A small modification on the Terms of Contract has occurred. The target you find to be carrying one of the three stated cargos needs to have it to the amounts of [color=#FF9900]500 units or more.
Anything lower is not available for claim for this bounty.
Since the ship was acompanied by a Rhino Liberty Freighter, there is no doubt where the cargo was heading. Sadly, one of that squad was being attacked, so the cargo was not retrieved, however the name can be added to the list.
Although I appreciate your assistance, since the [color=#FF9900]Terms of Contract was not fulfilled in this case I cannot sadly pay you for your contribution. Using this evidence for legal matters is also very hard because the target in question is free to claim he was shipping it anywhere he wanted to.
There needs to be an attached evidence clearly showing him crossing the Kusari/Liberty border in order to make sure that any attempts of excusing oneself is made impossible.
However it is still useful in the sense of us keeping an extra watch for this ship in the future.
Here is proof I can do what you are asking. I caught a freelancer hauling engine components into Shikoku so I tailed him. He eventually entered Kepler and headed for Liberty. I informed him of the embargo but he ignored me and I don't have the authorization to uphold the embargo as of yet. I've attached the required evidence.
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[font=Century Gothic]Konnichiwa Commander,
As a loyal Emperor's servants we would like to take a part in stopping foreign smugglers that hesitate to disobey Emperor's orders. Therefore I would like to register all Black Dragon Society vessels for this contract.