>> Ohayo, Shōi Kabuto, I am Daii Jiro Tachibana.
You may not know me, but I have a lengthy service to the Shogun and the Emperor. I serve primarily throughout Kusari, and rarely at the border to Bretonia. However, I am about to begin my slow but steady transit to once again fight against those Bretonian dogs of the Crown.
In my research, I came upon your reports. And after having gone through your report about your last honorable venture into Leeds, I must say I am impressed! Your actions are admirable, your resolve, even more so! I shall recommend you to partake in training excercises to become one of the Shoguns prime fighters. You may report to me for further training, should you wish to do so.
It would be an honor to do so. Sayonara. Yours in lonelyness, Jiro.
Name: Action report
Location: Battleship Nagumo; Kyushu sector 5/B
Name of illegal: "Vulcain"
Action: Transporting Optronics to Tau-29
I was on patrol today in Kyushu when a trader passed nearby named Vulcain. After scanning him I descovered he was transporting Optronics to the tau systems under a Freelancer ID. I told him to halt, but he continued to Tau-29. I informed [KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata who was already in Tau-29 of the situation and he stopped Vulcain in front of Freeport 6. I caught up to him and informed him on his crime, but stated that I was willing to waver the fine if he sold his Optronics to the nearest base. He cooperated fully, and sold his cargo of 3600 Optronics at Freeport 6. A copy of our conversation is below for future reference.
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Halt
Vulcain: \\//
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: You are aware that only people operating with Samura, Kishiro, or IMG may carry Optronics.
*Vulcain Jump to Tau-29*
*Channel Change, private comm to [KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata*
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Watch out, Optronics runner :Vulcain heading your way"
*Switch to Public channel*
Vulcain: What
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Vulcain I told you to halt and informed you that you may not carry Optronics, why did you continue?
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: You are aware that transportation of Optronics to the Taus may only be done by Samura, Kishiro, and IMG are you not?
Vulcain: I be afraid
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Ill tell you what; the fine for this is generally 2 mil but I will be willing to waver the fine if you sell your Optronics at
Vulcain: No (Inresponce to knowledge of law)
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: the nearest base
*Vulcain proceeds to dock Freeport 6*
*Switch to private channel with [KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata*
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Thank you for stopping him.
[KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata: Oh, no problem, it's my job.
*Vulcain undocks*
*Switch to public channel*
[KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Thank you for your cooperation Vulcain
Vulcain: \\//
After A standart Patrol in the Tau-31 System I returned to Holman Station to dock at the Yamagushi.
I heard a Second Fleet Gunboat arguing with an trader, that he shall undock, I asked were the problem was,
and heard that the Trader deactivated 2 tradelanes to escape from the Gunboat wich seemed kind of suspicius.
After asking were the Problem was, the Trader answered me that all Kusari Navy Forces were bad and wanted to kill him,after giving him my word as a honorable Member of the KNF, he told me that i wanted to kill him also wich never was my intention.
After requesting Marines from the Yamagushi and requesting the authorisation, I ordert a Drone with marines to get ready.
Befor the Drone launched a IMG showed up and interfered in the Situation.And tried to Convince the Trader to leave the station,he contacted the Station security and told them to get the already drunk Captain out of the station if he wants or not.
After 20 minutes of waiting nothing happend.I got called to an emergency in Leeds and left the Gunboat alone with that problem.
Loading Conversation Saves.(If nececary because their are more then 22 Saves wich all are very Important.
*closing data transmission*
*Closing comlinks*
I hadn't been in space for a few weeks, due to planetside training program. As I was preparing for a routine patrol on Kyushu's landing pad, information came in about gathering of fleets in Leeds. I launched as fast as possible and headed through Taus to rally up with our forces.
I found our fleet between Stokes and planet Leeds. I had arrived just in time, as Bretonian fleet, stationed at Leeds started to move in our direction within few minutes. In the remaining time I set my guncam to survey the area and checked the radar screen for overview of hostile and allied forces.
When the battle started, I went for a hunt of Bretonian bombers which posed threat to our capital ships. The first target I found and concentrated on went down in a few minutes.
The second incident was in New Tokyo, in space behind planet Fuji. The battle ensued when I was chasing a dragon Okuri-Ino. I fought it alone for a while, successfully wearing down his nanobot reserves. However, shortly a freelancer Devil.Wings decided to offer assistance to aforementioned dragon. Luckily, backup from Naval Forces was not far away and soon got the freelancer off my tail.
