CEO Notes: "Simple route, Mr.Turner is shows excelling abilities in the field of escorting. Mr.Scroll also shows great proficiency with larger vessels."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Kurt Gruzlund, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0049---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
The Corsair Gunboat "Shredder" was loitering around Trenton Outpost at the start of the route. He was threatened with force if he didn't back away from our HQ. He flew away and we proceeded to move on with the route. An LPI vessel approached as we were leaving to enforce the distance from Trenton Outpost.
At the end of the route, the pressures of the job and the in-your-face management style of the CLO finally got to young Daniel Wake, one of our Recruit bomber escorts. What seemed initially like boys-will-be-boys shield testing quickly escalated into a full out attack by Wake on our CLO. It was shocking to see. Hammerson did his best to try and defend the [*USI*]Memphis, but his ship was accidentally crippled by his own mine in the process. Luckily, the [*USI*]Memphis made it safely back to Manhattan orbit. Daniel Wake has been put on Kill On Sight status. Hopefully he doesn't pop up in the future to attack our convoys. He was a good escort, but now...needs to be put down.
CEO Notes: "It's always sad to lose a good employee, especially when they fall to the dark side and become enemies of the company. We need to do a better job with our Social Services to identify disgruntled employees and deal with the problem early before ships get damaged or people get killed. I am confident that Wake will be apprehended and dealt with properly."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Justin Scroll, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0050---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
CEO Notes: "All was well until we entered New Tokyo. First, [*USI*]Michigan[S] had to dock immediately as one of his engines was malfunctioning. He was unable to join us for the rest of the journey. Then we were stopped by [KSP]Takao.Doi. We were informed of the conditions of the embargo, and that bringing the plutonium back to Liberty space was punishable. Realising that our intention was not to smuggle the goods, the KSP officer graciously allowed us to sell our cargo on New Tokyo, instead of destroying it outright. We replaced our cargo with goods that were allowed, and continued back to Liberty Space with only a couple of delays due to ion storms.
Convoy CEO - [*USI*]Justin Scroll[S], over and out.
A simple run, however on our return through Magellan we ran into some LR who merely flew by. I ordered Gruzlund to return to the Ontario who was still at Leeds. We regrouped at Freeport 4 and made it home safely.
CEO Notes: "Gruzlund still excels at his position. Ontario's promotion was well earned."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Chris Turner, CSO, Department of Security---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0052---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
Sat right next to a Trade Lane in the California system. On request he moved away so the convoy could proceed.
CEO Notes: "It was a long convoy, but overall everything went well. Each time we were in Bretonia the BPA escorted us around. The trade captains followed up on given instructions, and the recruit did well for a recruit. We did wished there were more people attending.
Convoy CEO - [*USI*]C.W.Turner[CSO], over and out.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Justin Scroll, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0053---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID:Justin Scroll, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 54---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
CEO Notes: "Well, it was a great route. One of our newest recruits came along, as well as an independent trader. Tho he was flying a Britonian vessel, he did not seem nervous about going into Kusari space.
Convoy CEO - [*USI*]Justin.Scroll[S], over and out.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID:Justin Scroll, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 55---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
Those darn ION storms come outta nowhere some days..
CMU Link: CEO Notes: It was nice to have a couple of really good escorts with me and our newest vessel, Scandia. Tho we ran into an ion storm along the way, it was a great route!
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: [*USI*]Chicago[ S], Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0056---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
When jumping from Coronado into Cortez, we were immediately ambushed by a rookie gang of 4 Rhinelanders. They claimed to be some Rhineland Special Forces that were "disrupting trade" in Liberty. Those Rhinelanders must really be getting desperate. These were nothing more than [KPT] wanna-be's.
These were probably just kids pretending to be submarines or something, since they all had "U-" before their callsigns. They were clearly way over their heads. Our convoy took negligible damage and there were no casualties. I think they did more damage to themselves than to our ships:
Our convoy split up. 2 of our ships passed by them right away and finished the route, while the other 2 of us soaked up some sun on Curacao for a while until the Rhinelanders wandered off. Then we simply flew around them and finished the route. We also warned a few other traders about the Rhinelanders and they too were able to avoid any confrontation. The situation gave us all a good laugh.
CEO Notes: "The route itself went quite well. We supplied our Council friends up in Languedoc with some Neon, and returned home with Cryocubes. Everyone performed professionally and it was a very nice convoy. Bank fees were forwarded to the Traveller."
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Justin Scroll, Manager, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 57---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---