---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Kurt Gruzlund, Cadet, Department of Security---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0040---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
CEO Notes: "A new quick (30mins) and easy route. No problems during the convoy. The people of Planet Leeds were happy to receive the shipment. Everyone performed well and deliveries were made on time. CEO fees forwarded to the bank."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Jack Hammerson, Senior Cadet, Department of Security---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0041---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
A couple of pirates appeared on scanners, but nothing threatening. We flew through a big battle in Leeds, though they weren't interested in us.
CEO Notes: A nice, quick route with little difficulties. Everything went smoothly, and everyone did their jobs without a hitch. Pretty good, considering it was my first managering experience. Hopefully I won't have to get used to this though.
Convoy CEO - [*USI*]J.Hammerson[SC], over and out.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Denny Crane, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0042---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Kurt Gruzlund, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0043---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
"Feeding the Bretonian War machine."
Participating Vessels: [*USI*]Chicago[ S ] [*USI*]M.Sato[R] [*USI*]F.Dering[R]
We noticed 3 fighter/bomber sized Rhineland Military ships near the Ageira base in Colorado. They all had the Jaeger| tag. Not sure what that was about. They seemed to be following us for a few minutes, until their ship signatures suddenly went disappeared on the local satellites. Very strange.
CEO Notes: "This was Frank Dering's first official convoy. He's a new recruit to the Department of Security and he seems like he'll be good to have around. He's catching on very quickly. Sato did a good job leading by example. The convoy successfully made all shipments in a timely fashion."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: [*USI*]Chicago[ S ], Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0044---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
"Hell in Dublin. Why do we keep going back there?"
Participating Vessels: [*USI*]Chicago[ S ] [*USI*]M.Sato[R] [*USI*]F.Dering[R] [*USI*]J.Hammerson.[SC]
The Convoy arrived in Dublin and began searching for some miners to buy Gold Ore from. 5 Minutes later, a pack of blood-thirsty Corsairs came by looking for a fight. The skirmish broke out and USI's 3 escorts as well as some local Bretonians started battling the Corsairs. The Corsairs opened fire and damaged the [*USI*]Chicago. After a long battle, The [*USI*]Chicago managed to slip away while they were distracted. The entire convoy escaped alive. One of the Corsairs (Espi|Sails) was destroyed.
None. Thank the gods.
CEO Notes: "Dublin ain't no walk in the park, that's for sure. But when you get the gold ore back to New York, it's all worth it. I hope I don't have to go back to Dublin any time soon. The escorts performed fantastically and I was surprised they all made it back in one piece."
"Made it Dublin without err, got the ore mined for us, not quickly, but eventually. Then something weird happened, and our escort was sent back to Liberty in a strange manner. By the time he arrived we were at Hood and prepared to leave. We left and met a pirate, in a hacker gunship. The four of us opened fire, and killed the ship rather quickly.
Casualties: Jason.Olds>
CEO Notes: "Mr.Hammerson performed exceptionally, would recommend an increase in pay, The_Defector has shown loyalty to us, a spot should be provided to him as a safe haven. Memphis is still himself."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Kurt Gruzlund, Cadet, Department of Security---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0047---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
CEO Notes: "The new Trainee and Recruit both performed well while on the trip. There were no problems with any pirates along the way, surprisingly. Mr. Chris Turner showed up and offered his services as an extra escort due to the high value of the cargo. The [*USI*] was happy to have him aboard. The [*USI*]Lincoln carried some Luxury Consumer Goods and Deuterium along the route in order to earn some extra cash. Everyone got home safely without incident. Cody was very happy to receive his shipment."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Kurt Gruzlund, Supervisor, Department of Trade---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0048---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
CEO Notes: "One of the KoF ships joined our convoy to deliver much needed war supplies to the Bretonians. The route was pretty easy since all the pirates were sleeping. Sato did a good job scouting for us and we all arrived home safely. CEO fees were forwarded to the Bank."
CEO Notes: "Well, just a few small hiccups. due to our latest recruits/trainees inexperience, but they more than made up for it with good will and energy. Bottom line, a successful convoy, short, profitable and fun."