The story of the Corsair Called Vincent Valentine is a story of pain, hatred, sadness and ultimately revenge. His character was furnaced in the fires of evil and shaped on the anvil of grieve. Born on Alexandria Base into a family filled with love, one would have never suspected that such an innocent little child could become a sword covered in blood. Men do not choose evil, instead, evil comes looking for them. Forced on a path of vengeance by the brutal raping and murder of his mother, and the slaughter of his father at the hands of Outcast Pirates, the young corsair's heart grew cold and into stone as the years went by. His path was etched in stone and covered with crimson. It was fate that called him back to his people, It was his people that provided him with the tools to become the sword. Fight Fire with Fire, Evil with Evil. If evil was done upon thee, then rain evil down on them.
The Brotherhood accepted young Valentine cautiously. There was no absence of vigor in the young man, in fact, it was the fire burning in his eyes that worried some of the corsair Elders. The Corsairs were Pirates, but they adhered to a code of honor. And thus was expected from the young Valentine.
His first 3 weeks flying his Titan and Praetorian went well. He upheld the code of the Corsairs, and pleased the elders. He defended Crete, and upheld the security of Corsair Space. But something was changing.
The young Valentine has already made some enemies in Sirius. He has already been betrayed by some, and fouled by others. And something inside the corsair was changing. His eyes was now set upon these men. No space would bar him from getting to them. No matter where they were. They would be executed with extreme prejudice, and hunted for eternity.
This is the story of Vincent Valentine and his vengeance on his enemies.......
Centurion Valentine
One of the honors that one could achieve in the Brotherhood is the rank of Centurion. Vincent ws bestowed this honor after months of flying for the Brotherhood. He was put in charge of the rookie brotherhood pilots and tasked to school them in the ways of the Brotherhood. Elder Montoya bestowed this rank upon Valentine giving the young corsair more responsibility, hoping that it would suppress the hotheaded nature and sometimes ruthless approach to handling situation. Only time will Tell if the Elder was right.
Ah the zoners, and ever present phenomenon. Like rats in sewers, or cockroaches in cubboards. A resourcefull people, ambitious to trade, make money and scrape by for a living. The Zoners have done well for themselves. The outer rims of sirius is a dangerous place, yet these folk have managed to have a neutral stance with almost every pirate, comunist or waring faction in sirius. And this is the reason Valentine despises them.
Vincent's parents were both killed on-board freeport 9. An outcast raiding party stayed overnight at the freeport in preparation for a quick raid into 41 the following day. That night the sniffers ran into a corsair family in the hanger bay, ready to make their way home to Alexander base after purchasing a shipment of food for the colony. The rest is, how do they say, bloody history.
Valentine's hatred towards the zoners have been well known around his brothers. He could not see the reason why a powerfull nation like the corsairs would tolerate such a pest. Their bases were close to the corsair homeworlds, and their neutral nature ensured to all who want could dock, plot and plan against corsairs..from almost within corsair space.
The resent zoner conflict is scratching an itch that Valentine has had for many a year. Only time will tell what part he has to play in it. Only time will tell.
Elder Valentine....Elder? The tilte was still new to Vincent. A Title that Elder Montoya, the Leader of the Brotherhood has given to Vincent. In his younger years as rookie in the ranks of the Brotherhood he had little responsibility. Uphold the values of the brotherhood, and that was about it. He could be aggresive, he could be violent. The he was made centurion, and he had to lead the young Brotherhood pilots through various training missions, and teach them the values of the Brotherhood. He could not be as forthcoming as he was used to, and diplomacy was a new term that the young corsair had to learn.
Now, Elder. The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a corsair within the empire. He had to sit on a council of much older, and wiser corsairs. He had to use diplomacy more that the preffered violence to solve issues. And he had to show that the trust put into him by Elder Montoya was justified. Something he would strive to do. Vincent was always one to lead from the front, by charging in first, and setting a example. He swore he would handle the title as elder the same.
The Council
It has been 3 weeks now that Vincent has been made an Elder of the Brotherhood, and asked to sit on the council of the Empire. With the zoner conflict reaching its boiling point the Council Chambers has been a busy place. Alot of Debates has been going on, much to the frustration of the Valentine. He knew that as an Elder one had to think about desicions made, and could not just solve confilct with violance, but the council chamber were beginning to frustrate him. He felt that as a corsair the council had to be firm in the hanlding of the zoners, yet alot of debating was going on about how the zoners should be accomodated. Also vincent felt that witht he biodomes contstructed in 91, and the many food contratcts in place, the need to grow on a millitary scale was now even greater. No longer were corsairs starving, but the will to expand the borders of the empire has become greater.
Because of this need Vincent has contacted the TAZ. A Group of Zoners that he held in higher regard than the fools living on Port 9. He had one goal in mind. Secure Military Grade Ship Equipment from the TAZ to the brotherhood. Enabling the Brotherhood to build more ships, and build the next generation of Battleships. The Empire is in a strong position, and the time for expanding into Foreign space will soon be at hand. The Brotherhood, will be ready.
While on a routine donation collecting mission in Dublin with brother Ezio, Vincent came across a pirate holding up a miner ship. The pirate introduced herself as Zia, and was apparently part of the group calling themselves the indians. After discoureging the pirate to leave the miner, Valentine got the pirate to drop some gold for the Ezio's Pace to pickup.
After this some conversation took place between Vincent, Ezio and Zia, the indian. Apparently, she proclaimed to have wanted to meet Valentine for some time, and professed her will to get married to the young corsair for some odd reason. Vincent was a bit caught of gaurd here, and glanced away from the indians questions, using the mission as an excuse. He did invite her over to Crete, if she wanted to continue her persuit. Apparently, the Indians also holds no aggression towards the Brotherhood as well. At least some valuable intel came from the excursion to Dublin.