Are you ready for the tactical border guards and combat operations?
Are you ready to look in the eye of your own possible death?
Are you ready to protect the Bürger and Kanzler Rheinhardt?
Then you should think about your determination and brace yourself about joining the Bundesgrenzschutz. If you still don't know what the Bundesgrenzschutz is, then you should check out
[font=System]Have we piqued your interest? Then feel free to leave us your small application here!
But before you do, add ensure that you have grown with our requirements.
Why do you wish to join the Bundesgrenzschutz?
I wish to Join the Bundesgrenzschutz because i think thats a good an cool organisation that will be have much influence. And i want to Join to help the Rheinland Source
How much experience do you have in Role Play?
I dont have so much experience in Role Play but i Play Discovery since 3 years...
I play an other Rp game too but thats not interesting.
How much experience do you have in fighting?
In Fighting i Have much experience i play Freelancer since 2004...
Please tell us something about your ingame character. Just a small Biography:
It was an Dark room where I woke up.
I looked around me but I didnt see anything my shoulder hurts i dont know why iam here.
Hua... whats that (lights goes on), Goodmorning everybody shouts a nurse.
oh Damit why iam in a Hospital I ask the nurse she looked on my papers and told me that i was in a fight versus the hessians and my fighter was hit, I´am going in my space suit , I´m going out of my fighter and iam was unconscious. Now Iam in a Hospital.
She told me too that an friend of mine will come to me and will tell me all over that whats happened.
The next day Somebody entered the room, Guten tag Nikolai he looked to me. How are you? he asked. I´m fine thanks how are you? All ok but what do you know from your further live?
I told him that I only know from the nurse that Iam was in my space suite because my fighter was shoot down from an hessian... I even don´t know anything.
OK he looked to the Ground; it was so you were spelln of to omega 7 where you should to have defense an Transport with Important things on it for the Rheinländisch Fleet.
You are were gonna attacked from an Hessian attack group, you have saved the transport but you were shooted down.
He looked on me , I have something for you. He gives me a letter.
On this letter was an Formular, on the other side was something written.
In the letter stays that I am summoned to Stuttgart, where I get the chance to apply to me once the BGS, this is because I have provided such a good performance in the Rheinland Military.
after a month I was in Stuttgard all was OK i felled good and now i want to apply me by the BGS.....
Why do you wish to join the Bundesgrenzschutz?
 Because protecting our Kanzler and our people would be a great honor for me. Furthermore I want to support those brave man who are fighting for our Vaterland!
How much experience do you have in Role Play?
 As a former member of BFST| I had to do a lot of communicating with the GRN, also Pirating as a Rogue learned me how to handle the "bad guys".
How much experience do you have in fighting?
 The war with the Outcasts and Bretonia gained me a lot of fighting experience, flying a Bombor or a Gunboat is most comfortable for me. Also I'm known for keeping a cool head in fighting situations and not going ballistic.
Please tell us something about your ingame character. Just a small Biography: I was born on Planet Hamburg. My father was a Cop at the Rheinland Polizei. He always played robber and gendarm with me when I was little. At the time I was 16 years old, he died in a fight with the Red Hessian's, he killed four of them before getting shot by an assassination commando. Today is my 18th birthday and I'm now old enough to step in my father's steps. But my anger still boils...
The High Command of the Bundesgrenzschutz discussed about your application and we are glad to tell you,
that your application has beenaccepted
Sehr geehrter Herr Sauerwald
The High Command of the Bundesgrenzschutz has even discussed about your application. We are glad to hear that you want step in the step's of your father.
Your application has beenaccepted
We want that both of you move to Battleship Strausberg.
[color=#FFFFFF]Name of your character: Linda Stein
Skype: zinke_jupp
Why do you wish to join the Bundesgrenzschutz?
I want to join the Bundesgrenzschutz because i want to do everything i can for the Vaterland and for the People of Rheinland
How much experience do you have in Role Play?
I play Disco since 2 years and I've always been in RP groups like Cerberus or some other factions , I personaly play in the House of Rheinland since 2 years and I'm good in Rheinland RP .
How much experience do you have in fighting?
I'm not the best snub pilot but i learn fast I've bassicly consentrated my attention on my Role Play skills but as i said i learn fast .
Please tell us something about your ingame character. Just a small Biography: Linda Stein was born in 796 A.S on Planet Hamburg . In 800 A.S at the beginning of the Nomad War her Father an Rheinwehr Major died in an Attack on his Battlegroup in the Sigma 13 System , Linda was to young to understand why her father didn't came back home but at the age of 14 her Mother told her about her Father and at this point she Decided to go her fathers way . In 817 A.S her Brother an Kruger Security Officer died in an Hessian Attack on his Convoy in the Stuttgart System at this point she decided to join the Bundesgrenzschutz to make sure that such act's won't happen again .
Why do you wish to join the Bundesgrenzschutz?
I see that would be a very nice faction to be in, with some nice pilots around. I whanna play with you in game Manuel:)and also experience rheinland.
How much experience do you have in Role Play?
well 6 months. I'm new to the rheinlander role play, but I'll get used quickly.
How much experience do you have in fighting?
Hmm, I don't really know how good I am, but quite above avarage. Depends on the ship.
Please tell us something about your ingame character. Just a small Biography:
Petrus was born on Planet Stuttgart, in March, 798. His father is an farmer and his mother is a nurse. This ensured him a healthy life and also a good education. Petrus is a muscular guy. When he was 17, he joined the Rheinland Millitary academy. His skill was noticed by the higher rankings, and after he finished his studies, he had joined the lower ranks. he was chosen to defend Hamburg from the Liberty Navy, but he felt that his role was more of defending traders and miners closer to home. This is why he has chosen the Bundesgrenzchutz.
Your choice was right! The Bundesgrenzschutz is protecting the border and we even safe Miners and traders. Your reason why you want to join the Bundesgrenzschutz is good. So your application has been[color=#66FF99]accepted
[font=Garamond]Congratulations Herr Savin. Please move to Planet Stuttgart.