---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Narendran Pandian, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0010---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
"We have just made another succesful convoy today!"
This vessel was forced to do an emergency landing due to a sudden hit from an Ionic Storm.
CEO Notes: "We started off from Trenton outpost as usual with hammerson as a scout and myself as a shield. When we were going through one of the lanes i lost control of the ship. I managed myself to land in Curacao. Other continued as well. The convoy was a success except for me the second time i faced the same difficulty. I got a engineer to examine it and found the what the problem was and managed to get it repair it. I presume the same problem wont affect me in the convoys to come."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Narendran Pandian, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0011---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
[colo=red]Sanguinette[/color] met us in Dublin, but scattered off and Chimera halted us in the California System. Ms. Anderson tried to stop the pirate, but the pirate managed to destroy one of our own.
Casualties: [*USI*]Toledo[T]
This vessel was destroyed by Chimera in the California System.
CEO Notes: "Our start was a failure as pirates were in ft.bush. I and Crane decided to go through California. Everything went well. We encountered a pirate in Dublin. He didn't try to attack us.
So everything went very well when a pirate reached at New york JG. We couldnt do nothing. We astarted jumping. The pirate was able to intercept Toledo. E.Anderson tried her best to stop him. But the pirate managed to destroy him. We were forced to continue. When boston was intercepted by another pirate. I and Boston got through. Somehow Myself and boston reached ft.bush and then finished the convoy."
CEO Notes: "Today the USI completed a simple and fast route, we encountered no danger, and the Convoy runned smooth.
Anderson did a really good job as shield and as the scout. Mister Ellis did a good job as well, but not that good, in the end of the convoy Ellis had a problem with his communications and had to depart, and in the middle of the Convoy his weapons happened to be malfunctioning and he accidentely shot an Kusari base, that was his only mistakes, i'm sure he will fix his weapons.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Narendran Pandian, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0013---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
CEO Notes: "The System was clear . A good Convoy or a great convoy. Good obeying recruits and trainees made it easier. My Scanners becoe dead so first a little proble.......m. Then it was okay. We never encountered a pirate. One of the mos successful convoy i have been in."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Narendran Pandian, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0014---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Narendran Pandian, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0015---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Narendran Pandian, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0016---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
"Yeah, With a good scout like Clark and a good obeying traders all convoys is a success, Don't you think?"
The CEO notes were replaced by an interview by Clerk Matt Baker:
** Knock Knock **
Somebody knocks on the door. Narendran notices it. Narendran: Come in pleasee....... **Yawns** Matt: Good evening sir. **Cheerfully** Narendran: Matt i was expecting you. Seems you are interested with writing my convoy reports. Am i correct?. My Navigator Joe Harstock told me. Matt: Yes sir, I really anxious and happy to write Convoy reports sir. Narendran: Its really nice to have a clerk who wants to work here. Please be seated. **GRRRRRRNNNNNN**
Matt pulls the chair under the desk to sit.Narendran is irritated by it. Narendran: do you mind to pull chair without noise? Matt: Sorry sir. Shall we begin? Narendran: of course. Narendran stands up and sees outside of Trenton from his Office Window. Matt: Thanks for letting me interview you sir. P.Narendran: Its your job to interview People. Matt: Sir I heard you have leaded a convoys today. Was it a Success. P.Narendran: Yeah, With a good scout like Clark and a good obeying traders every convoy is a success, Don't you think? Matt: I heard you had some problems. *Drinks Water* P.Narendran: yeah sure.We has some starting problems. We had a VHF and a Gunship blocking the lanes. Anyway we got through it and safely finished the convoy. Matt: Sir, Did you pay any bribe? P.Narendran: Yes, I had no option. we cannot cancel a convoy in the middle. Matt: So all you are telling is about the convoy? Why don't you tell us who were in the convoy? P.Narendran: Sure, we had Jeremy Clark, Dajia and the capt. of Tacoma. Matt: Did any difficulties hit you? P.Narendran: As I said We had a lot of Pirates on the way. So leading the convoy into safety was a problem. Matt: Can I know the name of the route sir? P.Narendran: Yes, We did bargain route 2. Matt: Thank you for your time sir. **Narendran sits in the chair and types something**
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Narendran Pandian, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0017---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
The CEO notes were replaced by an interview by Clerk Matt Baker:
**Someone knocks the door. Narendran is reading a file hears it** Narendran: Why dont you people let a man to work peacefully? **A voice comes from Outside** Matt: Sir its Baker. **Narendran thinks something** Narendran: Alright come in **Matt is sweating** Matt: Sorry for disturbing you sir. **Narendran resumes reading** Narendran: Well why are you sweating? **Matt swipes his face with his Handkerchief** Matt: I heard you are leaving to Manhttan soon. SO i thought i might interview you before so that i can write the report in time sir. **Narendran looks into Baker's Face** Narendran: Sit down and ask whatever you want to **Narendran Closes the file and listens to Baker** Matt: Sorry for interviewing in a short notice again. Narendran: Don't be. Its not your fault we were authorized to go on another convoy. Matt: So how was this convoy? Narendran: We had some Problems with Dajia. We managed to Finish it successfully. Matt: Did you have any troubles on the way? Narendran: No nothing. **Narendran packs his things** Matt: Well was the same participants before in this also? Narendran: Yes, Same workers. Matt: Any important shipments you made? **Takes a file and runs through its contents** Narendran: We shipped Boron to Leeds. We brought in return MOX to Leeds. Matt: Whats the name of the route? **He again go through the contents** Narendran: Bargain Route I. Matt: Anyway where do you live? Narendran: Officially in Manhattan. Really in Trenton.I don't think this comes in the convoy report. **Matt looks Promisingly** Matt: I just wanted to know sir. Narendran: I am leaving now.Are we finished? Matt: Yes Sir. **Seeing him take his things** Matt: Thanks for your valuable time sir. Narendran: You are welcome.. **Narendran locks his office and goes to the Docking Bay**
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Gavin Fessel, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0018---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
"The Universal Shipping Inc. completed another successful Convoy today!"
Participating Vessels: [*USI*]Memphis[ S ]
[*USI*]Baltimore[T] [*USI*]J:Hammerson[CA]
Cthulhu was destroyed by [*USI*]J:Hammerson[CA]. Later on in California, LR-Almost.Pregnant, LR-Almighty.Avarice, and BrotherBearV demanded 2,000,000 credits. I paid them immediately, and they let us pass.
CEO Notes: "Today the USI completed a simple and fast route, we encountered some danger but our escorts did a nice job protecting the Convoy.
Clark did a really good job as shield and as the scout, but his Comms got hitted by a laser and he wasan't able to listen to the CEO and Hammerson orders, still no harm done. Hammerson was great as always he took out an Outcast Gunboat and he already received his payment to destroying it. [*USI*]Baltimore[T] Had some comms problems and had to depart when the convoy was almost finished, still he did a great job.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Gavin Fessel, Supervisor, Department of Trading.---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0019---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
"The Universal Shipping Inc. completed another successful Convoy today!"
Participating Vessels: [*USI*]Memphis[ S ]
[*USI*]Richfield[M] [*USI*]K.Gruzlund[JC]
CEO Notes: "Today the USI completed a route, we did not encountered any kind of danger, still our escorts did a great job.
Clark did a really good job as shield and as the scout. Gruzlund did an hell of a job aswell. [*USI*]Baltimore[T] did a great job. And [*USI*]Richfield[M] was awesome as always. I did not had any kind of problem, and the convoy runed smooth.