A dragon bomber, WK|Toshiro{H} arrived and engaged my Chimarea, but it did not help much Okuri-Ino, who was shot down just minutes later.
There was a reported outcast presence in Honshu, so part of our forces went to investigate, another few pilots dealt with Devil.Wings, while I was slowly wearing down the dragon bomber.
Due to Chimarea's superior agility I had soon damaged it significantly without suffering any hull damage myself. He then decided to share the remainder of his nanobots with Devil.Wings, who was fighting Naval Forces nearby. Bomber was shot down soon after.
***Incoming signal ID: Honshuu system***
***Transmission received, opening ...***
<div align="right]Kon ban wa !
Another busy day among Warriors of the Emperor. And again those Gaijin - Sairs and their smuggle ! I must admit though, this one was very patient... In waiting for his own death..
While I was doing some repairs after last encounter with 'Bloody Dragons' alarm sounded. My Chimaera wasnt ready yet, so I ordered to prepare my lovely Shinten'ou.
First report said that transport with Gaian Wildlife is heading to Honshu.
Due to the equipment malfunction, couldn't be stopped by Samurais who sent the message.
[KNF-IG]Masaru Akuma.Takeru
I moved immediately to assist. What is really disturbing, that the pilot of chased ship
..knew Kusari space very well. He used almost all jump holes he could to reach Okinawa system. We must patrol those areas more frequent Samurais !
After long pursuit I managed to trick the kataki, and I successfully intercepted him in Honshu, near Okinawa Jump Hole. Poor towakemono ! He was so arrogant, he didnt even noticed me ! Also I think he was intoxicated, cause things he was saying in front of my beloved Gunboat were so ridiculous that I started to be unsure about his sanity. Here is the short log of it.
Then 'Black Curtain' covered the pieces of its ship.. Takai released him from pain, sorrow and this miserable life.
Today I launched a recon mission in Leeds. Genma Kabuto accompanied me on this mission.
Several under cover agents reports alot of transport activity behind planet Leeds. Our mission was to scan the area for any reason for this. We found a jump hole, shortly after scanning it, a Freelancer Kusari Explorer came through, after 'pleasantries' he gave us information regarding the jump hole, and stated it lead to the Magellan system.
Chūjō Hajime Kitao joined later on in the mission. The Explorer asked for some auto-launching, and in return he would serve under the emperor with sharing us information about Bretonian base's.
I must inform Naval Command of two Freelancer transports. 'Pirate_hunter' & 'Neofire', please take note of these names, they have both been caught carrying Plutonium. 'Pirate Hunter' was fined 2 Million credits, though his bank allowance was 'empty' I let him off with a warning, only to find he was smuggling Plutonium again once I caught 'Neofire'. Sadly, neither of them could be fined due to two pirates transports..
If you any of the names above smuggling plutonium.. you should know what to do. Don't beleive them when they say "I didn't know" they've been warned and are now aware.
I was scanning passing Traders at Tsushima Depot for Illegal Cargo, when a Trader called Forcefire. He had 999 units of Military Vehicles on board without a licencse. He managed to escape because i was out of Cruise Disrupters.
I humbly ask Highcommand to put him on the Crime list
***Incoming signal ID: Honshuu system***
***Transmission received, opening ...***
<div align="right]Konichiwa Samurais !
Recent activity in Kusari space is really impressive. We HAVE TO enlarge the frequency and number of patrols among our beloved Homeland for the safety of Emperor.
Again the main problem are the smugglers. Today the most popular commodity was Plutonium
First: Gaijin "John" who had big communication problems, I guess his translation protocols were heavily damaged. That way or another, he didnt listened to orders we gave. Target was eliminated, cargo destroyed.
Important note here. He was travelling with some other Plutonium smuggler, who managed to escape. ID of ship was The_Witcher
Another one with plutonium was Q-NeiL. He didnt understood the laws aswell, so while running attempt, he was vaporized.
What must be noted that ship Drink'N'Fly&Co after paying fine, docked at planet NT without dropping Optronics he had, nor selling them at base. Be advised for the future.
After some time we received disturbing call about Outcast cap ship in Kyushu. I checked if Inugami is available and ready to flight, after getting confirmation from our main mechanician, I launched to Kyushu.
Hostile vessel was intercepted by me at New Tokyo jump hole in Kyushu. After a while rest of Samurais came to assist.
It wasnt tough fight, after a while Outcast was destroyed.
Here is the view from cabin, beautiful sight.