::: Activating government censorship countermeasures :::
::: Transmission to the Red Hessian Army :::
Seid gegrüÃt fellow workers and laborers!
My name is Mustapha Mond and I am 35 years old. My home system is Frankfurt...
My story begins as a Republican escort pilot who did good work in protecting the transports against all sorts of threats. Though my rank was always low...because of my forename, they were prejudiced and kept me in an old Hawk for almost 10 years.
I always tried to never give the high-ups a chance to punish me, however when my convoy was annihilated by a Corsair capital wing in Sigma-13, I wish I hadn't fled.
Not only did they fire me instantly, they sued me for Unterlassene Hilfeleistung (denial of assistance), because I left the convoy. After spending 3 years on Vierlande, I was was finally released.
Though I will never forget, how atrocious Rheinland companies are and the puppet government, who does everything for them. I want to join the Red Hessian Army to get revenge and to end the reign of money and prejudice.
Because of my time as an escort pilot, I have fighting experiences. Though I am far from an elite pilot and could need some training to defeat Corsair or Military advesaries. Additionally, 3 years in prison have diminished my skills even further.
I hope you will accept me in your ranks and together we can defeat the vampires who rule us!
Viele GrüÃe
Mustapha Mond
::: Transmission End :::
::: Terminating government censorship countermeasures :::
// Skype name is samsonight7. Though I am of German origin and thus my English might sound funny. Also, my timezone is GMT+1.
Source: Red Hessian Army Recruitment Office, Vogland Base, Dresden Target: Mustapha Mond
Many have been bitten by the harsh realities of serving the interests of the corporate elite. With the recent rise in corsair activity coming via the Sigma's into Frankfurt, even more underequipped commercial pilots are at risk. We can offer you the chance to fight back fully equipped, for the people of Rheinland. Your application is approved, welcome to the ranks. Your frequency will be added to the official RHA channels shortly. Make your way to Dresden and rendezvous with our patrols for an escort the rest of the way to Vogland.
The following operational materials will bring you up to speed on our procedures, operations, and rank structure:
"Guten Abend, I am Erwin Steiner, I used to work for Kruger Minerals and now I am 'freelance'." The voice sighs before continuing. "After being 'released from my services' from Kruger I found myself disbelieving, after working for 10 years they cut me loose without a 'sorry' nor any form of compensation for my lack of a paying job after unceremoniously cutting me loose..." the sounds of him shifting in the ship he was on could be heard as he tried to get comfortable. "Now I do not like being fired, especially since I worked hard for the company which is obviously thankless and cruel to those it lets go of, so, I would like to join the movement, I will be honest as I can, this is not simply because I want to change things, this is revenge on Kruger for they're crimes against me and others like myself who have been fired in such a manner...I will do whatever it takes to bring them and the Government that supports them down to their knees, even if it ends in my death." the man calmly states.
"If you would have me as a Pilot I would be honoured, if not...Well...I shall try not to think of what could be...Erwin Steiner signing out for now."
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Leutnant Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
Erwin Steiner, so ich see you vasted 10 years ov your life being a Kruger lapdog, ja? Vell, mein freund, now zat you've found out zeir true identity und have seen zeir true face, you vill be stepping in a vhole new vorld. But ich varn you, life as a Hessen, und a part ov Volksrevolution nonetheless, is not an easy one. You von't get a chance to express yourself und explain your goal through vords in most cases, und you'll need to do it vith all guns blazing - Specially vhen dealing vith zose Rheinwehr pigs.
Your application is hereby Accepted, Willkommen to the Rote Hessen Armee. Fly to Vogtland, vhere you vill be passing a training period vhich ich believe vould be necessary fur you bekauze none ov ze Krugers ich have seen in mein vhole time couldn't find fur crap, no offense. Co-ordinates ov ze base is attached to zis message, also, you are required to read, unzerstand und follow ze attached documents.
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#000000]Very High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION DATA:Eduard Leopold Helheim SOURCE:[DATA CORRUPTED], Omega 11 SUBJECT:Recruitement
Let's me introduce myself first.
20 years ago, I was one of the many Dauman's engineer in the ship conception department. We worked on new mining turret prototype for 7 years. However when the project was completed, they decided that I was no longer useful in the scientist team 'cause of my political point of view.
Then with no job and asset I was forced to become a miner. And of course, Dauman given me the worst job they can give me, at Solarius to repair and maintain "a correct" hull for Hegemon. I had done this for 8 years. Hopefully during for maintenance, I was testing the electronic on board and a hessian raid near Solarius damaged the security lock, releasing my new ship. Taking advantage of the chaos, I run away with the [DATA CORRUPTED].
