Edit: Also, I use mobile phone net most of the times. It has dynamix IP that sometimes is the same as others. This got me to trouble before, but it was resolved
Quote:Where do I start with this? Firstly you seem to think that I am Snak3. That is absolutely not the case, and I'm pretty certain this should be quite easy for you to figure out.
Also, when have I ever posted in threads specifically to annoy Ryoken. I can see how the one post that I made today might have been misinterpreted, which is actually why I edited it to have that little notice on it after I re-read what I had written. What I was trying to say was that the joke made by the previous poster was a good reason to change my forum name back.
I didn't even know who Ryoken was when I changed my name, someone actually pointed it out to me on Skype that it was similar afterwards.
Also, I aw posting with phone now.
While two posts above were from my PC.
If I did trolled anyone, I am deeply sorry, I wilk accept the punishment if it is meant for forum. But I would like to keep playing Discovery on serve.