crazy...thats what they say i am, crazy, i dont think so mabye just.....
this is jimmy, he was a normal child just like you or me, born and raised on the order planet toledo. he had good grades in school he even became a scientist when he grew up.....
hahaha, the fools they think ive gone mad, they think that it went wrong, but what if that was exactly how it was supposed to go, fools.....
now you see, jimmy studied nomads for the order, he made some minor discoveries but nothing large enough to get him known by anyone out of the lab.....
i have to get away from here, they will catch me and i cant go back hahahaha, no i wont go back.....
but you see now jimmy had a little... accident in the labs one day, he had finally made a breakthough in his nomad brain function research, or so he thought.....
i dident kill that gaurd, ahhhhhhhh, i dident kill him the voices did i tell you the voices did, well mabye i kinda gutted him and well mabye i ate a few fingers but i dident kill him, for gods sake i dident kill him.....
now this breakthrough expiriment went... wrong, in that some of the gases from the containment chamber excaped, and fired poor jimmys brain like a scrambled egg.....
ha they say human does not taste good, well i beg to differ. its really just a matter of how you cook what parts. for example if you cook the fingers until the skin under the finger nails turns golden they tast just wonderfull....
and now so it was that poor poor jimmy came to be know by others as, the illusionist for when he killed somone he simply ate there corpse and so no one ever found the bodies....
Now you see jimmy beacame what some might call a pchyco killer, but he prefered....
ahhaha you are a most delicious one my fat freind, your fat rolls are perfectly even with your meat content, but its a shame i had to cut you head in half for now theres only two parts of your brain to eat and i do so love to eat it in one peice, for.....
jimmys obsessions with eating people was also what some might call..... well basicly insane, but he saw himself as a master cook with an endless supply of fine morsales to cook up and.....
a little bita salt, a little bita peper, oooo and mabye even a little bita onions with this one,. now we put the fingers ina frying pan for a bit, and put the arms and legs in the oven for about 15 minutes untill perfectly golden and....
now you see jimmys killing could not go on forever and ever, for sooner or later he had to get nabed but the law enforcment.
NO NO NO you cant take me in i tell ya you cant take me in!!! just because i was cookin him dont mean i killed him, it was.....
now the order you see likes to keep a very 'crime free' look about them so he dident even give him a hearing, no they took him strait to one of there more secretive pirisons that not so many people know about.....
HA you think these cell walls can hold me i will simply naw through them just like i shall naw through you flesh and bone when i get out hahahahahaha.....
now the gaurds though that they were o so safe from jimmy behind there steel bars, but they dident know just how much jimmy was capable of, o no they severly underestemated poor jimmy and they would pay for there mistake with.....
"life... life is a temporary thing, but then so is death
so what is life and death, but all a temporary being."
well that was a most delicious snack... although raw is not actually my favorite way to eat people as many people may belive. you see canibals are not totataly uncivil for example they love to cook there meat to just somtimes eating it raw is just conviniate for.....
you see jimmy never lied even about the most absured things, just as he most certainly did not lie about killing the gaurds....
and now for part 2 of my brirlliant 2 part plan to escape from this hell hole. i just need to remember the blue prints now or else.....
now you see jimmy had an amazing brain capacity or in short he could have been refered to as a genious and he used this to memorize the prison bluepirnts just incase....
now this exit leads to one of two places either the exit or the hell hole gaurd room. now that would be a very bad thing i suspect for i dont think my superb eating skills could get em all in time before....
now you see jimmy was also lazy and the area with the gaurd room was the area of the map that jimmy got board of and decided he dident need to sudey that part so....
ah ha i see the exit now when i get through the door the alarm will sound but if i figured this right the ship should be just about to depart to....
now you see jimmy planned his escape very intricatly and it took a long time which was why he got board of studying the map. jimmy planned to board a geb that was wainting out side of the prison to goto a location unknown to him so he figured that it would be unknow to everyone else as well....
ah ha theres the ship now if i can fit through the service entrance i will be in buissiness and.....
now you see since the order pirided itself on a 'crime free' enviroment they did not put many gaurds outside the ship and especially none at the service entrance because.....
hahaha i made it abord and i think my... location is most secret being in th...whats that!?....
now you see jimmy had no idea that the geb he had stowed away on was headed for the battle ship isis he then....
ahhhhhhh *CLANK!* it seems weve boarded with the ship now all i have to do is *BANG BANG BANG* what the!....
now you see jimmy was also unaware that the prisoners one the ship were planning a riot in which they would take the GEB that had brought jimmy abord.....
*loud speakers* "Attention, the oppressed have been freed. This is Aaron Catan, the Dark Magician.... Man what stations you can, kill any lawful Order still standing.... This is going to be one hell of a ride!"
and so jimmy stowed away to start a new life, or so he thought what happened instead was....