' Wrote:Then who are you to say mine is incorrect?
I didn't say you are correct. I'm just saying you are not necessarily correct.
I'm saying that if you have balance concerns you need to talk to balance team instead of beating into somebody's head that you are right and he is wrong, like you tried here. It doesn't work.
Apotheosis, while your concern is valid and I too don't really like to see Gallic Brigand tech being used in Rheinland, even less by a non-gallic faction while the brigand themselves don't (and can't really) even operate there, you have to understand they will suffer of the technology nerf. In this case, they play by the rules of the new system. That system doesn't prevent them from doing these mixes, no matter how silly and stupid some are. They suffer from it, it's fair game.
The nerf goes for guns and ship, you have a calculator to see how much nerf you get for which ID with which tech. Anyone combining 1 faction ship and 1 faction gun (or more) with FL ID/Pirate ID (while both have orange cells with that faction) will get 67% nerf. That's so under-powered it doesn't even pay off to fly with, and mostly you'll see only hardcore RPers with it.
As for the technology diversity, if and when RR will get their ID it will have new limitations. They will be forced to drop some of the technology since it won't be effective.
At any, if you think they use any over-powered technology please address the dev team about it.
' Wrote:I didn't say you are correct. I'm just saying you are not necessarily correct.
I'm saying that if you have balance concerns you need to talk to balance team instead of beating into somebody's head that you are right and he is wrong, like you tried here. It doesn't work.
Please do not insult me so.
Oh, and by the way:
' Wrote:Neither is yours.
sounds like you're saying mine is correct. Right?
' Wrote:Apotheosis, while your concern is valid and I too don't really like to see Gallic Brigand tech being used in Rheinland, even less by a non-gallic faction while the brigand themselves don't (and can't really) even operate there, you have to understand they will suffer of the technology nerf. In this case, they play by the rules of the new system. That system doesn't prevent them from doing these mixes, no matter how silly and stupid some are. They suffer from it, it's fair game.
It seems that people fail to understand that the issue exists and often the tech nerf becomes negligible.
Now, as stated, I will not post any further on the subject, and will trust you to not ignore it. Insult me again, Dodike, and I will be forced to reply.
' Wrote:I just hope that by refraining from continuing the dispute that it will not be ignored.
It will be by me, because in my opinion you are wrong. So, your next step should be to take it to the devs or admins if it is THAT big of an issue to you.
' Wrote:As for the technology diversity, if and when RR will get their ID it will have new limitations. They will be forced to drop some of the technology since it won't be effective.
At any, if you think they use any over-powered technology please address the dev team about it.
' Wrote:Its mine and many others' top gunboat, but I don't get to use it without being Order. Especially not with some weak, short roleplay about 'retrieval'. Of course they would leave their ships lying around.
Exactly. Just because it follows the rules does not mean it is not a problem.
Just because it is RPed for does not mean it is okay.
Ermm... Maybe you've noticed that there are infact A LOT of wrecks floating around in Sirius. Some of them even contain really valuable stuff. In O-100 there's even an Osiris wreck. So it seems that factions DO leave their ships where they die. And since it's BOTH following the rules and has been RP'd for, I don't see what else RR should do.
' Wrote:That's fine; if you're a mercernary affiliated strongly with LR(alliance, contracts etc.), its okay. However, you should stick to that; if you're going to be running amok in Rheinland and other systems doing nothing for your contractors, it becomes somewhat irritating, and leads to the 'pewpew' accusations, as you've been seeing.
If you've got the equipment, be responsible for it. We don't want to see you taking Rheinland lawful equipment and using it to fight the RM, and their allies and so on. Don't use your tech where you simply shouldn't. Okay, you may be prevented partially by the nerf system, but that is besides the point.
Since RR have strong ties with the Outcasts, it's not very far fetched that they've gotten the LR tech through that channel. Ties to Brigands have been acknowledged here by Brigands themselves. Order tech... No alliances there, but if there has to be a tight alliance... Why then does Order have Nomad guns? It makes perfect sense that some tech leak out, and fall in the hands of the opponent. InRL, as InRP! If a ship was heavily outnumbered InRL, and was given the chance to surrender, I think that out of a hundred ships... At least fifty would surrender. InRP we try to do the same, although a lot of us miss that completely. We have a responsibility to our crews.
If one would steal RM tech, and use it against RM, it would simply be a stalemate. Both sides would have the technology to counter the other ones weaponsystems RP-wise. You'd wanna use tech that your enemy can't counter.
Apotheosis... I see that your account isn't very old, but yet I get the feeling that you've been here longer. Long enough to have been pirated by RR and/or killed by the RR-Mercs enough times for you to carry a grudge against them. In 4.85, we could see a lot of RP'd tech on various ships with no nerf at all. I don't see why you make such a fuzz about it! Do you think that five un-nerfed Ahoudoris will be easier to beat than five nerfed Hathors/Rogue GB's/Ascos, or whatever?