This one was full of Diamond. After a long trip I finally found a buyer. And with this amount I begin to run my little business in Rheinland.
4 years ago, I came back to omega 11 to settle a new home. During my Exploration I found an old TTR-1130 Series Pilgrim which slowly drifted away. It took me 6 month to make it fully operational. And now the Wiedergeburt acts for me as mobile base for my mining and pirate operation.
Yes I'm already a member of the Rote Hessen. If I 'm free it's because of you. So it's time for me to return the favor.
6 month ago I join the basic Hessian fleet. I already possess an Odin and a Thor.
However, I understand that to join the army, I will have to start from the beginning.
My Odin is ready to join the Northeim Base.
Concerning flight experience : I'm used to flight and fight in : Odin and Thor.
S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address [DATA CORRUPTED].
My current Sirius Time zone is : SMT +1.
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Leutnant Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
So... Herr Helheim, iz it?
Let me sum up ze information you offered us fur joining ze Armee. You vere a Daumann engineer fur 7 years, zen vere demoted to a simple tecknician. Zis raises a question... If you vere gut enough in vhat you did, vhy did zey demote you? But zat aside, you took kare ov Daumann Hegemons fur anozer 8 years, und zen decided to grab one ov zeir transports full ov diamonds und run to sell it to someone und make cash? Ja, ich unzerstand, ve all are greedy to some extent. Later you found a wrecked S-Liner und spent -Six- whole months to make it operational again? No offense Herr Helheim, but ze Armee already has some ov ze best engineers und scientists all over Vaterland, so ich don't see vhat gut a Ex-Daumann fixer flying a wrecked S-Liner kould do fur us, maybe you'd better stick to your piracy life az a hessen, und forget about ze military life.
Speaking ov vhich, being a Hessen before applying fur ze Armee is not a varrant to get aksepted, as many vho don't even believe in our kauze fly unzer Hessen flag, danke to zose greedy junkers aboard Kreuzberg vho fix zeir transponders fur zem. Zerefur, your applikation is hereby Denied, und maybe vith your background you should try und join ze Junkers. Zey could use a couple ov more fixers fur zeir Pilgrims. Dresner Out!
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#000000]Very High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION DATA:Eduard Leopold Helheim SOURCE:Wiedergeburt, Omega 11 SUBJECT:Recruitement
Hallo Mr Dresner,
Quote:If you vere gut enough in vhat you did, vhy did zey demote you?
When you begin to promote more freedom and more respect in Dauman, they don't appreciate it, really.
Quote:you took kare ov Daumann Hegemons fur anozer 8 years
Nah I took care of the poor miner team you go near the Sun. I have a little respect for other. In misfortune, It's good to have comrade to rely on.
And Why that took me 6 years to escape. He I said they didn't like my political engagement so they was watched me.
Quote:ze best engineers und scientists all over Vaterland
This part of my life is over now.
And I Still have miner freund on Solarius which are still slaved.
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Leutnant Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
So you still have kontacts aboard Solarius... How brave ov you to admit it! Vhat vill you do vith zem? Discuss your life az a Hessen soldier vith your Daumann volks over a drink every veekend? Now you look more like a Daumann Spy to me zan anything else.
Konsider zis an Official varning from ze RHA, Eduard Helheim, even if a regular pirate hessen, your aktions vill be obzerved closely from now on. Make sure you vatch your steps, bekauze if you take a vrong one, ich personally vill make sure you von't be able to take a second one.
Also, your aksess to zis channel vill be blocked fur unfureseeable future, bekauze ov obvious sekurity reazons.
"Incoming transmission..."
"Subject ID: Andreas Baader"
"To: Rote Hessen Armee Hauptquartier"
Abend, oberkommando and associates. Ich heisse Andreas Baader. Born on Hamburg, 789 A.S. . I used to serve in Rheinland Militar for quite a brief period, mostly concentrating on training along with other soldaten. Mein closest companions, Ulrike M. Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin and Horst Mahler joined at the same time with me. Having been feeling unsteadiness and corruption of Rheinland from within, I made everything to persuade them to leave Reinwehr as soon as possible. Soon enough the moment has come, and we deserted. Me and Ulrike sympathized to Red Hessian movement whereas Ensslin and Mahler had their future plans connected with Bundschuh.
Series of events brought us onto Freital, from where we started flying under Rote Hessen flag. And so we put our efforts into establishing Hessen' recognizable presence within Omegas. Having devoted a significant part of my life into Red Hessians movement, I decided to put aside certain things and express my will to join the Rote Hessen Armee to put the best of my abilities into full use.
Ich will be waiting for a reply.