Zis is Caz.Locke. I'v had enough of ze corrupt nationalists who constantly do nothing but make things worse. Itz time for me to make a stand. Here is my stuff RHA.
Quote:Full name and origin: Caz bazel Locke, Planet New Berlin
Short biography: I was born August 9, 795 A.S. on the New Berlin planet. At age 17 I started in the mining business but not to long into the business, they started treating me harshly. I put up for it for 2 whole years until I heard of how the corrupt government constantly broke agreements with miners. When that reached my ears, I just blasted off, got a eagle, and started killing all the military in site to get to the high command so I can murder them. Never, do I want to be treated like dirt again. After a year rebelling, I found a RHA patrol in which they directed me to the recruitment center in the RHA.
Prior flight experience: Flying the eagle when I was rebelling on my own.
//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (fairly important): Don't have any, sry.
//Your timezone (for informational purposes): Eastern USA -5GMT
Incoming Transmission
ID: Leutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag herr .... Locke, is it?
Ja well, I have reviewed your application and I find that some of your facts don't hold water. Life was tough for you I see, but then you got some ship and started killing members of the military including the High Command? From my intelligence sources I know that the military High Command is quite well at this moment. I assure you, we are doing what we can to change that [he laughs], but this would be one of the facts that don't hold water.
Furthermore, to be perfectly honest, I don't quite trust you. Your story is quite .... typical, too typical one would say. Perhaps you could even be some sort of spy working for a third party. That is why I must inform you that your application has been DENIED. That would be all mein herr.
Transmission Terminated
Signal Lost
Gentlemen, I've had the privilege of meeting with one of your agents. A mister "Kristian Elias" contacted me while I roamed for work in the Omega 11 system. I must confess, as a once skilled laborer now turned mercenary, I'm intrigued by your order's words of rebirth in Rheinland. I think a change has been in the works for a long time and I'm no stranger to the idea that conflict breeds change.
Hopefully your words carry the full breadth of action behind them. If so, it's a cause I find myself willing to yield to. Make no mistake though, I am still a mercenary and the hot blood of a fighter courses through these veins. I will make no attempt to hide my lust for battle, but only when it's necessary to do so. I'm no savage, but I do relish my new occupation.
I was directed to your base of operations here by your agent and thus, I am here, humbly seeking to be an aid to the fresh wind that will one day blow crisp my beloved homeland's flag. You of course may contact me privately on my S.K.Y.P.E. ID "Khelric", if indeed your agent was correct and you consider me an asset to the Hessians. I don't trust the security measures of simple messages such as these to divulge too much information. I look forward to your correspondence.
Incoming Transmission
ID: Leutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag herr Klein.
Comrade Elias has indeed told me of you. He only has good things to say [he nods]. As a former worker, you must know the current situation in Rheinland, it is quite bad, to say the least. The government is making no attempts to change the current situation, it is making no attempts to help the honest workers who have to work all day to earn for a living. Instead, they turn their back on them. Well mein herr, the Hessians are here to change this.
I see that you are a man who knows what he wants. Make no mistake, you will be in combat very often, so your urge to fight will be satisfied, but let me tell you this, you will follow orders. When you are told to stand down, turn around and run to help a Rheinland worker in need, your savageness will wait. Other than that, there is not much left to say. You are ACCEPTED into the Red Hessian Army. Fly to Dresden where our patrols will meet you and bring you to your new home. In the meantime read these documents..
