Message to: Principal Chief
From: Atlvtasdi, Warrior
Wise One, I have found a potential source for these aritfacts, deep in omicron space there is a nebula, swarming with bounty hunters. I was able to locate a few of these artifacts for study, and I will bring them back to cassini at once.
The place is overpowered by these hunters however, and i was not able to stay long.
Hopefully these artifacts will be the ones we seek, for the hunter is on my trail.
Message to: Atlvtasdi, Warrior of the Nayehiya
From: Agisdi Vlenidohv, Principal Chief
Well done my warrior. Bring these artifacts you have found to Ganagati in his lab so he may catalog both those he obtained from Crete and those you have discovered in the Nebula. Let us hope that one of these sources of Artifacts will be what we seek.
' Wrote:Message to: Atlvtasdi, Warrior of the Nayehiya
From: Agisdi Vlenidohv, Principal Chief
Well done my warrior. Bring these artifacts you have found to Ganagati in his lab so he may catalog both those he obtained from Crete and those you have discovered in the Nebula. Let us hope that one of these sources of Artifacts will be what we seek.
Agisdi Vlenidohv
Message to: Agisdi Vlenidohv
Comm ID: Ganagati
Revered Chief,
I am sad to report that the artifacts I returned with from Freeport 5 seem to be no better than paperweights meant for unsuspecting tourists. They are either counterfeits, or whatever healing properties they may have contained may have been expended in some way unknown to me. While I was told they had come from Planet Crete, I have no idea if this was a true statement from the dealer.
Perhaps the "fresh" artifacts which Atlvtasdi has gathered directly from the nebula will prove to have more worth. I pray so. I will examine them the moment they arrive, and inform you if they hold promise.
Meanwhile, it would still be interesting to pursue the Ares/TBH/Planet Crete connection, to see if perhaps the artifacts they possess have some special distinction.
We will continue to pray and work for a cure,
Message to: Ganagati, Shaman of the Nayehiya
From: Agisdi Vlenidohv, Principal Chief
Yes, I believe receiving these Artifacts from their source would prove most useful. And the connection with Crete must continue to be evaluated. Continue your investigation my shaman.
While working this day in my lab at San Quentin, several intrusion alarms startled me.
I launched, and began a sweep of Cassini.
A vessel was finally detected near the entrance to Yukon system. The vessel identified himself as an explorer, and claimed to be mapping the system. The vessel was the [DSV]-Dauntless, a Liberty Gunboat.
I informed this brash explorer that it was customary to present gifts when visiting another's home. He requested that I meet him in Yukon. When I met with him there, a scan of his hold revealed 14 of our Guard Warriors, and three Rogue captives. What a strange way to conduct a "mapping survey".
The vessel's Captain apologized profusely for this affrontry to our Citizens, and returned the captive warriors to my care. He did not reenter Cassini.
I returned to my laboratory without further incident.
Yes my shaman, I too encountered this strange explorer. Ogichidaa and I were in California near Alcatraz when we received hails from the Dauntless. He claimed to be retired from the Liberty Navy and was recently commissioned to explore outside Liberty. As he approached I scanned his holds. There were 103 of our citizens. He immediately apologized and returned our citizens to me. They were a bit shaken, but were more than happy to see Alcatraz once more.
We shall keep a close watch on this Dauntless. Although he claims to be an explorer, he is still associated with the Liberty house.
From: Agisdi Vlenidohv, Principal Chief
To: Nayehiya Citizens
We have managed to form an agreement with the Jupiter Guild, \JG/. They are a mercenary faction who have caused us grief in recent past. I have learned a valuable lesson in dealing with them. We must form our words clearly as words in our culture may have different meanings in other cultures. But we have worked out our differences.
Jupiter Guild will no longer accept jobs against Nayehiya. In return for this, we will no longer engage JG traders or escorts. Be very cautious when hunting traders escorted by JG. If they are JG traders, do not engage at all. If they are non-JG traders being escorted by JG escorts, fire only on the trader. Do not even scratch the paint on a ship marked with JG.
We can expect to be fired upon while they escort traders, but they will not take jobs specifically against us.
Keep your thoughts clear while you fly my citizens. Reputations are hard to come by. And when we deal with mercenaries, we must be diplomatic.
From: Ganohalidohi
To: Principal Chief Agsidi Vlenidohv
Chief, I have planned and executed a heist, I wanted to extract a MK 7 Capital armor upgrade for the newest Nayehiya gunboat in the fleet. We had the greatest opportunity, one of the SA Battleships was docked in the Norfolk Shipyard, undermanned, unshielded, and most of all, in a fragile position. Me and a few lads stealthly boarded the ship, and with state-of-the-art tracting gear we were able to steal the armor. However, this occupied a large cargo space, and we haven't been able to take it aboard along our current armor. We had to dump the old one, as a decoy, because we have been spotted.
I have even left a message on the desk of the Commander who captains the Battleship, his flagship of the Panzer Division, Erwin Rommel:
You should stop working with incompetents... next time we will steal your ships... then your life.
Hunter Ganohalidohi
Afterwards, on our way out, an SA patrol spotted us, and the "merchandise" was in danger. We had to avoid being captured, and we fought as best as we could. We emerged victorious:
Mission successful, heist plotted and carried out with almost no problems.
A philanthropic benefactor has provided the funds for a research vessel. This vessel has ample room for my laboratory equipment, and a well-appointed infirmary. It has also been fitted with containment vessels for Nomad specimens; and the necessary firepower to obtain such specimens.
Why Nomads, you ask? There is a connection between the curative powers of some of the alien artifacts and the Nomads themselves, and I am close to finding this connection. When I first acquired this new vessel, I set out to the far reaches of Sirius to obtain alien artifacts and organisms from all known existing sources.
After acquiring the artifacts, I took some from each location to Montezuma, and distributed them among our isolated brethren who still suffer from the plague. Some benefited from proximity to the artifacts, and some did not.
Further research showed that the "beneficial" or curative artifacts actually are carved from material which has organic, if alien, properties. Artifacts which did not contain this organic "byproduct" seemed to have no positive effect on the sufferers. I now believe that this organic matter is a byproduct of some Nomad origin.
This is also why I had the ship fitted with Nomad containment equipment, acquired at great cost from a licensed individual. I visited the Unknown (Kappa?) system, and harvested Nomad specimens. Most went to the Zoner researchers at Ames, but I have retained a few for further study. I will be testing the organic byproducts from these specimens for the curative properties which were exhibited by the more "potent" artifacts.
Chief, I would like you to task our pilots to now gather alien organisms from bases known to market them. There must be some source of this organic material which will be most effective in curing our people. Bring me adequate samples of these organisms for evaluation. All the artifacts have been tested and catalogued, and may now be sold to benefit our meager Treasury. When I receive the organisms, I will distribute the artifacts to our warriors to be sold wherever they can find markets.
I am almost certain we have been following a false scent with the artifacts. It is the properties of the organic material that some are made from which is actually helping our people. I would stake my reputation as Medicine Man of the Nayehiya on it.