The following Traders have made my hunt list. All Pirates reading this thread (with the exception of Corsairs) feel free to provide me your favorite ... ahem ... Trader. You know ... those Traders that don't want to pay ... those Traders that choose to run ... and especially those Traders that like to mouth off at you. Yes, I've become tiresome of those Traders who've chosen to play hard to get.
Traders beware. This list is made available to all of my Pirate brothers and sisters to educate our Trader friends on proper etiquette. Traders place bounties on our heads. That's fine. The higher the bounty, the more effective the Pirate. We pride ourselves on the size of the bounties - gives us braggin rights. Guess what, Traders, we've got a hunt list for our favorites as well. So ... hide if you can Traders. Keep checkin your six, cause you never know when you'll get hit. Lesson to be learned here is that its cheaper to just pay up than to run.
[font=Comic Sans Ms]Atalawohisdi's Hunt List
[color=#FFFF00]TRADER ................................... INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS TRADER
FreightLiner .............................. 2 million credit reward for his whereabouts.
GalEx (the entire faction) ........... 500,000 credit reward for each GalEx trader killed.
[Trader]Spidervlad .................... Works directly for the TBH and wears a Freelancer ID (level>40).
Trader Jarian ............................ Mouth gets him into trouble.
Venom ..................................... Mouth gets him into trouble. Threatens to F1. Needs help with RP.
*THE-R/\TS*~Fetty~ ................. Refuses to pay.
Recon ...................................... Refuses to pay.
Fejvadasz ................................. Refuses to pay.
Nizbala ..................................... Complete lack of class. Repeatedly placing bounties on a Junker.
Caribe ...................................... Refuses to pay and mouth gets him into trouble.
CCC-Incorperated ..................... Refuses to pay and very insulting.
Sergent_cross ........................... Refuses to pay.
WARNING: Any and all posts to this thread that are off topic, flaming or argumentative will be deleted. I will make the final decision as to who is added to this list.
NOTE TO TRADERS: The price for being removed from this list is 25 mil, payable to [N]-Atalawohisdi when you see me online. Trust me ... you can afford it.
I respect a trader who has the balls to run from a pirate.
Running should be a trader's first course of action ALWAYS.
I myself will never pay a tax. I would rather die running then
be reduced to giving away some of my hard earned money!
Second of all, nobody is going to help you and this is some whiny pathetic list that you made because your 'pissed' and 'angry' at being rejected and getting a bounty on your head. One day I'm going to take one of my capital ships and hurt you real bad, just so you would feel how it feels for us traders to be pestered.
Well, interesting. I like your initiative, Atalawohisdi. I must only say that the first action any of the Traders I see perform is run, as they are entitled. "Not liking to pay" is not a crime; that's our job, you know. If you make that a criteria, that list is going to become veery long, veery fast.
(And, Your Brilliance Spidervlad, the Neutral ID doesn't allow transports. You need a Trader ID.)
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
This is Golden Chrysanthemum; Zetsumai from Kiretsu Squadron. You can count us in for teaching these cowardly carebears when to pay. Any traders operating the Kusari, Sigma, or Omicron regions can expect to be visited by us.
Those on your list will be forced into paying a bit more of an expensive one than the rest, but trust me. They will pay, or they will die. And die, and die.
The only ones I will not engage are those from the Zoners. The TAZ or the AW won't be bothered by us. They supply us the ships and much of the equipment with which we power our rebellion against the Kusari Government, and I do not wish to anger our suppliers.
-Zetsumai Shi-do
(OOC: Guys, this is an RP THREAD, keep it clean, polite, and in-RP or don't bother posting. Arch has already said he doesn't want flaming to happen in this thread, and you SpiderVlad completely disregarded that. As did you Photuin, when you posted a post with no RP in it. Could a mod please clean this up? Jes, isn't this your specialty? Same to you Salamander.. But to answer your question, that pirate will want to pirate you again someday. Now if he kills you after you pay, he knows you won't pay after that. Thats why the majority of pirates on this server leave you alone after you pay. Usually lasts 12-24 hours before they attempt to pirate you again. This OOC will be removed when thread is clean, unless Jes beats me too it..)
Some of you pirate types should really work on acting more pleasant. Hearing "Two mil or die" doesn't really put my in the cooperative frame of mind. A "please" now and then never hurt anyone, and makes me much more open to the idea of paying (assuming, of course, that the 'tax' is a reasonable amount).
Have a nice day. And remember, you catch more flies with honey.
I've found just covering the whole area with bug killer works wonders. Helps pay to kill those corrupt Rheinland officials.. Can't rely on New Berlin scholars to pay for everything.