1.Full name and origin:Aldrich Bauer,Rheinland
2.Short biography: I was Born in Planet Rheinland . Every pepole think that Rheinland is aplace were Nobody is Poor and all pepole are Treated Equally
But thats wrong Nobody has seen the Underworld Of Rheinland Every Body Is Starving Without Foods I had a Gull i was Wroking for the welfare of the
pepole of rheinland.Soon the Time Came I was Bringing Food to the pepole in rheinland who are starving I ordered pepole to Take the Food I went to go to
the bar when I came back i saw that 4 to 5 wraith and Some repEx memebers Entering my ship They shooted every body on sight. They Took My Ship and the food in it
Then I decided to Start Killing every RM Members I have totally killed 5 RM members So far When they come to the underworld to take the foods for my pepole I wll Kill them with my gun. Then I heared about the
RHA Member Siegfried Klein Who was working to OverThrow the Rheinland Government I asked why and he told his Story and the Goals I decided to Join the RHA I wll Help the RHA to Free the Pepole of rheinland from Chancellors rule
3.Prior flight experience:I have been an Independant Pirate I steal Only Foods and Kill RM
4.//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (fairly important): Borntokillfire
5.//Your timezone (for informational purposes):+5.5GMT
Incoming Transmission
ID: Leutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag herr ... Bauer.
Well this is really ... ermm .... I don't really know what to call this. Strange would be the first word that comes to mind I think. First of all ... "underworld" mein herr? The Hessians are not some blood sucking vampires to be living in the underworld. We are the free people of Rheinland, fighting against oppression openly, and not from some cave in the "underworld", we are not rats mein herr.
Secondly, you are killing the Military because they are visiting you in your cave in the "underworld" and taking ... err, what? Perhaps you have been drinking a bit too much mein herr. Your application is DENIED. You should find out more about the Hessian Army, because we are not rats that live in this ... "underworld" of yours.
I sure as hell hope there are also a few Damen here, to keep me company during LONG nights, ja? Meine Name ist Gunther Langwurst. You laugh now, but I guarantee you will cry when we hit the showers, Herren. Und zhe Damen would cry with joy, naturlich. I used to be a student of zhe Neues Berlin Politologie Institut, where I got the nickname 'Violator' for some reason. *cough* Well, anyway, I was studying current Rheinland Leadership, und some facts about our Kanzler were - or rather - seemed to be... Not so precise information. So I did a little research on campus. Found out that zhe Kanzler as I knew him was a lie. During my research, I was contacted by a Hessian supporter. She gave me the codes to this channel, and so I am here, after a year of deciding and some flight training in a civilian flight school. I've seen a lot of stupid atrocities performed on the people of Rheinland, and wish to contribute to a change. I am offering myself und mein Wurst to the Red Hessian movement. If you will have use of it, that is.
Incoming Transmission
ID: Leutnant Raymond Amsel
Opening Channel
Guten tag herr .... Langwurst? Mein Gott.
We have some damen here mein herr. You see, I like to call the new recruits our "damen", you'll soon see why. You'll regret having those showers with the rest of unseren "damen", mein herr. I see that the educational system in these troubled times can still bring us a few bright minds. The current Rheinland Leadership is indeed in chaos, and I am very happy to see that minds like your own are willing to change that. We will train you and your "wurst" the best we can, and it will be put to use only in the harshest of situation, or the deepest of holes. The Corsairs will love it, I'm sure.
Your application is ACCEPTED mein herr. Move to Dresden where our patrols will meet you, and show you everything. In the meantime read these papers.
Hallo hallo, mein liebens.
And guten tag, Herr Amsel.
You probably know me as the model of your own Red Hessian Pin-up 817 Calendar that inspires you and gives you hope everytime you depart to zhe cold space,
but i am also Adolph's and Jonas Hessler sister and Bruno Hessler twin.
All the days, i see my brothers departing to space, zu kämpfen for what zhey and i believe for, and i cannot wait the calling to arms anymore.
I am tired of giving zhis small contribution that is only my beauty to inspire our men.
From now on, and with my brother's consent, i want to fight too, alongside you all,
against ze oppression of ze Kruger's and Daumann's and to finally release our people from zhis government that has hurted us so.
So, bitte, let me fight.
Here i leave my S.K.Y.P.E. protocol contact :: Kaze.Dagon :: but please, do not share it with the rest of zhe boys, or else it won't stop ringing again.
I will leave a picture that isn't in the calendar for you. Look me up at the Dorn Club in Vogtland when you have zhe time, i will give you a kiss if you help me.