes please speak it over with your other board members. I'm just putting the offer out there on the table between our groups. I was also aware your group provided it's own security, as I have seen your convoys there in the Leeds system.
If your ever short on escort protection or your expecting trouble on a particular route, just know that our pilots could be of great service to you as well. I myself prefer scouting in advance of the main convoy. I'm good at recognizing trouble, warning the main group about it and then finding an alternate route to take to avoid the trouble. When my transports I've escorted have been engaged, I generally assist the transport in it's escape, then once it's clear I too try to disengage and regroup with the transport.
Others in my group are more close end support oriented. Meaning they prefer to stick by the transport and if trouble should appear then they deal with it at that time. I personally prefer to have the transport avoid the trouble all together. But yes take your time and discuss the possibilities. We have a contract with Gateway shipping, but I honestly haven't seen any of their ships when I'm on patrols.
I'm glad beeing able to tell you, that your matter has been discussed by me and my staff members, and we have made a decision.
So, primarily, your offer will be accepted. We are really looking forward to see your men as additional escorts on our side.
But there we come to the next point. How often this will take part, depends on the expenses. So, our question would be, what are your standard prices, can we figure out a fixed payment applied everytime, depending on the shipclass of the escorting ship?
I'm looking forward to your response, and remain
Company Leader
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Let me start out by thanking your organization for agreeing to use our pilots to help escort your convoys. I apologize for the delay in my response, I was waiting for more input from my fellow senators but all appear busy working else where. So I shall put a shot out in the dark with a suggestion for the prices. I had heard from one of your members before, when I had flown with them for a short bit, ended up in a ion storm. What he had suggested was 2 million credits for a gunship and 1 million for a fighter or bomber per leg of the trip. That is something I can agree with too, I understand your not hauling gold ore for a profit, but are hauling refugees to escape the upcoming invasion.
As far as when you will see us, to help escort your ships? That is a good question, as I've seen your ships often, you will no doubt see me. My other senators and the pilots however operate different times than I do, so it would not be possible to say exactly when they'll be available. I would hope if you see them on long range scans, to contact them and ask if they're not currently on job to join you. As for me, I will be looking for your ships and contacting you, to see if your in need of my services.
Thank you all again for this opportunity to work with your organization. These turbulent times are filled with all sorts of danger and we just want to insure the safety of your crews and that of the refugees. I hope you all have clear skies, I hope to meet you all again real soon.
Senator G. Slavjic of VPS signing out.
As i have been told from one of our pilots, you have joined our HX-274 group for escort service some days ago. The Captain of the escort ship "Gleaves" told me you've done a great job out there. So let's come to business:
I think the Captain of the "Gleaves" paid you for this operation? and you know about the usual conditions? Otherwise, please make an offer, sir...
I hope our companies will work together more often...
Chief of Staff
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Good to hear from your side, as far as it is that good news.
As my Chief of Staff has said, he remembered yourself providing escort services for one of our convoys, I myself remember another one of your men getting aside of us.
So, as business seems to be just on the run, I think we should just fix the prices. And as you said, 2 Million SRC per route for a gunboat escort and 1 Million SRC per route for a fighter escort should be alright.
If you agree to these terms, just sign this form.
Regarding the times when you and your men are hired: unfortunately, I cant give you fixed times. But im sure, you will appear on my long range scanners again. As soon as I see you or one of you pilots, I will launch a long range communications drone.
With all respect, and hail to her majesty
Company Leader
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Representatives of Convoy, I apologize for my absence here at the end of negotiations. I am pleased to see that my superior had made contact and finished up the arrangements in my absence. I see the agreed terms where 2 million for Gunship and 1 million for bomber/fighter escorts, per leg of the trip.
I will start actively looking to contact your vessels, as I do see them often, and will look forward to providing additional security for your vessels.
Once again I apologize for my absence at the end of negotiations between our two organizations.
Senator G. Slavjic of VPS signing out.
// I had been offline for about a month, my wife's grandmother is terribly ill and she's been taking care of her. So I have been stepping up around the house with the kids and such. I've been trying to put in more time, but the home situation hasn't changed, so I am on when I can be.