Do you think it will be logical if Whale had more or same cargo as Large Train or Container Transport? Whale is much smaller in size, that's why it has less cargo.
Whale slow and not maneuverable? When I ran the corfu I ditched a L-train for a whale because it preformed better in asteroids. I recommend more flight time with that ship...........
Well, it has slow thrust speed, though it's more maneuverable than a C-Tran. I probably would use it myself, except it lacks a CM dropper.
I'm not saying that the Whale needs more cargo, but the Leviathan Supertanker could be a 2nd generation version. Much bigger, with much more cargo, but still no guns, and still not the toughest ship around. And much less maneuverable.
ya, even with the highest level transport turrets, i hardly make a dent into a gunboat or bomber. unless theres some turrets that im missing, i think i'd rather have a transport with 5500 cargo (ya,ya, not happening) and no guns.
' Wrote:ya, even with the highest level transport turrets, i hardly make a dent into a gunboat or bomber. unless theres some turrets that im missing, i think i'd rather have a transport with 5500 cargo (ya,ya, not happening) and no guns.
I am not actually aware of how the Whale handles, actually. I tried one out back in April, but not in combat situation or even in asteroids. I brought the Whale into the discussion b/c this was going to be kinda like a Whale mk 2. I like the Whales design, one of the reasons I wanted to make this. I don't want to change a perfectly fine ship.
One thing I definately want to avoid is making a transport that will replace the Ltrain or make it ridicullously easy to get a cap ship w/ it. I can tell that is a known concern for large transports.
Anyways, a mock-up model should be on display sometime today. I'll try to get some existing models next to it for comparison. I may not be able to due to CMP importer limitations, but I'll try.
Ok, a few from me: The central section should be a sort of an open crago hold - made up of a frames, holding a multitude of cargo pods inside. Tis section's tops ide would look very nice with a bunch of pipelines going throughout the section's length (The Camara has it done very nicely)
I think that this ship should be reduced in size at least twice. With its current size it won't even fit a trade lane. Besides, no use for such size if it will have 5000 cargo hold. Since I was willing to introduce more transports of the maximum cargo amount (4500 right now), this ship should be roughly of the size of the large train. And no attachable cargo pods please... better use "virual" pods, like on container transport.