' Wrote:Because it is faction matter. I am not involved in action done by IC|Moscow. None of us in skype know who he/she is.
Trolling me here is just lame try to troll me. Here.
Please stop saying I'm trolling you when I'm only asking a few questions. Your rather aggressive responses are not really helping your case, in fact it's doing the opposite.
' Wrote:If this person truly isn't part of your faction, I do have to ask why he is listed as one of your most active members? We don't know who he/she is.
And how could you not notice him not being allegedly part of the faction until exactly now when a consequence was applied to his character and therefore your corporation? Maybe because he plays in different time zone.
I also have two more questions, why was he grouped with IC|Indiana?
IC|Indian is new member. She is not part of "HC" so she might not have asked who IC|Moscow was.
And finally, why did you check this thread, disappear for an hour then when I went to check your google sheet roster someone was there. Then right after this you decided to post in the aforementioned thread that he is not a member.
Because we wanted to sort this out ASAP. Rollcall is also part of this fast reaction to OOC problems with unknown IC| tagged ship.
We deleted all who is at lower than 10 minutes activity mark. Akura, Johnny, Ted and more that we don;t know where they gone without a word.
If you can clear this out with me I would appreciate it.
' Wrote:Please stop saying I'm trolling you when I'm only asking a few questions. Your rather aggressive responses are not really helping your case, in fact it's doing the opposite.
Not you. Aubrey did.
' Wrote:You're the only one who's going around saying 'I'm getting trolled' by everyone. By Smokey, by me, or by Sina. Grow some cojones, mister.
Again. Not Sina. He made very clear points. You on the other hand just said "Snak3 did mistake, now he denies it". That is unrelated to me at all.
Guys, if anyone made a mistake thats me, I manage the roaster and I havn't updated it in a few weeks, but I garuntee you, that there is a problem regarding the indentity of IC|Moscow, I saw him online, and I was too lazy to list people, unless they ask ed me too and nobody did ask me to add Moscow to the list.
We are not trying to avoid anything, there are alot of unactive members anyway, so you can see the roaster half full now, after I cleaned it, and we got few new members that need to be added.
Anyhow, I take the full reponsibilty for this, if I would bother to add them to the roaster (which is not realy my job but I am the only one that is doing it) lots of problems would have been solved.
Now please leave snak3 alone, he only try to help.
EDIT: If you plan to come here to troll, or being totaly useless and just joke around, don't post. I don't want you here.
' Wrote:Again. Not Sina. He made very clear points. You on the other hand just said "Snak3 did mistake, now he denies it". That is unrelated to me at all.
Why should I believe you, after my past experiences with you ingame and on the Forums? This isn't called trolling. God. This is called elaborating theories. And you are clearly overreacting.
' Wrote:Why should I believe you, after my past experiences with you ingame and on the Forums? This isn't called trolling. God. This is called elaborating theories. And you are clearly overreacting.
Because this is not my duty in IC|. I am only a Diplomat for Rheinland. But this huge furball needed attention.
You ignorant posts blaming me, my stance toward your aggresive posts are of course my problem. You seeked for it, you got it. Now get lost. I have nothing to discuss with unreasonable person.
' Wrote:I'd just like to point out that the activity tracker tracks anyone with the faction tag, no matter if a player is on the roster or whatever.
Thank you for pointing it out to someone who might not get that idea.
We have lifes and are busy with stuff. We don;t check activity so much.
Also, I searched skype for IC|Moscow. Four times it was asked who it is. No answer recieved. Thus now it is clear he is not one of us.
' Wrote:I'd just like to point out that the activity tracker tracks anyone with the faction tag, no matter if a player is on the roster or whatever.
Of course, I know this myself with the Reavers. But the point I made was that he is one of the most active members on the Faction, it was not like he played for 30 minutes. This guy has played for over 9 hours with this tag, given that other members of your Faction has played even more than him it is highly likely one of them has seen him. Surely they would point out or notice during this time that he was not a member.