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Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: All TAZ
I am on my way to a meeting in Omicron 74 aboard the Ark to address the issue of the ORI with the Omicroners and OSI. You may monitor this channel:
You won't be able to transmit but you can at least keep alert of what's going on. While there, I plan to chat with Omicroner leadership to patch some old wounds.
Xavier, if anything should come up in my absence, I trust your abilities as I should be but a few days.
Fnordnet transmission, Node #23 Wrote:++ Source : Gabriel Angelos, Once Captain of the Tau.Ceti.Central ++
++ Destination : TAZ popes ++
++ Derivation : none ++
++ Encryption level : mu ++
++ Transmission begins ++
*Gaby appears, sipping some wine from a gallic wine bottle* Oh, 'dat thing started already? *He takes another sip and grins* How are things out 'der lads?
Personnally i'm fine, since i have some wine 'ere *He chuckles*
Oh ye, anyway, just sendin' 'dis te tell ye i will be stuck fer a while. I lost tha TC² today. *He shrugs and takes another sip* Wuz shot by a mannerless 'lad.
I offered him wine but instead o' takin' it he destroyed mah whale. Wha'd kind o' hereseh is 'dat, uhh?
Hold on, i should have some data we succeeded te transfer before we left tha ship. Some stuffs are corrupted though *He searches on the desk after drinking a bit*
++ Appending data ++
[20.02.2011 18:16:55] [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: 'lo 'der <Corrupted_event_tree>
[20.02.2011 18:17:05] Quanthunter: 3 mil <Corrupted_event_node>
[20.02.2011 18:17:18] [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Eh, 'dat's a lot o money 'lad <Corrupted_event_node>
[20.02.2011 18:17:25] Quanthunter: die <Corrupted_event_tree>
[20.02.2011 18:17:32] [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: Whad 'bout i offer ye some wine instead, uh? <Corrupted_event_node>
[20.02.2011 18:17:41] [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central: okay... <Corrupted_event_tree>
[20.02.2011 18:18:45] Death: [TAZ]Tau.Ceti.Central was put out of action by Quanthunter (Gun). ++ endof ++
Anyway, we're all fine. We all succeeded te leave tha TC² before 'dat lad destroyed it.
Though... Neena is a bit upset because she lost all her notes, but eh! *Gaby makes his silly face and shrugs* She's a lass after all. Always something wrong with 'dose weird things. *He chuckles*
Anyway, i need te buy a new whale... I will probably name it Tau.Ceti.Center 'dis time *He grins*
I will keep ye posted when we're ready te ship stuffs and spread tha sacred chao' 'gain!
++ mord says that omar says that we are all unicorns anyway ++
++ End of transmission ++
Fnordnet transmission, Node #23 Wrote:++ Source : Gabriel Angelos, Once Captain of the Tau.Ceti.Central ++
++ Destination : Tha Doc ++
++ Derivation : none ++
++ Encryption level : mu ++
++ Transmission begins ++
*Gaby makes his silly face* Oh, i would enjoy te go te some hospital, just te grope 'dose nurses workin' 'der.
But 'dey will tell me i should not drink so much, an' i don't like much te hear 'dat.
Anyway, we're all fine out 'der. Saaz is a bit stunned, but 'tis all good *He chuckles* At least he doesn't annoy me!
Hail Eris an' all 'dat shizzle uh? *He raises his glass and bottoms it up* *Gaby then grins and grabs an old book on the desk nearby, searching something in it* As Principia states it... "Suffice it to say that Eris is not hateful or malicious. But She is mischievous, and does get a little bitchy at times. "
*He laughs and shakes his head, refilling his glass*
Oh yeah... Anyway... Will keep ye posted about things concerning stuffs!
++ to diverse gods ++
++ do mortals bow ++
++ holy cow, and ++
++ wholly chao ++
++ End of transmission ++
Seems it has been some time again... guess I just didn't have much time to leave a message lately...
I've been to busy to get the Discordia ready for her first patrol so yeah, oh right! The Cornelia Marie is moored at Gran Canaria for now but the command will "soon" be given to another one of us.
I'll make sure to leave a message when that time comes...
Incoming Transmission.................
.........From:Simon Sidhe........
To: Popes Cornelia..........................
Discordia You say...
I saw technical data in Pueblo Bonito shipyard.....
Is a great news that somebody appreciate that class of Ships as I'm..... and dont try modify our colony ships to war ships.... but instead using right ships for right job.
Drop me a Line when You finish details so i can accompany you with something smaller... like Fearless....
I prefer leave my Aquillion near Baffin lately... My science team is Busy with some research...
The Sirius Greatest Association of What-ever-it-is-that-we-are
*A somewhat aged lady appears on the screen*
Well, i'm a bit late. My apologies, i was maybe too busy meditating these days.
Sister Joanna became a P.O.P.E yesterday. Consider her fully instructed.
Go spread the sacred Chao, miss.
++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++
I don't know how much longer this pile of rust will hold so I hope you have a bay ready for me on the Med Force One, doctor!
I was attacked and destroyed in New York, my Charon reduced to tiny bits of debris and a cut in my arm... you wouldn't believe it, anyway, I managed to buy a 7th hand Dagger from the dealer on Manhattan, but it's a total wreck!
I've lost alot of blood and with the assistance of Concordia I closed the wound on my arm by burning it shut with a heated knife. I can imagine you will disapprove, since it in't a very sterile method but it had to be done!
I hope you got some blood ready for me there, blood type A positive please... I'm getting a visual on the Med Force One now... and not a moment to soon!