The individuals and/or vessels listed hereon are deemed a threat to the Corporation, and Ageira Technologies has ordered their immediate termination. Security Forces pilots will be paid a bonus for the destruction of these vessels.
Known Lane Hackers:
Moriarty - 15 million credits [various ships]
Phate - 10 million credits [various ships]
Mr.Sanguinetti - 10 million credits [various ships]
- This last category of targets is restricted to ships bearing Ageira Technologies Identification Documents or Transponders. Note that these targets are rendered invalid when found bearing ID papers which belong to a Corporation or Lawful Organisation.
I stumbled upon this bounty board while searching through for anything useful. It says registered Bounty Hunters, not sure what you mean by that, but I'm sure it means I have to clear it up with you guys before I can start collecting, so here it goes.
That isn't enough info, just tell me. I included my identification, what Ageira thinks of me, and my ship class. Lookin forward to working for you.
Hey, Ryan Locker here, but you can call me Shotgun.
Sheesh, five million credits just to register? No wonder this board is a ghost town.
Well alright, how about this. I got this bastard named Phate, apparently he's worth 15 mil. So how about you take away 5 for the registration and just give me 10.
Mr. Locker, we thankyou for your time.
Due to a clerical error your transmission was lost, but we have regained it and your account is now twenty million credits heavier for the trouble, and the fee removed due to a change in Bounty Claim policies.
We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will continue to utilise this service.
This is Enforcer Jack Payton of the Emergency Defense Group Enterprise, small bounty hunters group operating in Tau-Liberty corridor. Couple of days ago our bottlenose wing stumbled upon one of your wanted criminals in Cortez. It was Lane Hacker Mr. Sanguinetti. I am sending proof of the kill now.