I hope i hit the correct forum now...
Anyways, i know its a bit late for asking about my lost ships, but Cody just showed me where to post this request; besides, in the help channel on Skype, noone responds.
The names of my lost characters/ships are:
I highly suggesting sending a private message to one of the Admins.
There is a higher chance they'll notice you if you PM them as compared to posting here. Also, I suggest PMing more than one Admin to increase your chances.
Off topic, but this is in the rules section so I thought I'd point this out:
You're not one of the people I've seen flying around recently with a <strike>civilian</strike> Freelancer ID on a 5k transport are you? 'cos That's against the rules, and it would perhaps be and idea *not* to thrust such an infraction in the admins' faces. However, if you fix it as soon as you get your characters back, then it should be fine.
If that's not you, ignore all that, but it might be an idea to check in here for any of your character names, just in case.
EDIT: Just searched the sanctions for the two names you gave, nothing found, so I take my leave here to someone who could offer slightly more help.