You seem to be missing that the two or three posts which involved the word Sanction were not made by +LE+ members. For shame....*shakes head sadly*
in the meantime, Akura, if you're willing to actually roleplay this out without the whole ooRP "YOU ARE MILITARY FACIST DEWDS!" crap, I'm all for it. The only problem has been, thats what the focus of this faction has been.
Also, eXisTence, not doing much for peoples opinions of you trolling with that sig, are you?
Now, last thingy in this post: are you guys turning this into a ship balance discussion or something?
' Wrote:Would you guys just fricking play the damn game already ?
Those arguments are just laughable. Sanctions here, sanctions there. Just try to take care of your problems ingame, and with roleplay, instead of relying on rules/admins/sanctions et cetera.
Pathetic. From both sides.
What I was thinking. This.
Since my last post was invis' I wont say why
Go for it Akura. I dont do much Gallia, but im not opposed to new factions.
Just to hell with the flamers and whiners and plow on.
Since that seems to have turned into cross-tech discussion, i want to say that it's a bit weird to see things like Corsair Eagles just because they are supposed to have better tech and love it and whatnot, so using civilian fighter instead of their pride - titan made of alien garbage - doesn't make much sense inrp. Sure, people may prefer agility over firepower, and i'd bet on eagle in eagle versus titan any day, but that's just how balancing works, and i can't exactly like the needless crosstech based on the sudden need to be unique or at least unusual or to call it RP. Almost everybody wants to be mary sue, for some reason, and that is bad. And when it's not about mary suism, it's still bad, because then people just want to fly better ship for better pvp from their side. Sigh.
Wait, we're talking about gallia there, right? As somebody who never cared about Gallia, bear that in mind when i state my opinion, i don't exactly care for "canon"ness of brigand RP. So, i feel that in factions that are meant to be composed of many little sub-factions there should be more than 1 official faction for the whole npc faction. Brigands sounds like the case of that. However, the attitude shown by CoA in this thread doesn't make me like them. Sure, it's np on rp level to challenge a faction, and it's in the rules now that one faction can take the officialness from the other, and the race for activity time can actually make Gallia quite alive, but with the way this faction is trying to do that... i'm not comfortable.
Now i won't lie and say that i don't enjoy the drama, but from what i've seen here i'm on LE side, if there are sides to choose. They are defending, mind you. I don't really know if their RP is good enough for being official, and from some other people who care i heard that for them it isn't, but the way this thread is rolling doesn't make THEM look bad.
And one last thing. Looking at akura, who at some moment was thinking about turning kusari wilds into just another kusari unlawful faction for the reason that he/she wanted to "have a diplomacy", who is constantly saying everywhere that nomads are our friendly neibhors who just want to explore things and blow up star systems, infiltrate fleets, make humans fight each other and shoot them themselves just because they were forced to, accusing someone in non-canon rp... Well, that's a good fun.
' Wrote:in the meantime, Akura, if you're willing to actually roleplay this out without the whole ooRP "YOU ARE MILITARY FACIST DEWDS!" crap, I'm all for it. The only problem has been, thats what the focus of this faction has been.
But we don't approve of your leadership methods in RP too.
' Wrote:And one last thing. Looking at akura, who at some moment was thinking about turning kusari wilds into just another kusari unlawful faction for the reason that he/she wanted to "have a diplomacy", who is constantly saying everywhere that nomads are our friendly neibhors who just want to explore things and blow up star systems, infiltrate fleets, make humans fight each other and shoot them themselves just because they were forced to, accusing someone in non-canon rp... Well, that's a good fun.
But you're forgetting that the Keepers and Wild both write their own lore, so the Nomads can change into whatever they want to be, considering they are a race of adaption and the Nomads from two decades ago aren't as mature as they are today.
You don't approve of one guy saying "I'm the biggest and the best, these are my trusted associates"? Because thats pretty much what it is. It's also, as it happens, what it should be, as defined by the gang nature of the brigands. So, emm..... hmm? oh, right, that was my point. Bull
' Wrote:But you're forgetting that the Keepers and Wild both write their own lore, so the Nomads can change into whatever they want to be, considering they are a race of adaption and the Nomads from two decades ago aren't as mature as they are today.
Yeah, then why can't Brigands be an organization of sudden changes - they're pirates, after all - and write their own lore?
' Wrote:You don't approve of one guy saying "I'm the biggest and the best, these are my trusted associates"? Because thats pretty much what it is. It's also, as it happens, what it should be, as defined by the gang nature of the brigands. So, emm..... hmm? oh, right, that was my point. Bull
No, we didn't like that you didn't include other groups in the leadership.
But I guess now you do.
So we're done here, CoA and LE will work together.