This is Kole-Burint. I am starting this jounel for my time in the LN and all other events. This is my Bio page.
Born : planet Manhattan
Age : 29
Gender : Male
I joined the LN on November 19th. When I was only 4, my parents died on a Spa and cruise ship on a course to planet Manhattan. The ship was attacked by 3 gunboats and 5 wings of fighters. Even though the guard ships tried to defend the ship, they failed. I was saved when a wing of LSF fighters on a patrol found my ejection pod flouting in space. When I was 15, I bought my first ship and said good bye to my foster parents and took off toward West Point to begin my training. Today I still remember all of it. For now this is Kole-Burint, signing off.
This is Kole-Burint. Today was a good day. I met with Oakland and a group of Navy people and we went on a patrol to Bering. It was uneventful untill a Corsaer decieded to jump in and some Xenos were there too. But they were easy dispatched. After the patrol, the LNS-Conway,Jenna, Mark and I went for training in the Conn. system. During training we got word from Conway that a HL battleship was attacking. but when we left the Conn. system, Oakland said he had it under control. We went on a quict patrol around NY and found nothing. We noticed Jenna was acting a little strange. We got done with the patrol and went back to the Conn. system and that's pretty much all that happened. This it Kole signing off.
Mother : Look... isn't he beautiful?
Father : Yes he is
[ship rocks to the left due to a missile impact]
Captin : All civilians to ejecton pods, all civilians to ejecton pods. pirate attack.
Mother and Father run with me to the ejecton pods.
Mother and Father trip and I rolled to a near by pod.
AI : Ship pods launching in 2 minutes.
Mother and Father try to get up but the fire blast doors seal before they can get though.
Near by people pick me up and run to a pod.
As we zoom away from the Spa and Cruise ship, I watch it as it goes up in a ball of fire and then disipates.
Srvivre 1 : Who's kid is this?
srvivre 2 : The parents were killed on board the ship!
srviver 1 : Well, we can't just leave him here...
srviver 3 : We'll take him.
[5 hours later]
Foster Dad : Welcome to your new home.... what's his name?
Foster Mom : His name is Kole. I knew his parents before they died.
Foster Dad : Well. Let's get you settled in.
[12 years later]
Ship Dealer : Here is your new ship, Kole.
Kole : Thank you, sir.
Ship Dealer : That will be about 2 million credits.
[Kole turns over the money]
Ship Dealer : Thank you and have a nice day.
[8 years later]
LN officer : Welcome aboard, Kole
Kole : Thank you, sir.
[Kole salute's Officer]
Kole : I'm ready for duty, sir.
LN officer : Then let's get started.
Unknown : Kole... you are alone now... the others are gone.... its only you now....
Kole : i dont know who you are.... i dont know what you want... if you looking for me, you wont find me.... but i do have a number of skills and work for the LN... if you dont stop following me... i will hunt you.... i will i find you.... and i will kill you.