It seems that there is an annoying pest that needs to be taken care of.
A bounty hunter by the name of ForzA_FienD has decided to go on some vendetta misson against me and my organisation. Normally I would ignore such people but this one is quiet annoying constantly threatning me over my private comms saying how he will get a bigger ship and kill me. I sent one of my Agents after him but as it turns out he's a coward, he ran off to hide in the omega 15 system and relyed on the 4 capital ships in the area to missle spam him to death. He is also known to travel with person known as Avast_Knight (A bottlenose with ceberus turrets).
ForzA_FienD mainly stays in the omega's but has been spoted in liberty from time to time, his last known location was california.
[color=#FF0000]Here's the stats of the ship known as ForzA_FienD :
[color=#FF0000]Ship: E78-12 "Spatial" Civilian Deep Space Explorer
Weaponry: 1 screamer, 1 nuclear
Various bounty hunter weaponry (Class 9 guns)
SM-e "Barrier" Freighter Molecular Shield
Here are the terms of the bounty
All parties must register on this bounty board before the bounty can be claimed.
If a member of [ToP] is present when you kill the target you will be paid even if you are not registered on this board.
This bounty remains Active untill such a time as I feel he has learned his lesson.
This bounty can be claimed all across Sirius except for Zoner controlled systems (ie. Omicron 74 and Baffin), if the target is un-docking from a Freeport you must wait until the target is 10k from the Freeport before opening fire .
For ForzA_FienD - 2000000
For anyone assisting ForzA_FienD - 1000000
For a 500k bonus say "The spy sends his regards" or "Where's Your army now?" just before you kill ForzA_FienD
If the person assisting ForzA_FienD is in a gunboat class ship there will be a 1500000 bonus
As poof a Deathmessage will be required
For prooveing that they are assisting Forza a screen shot of them in the same group as forza will suffice or a screenshot of them assisting Forza in combat will also do.
For the 500k bonous either a screen shot of the chatlog saying one of the lines and the death message soon after or a screen shot of you saying that line when ForzA is low on hull.
[color=#FFFF00]Bounty List (People who may claim this bounty)
We would like to know a bit more about you (Your reputation with lawfulls) however that being said you are agreeing to kill this bounty hunter pest and that's good enough for me. I have added you to the list and we look forward to hearing from you.
And I would like to know the combination code to Hisaso-sans's bank account. That does not mean it will happen. As long as you are the one hiring me, you need not concern yourself with my affiliation. Assuming; of course, you do intend to pay.
In this line of work, it's generally not a good idea to make enemies of entire governments. Kusari excluded, naturally. Why limit one's choice of employer, hai? If it is simply Liberty that concerns you, this, should be sufficient. As to the Omegas, there are few laws imposed there, and none that matter.
@Miyagi Akira : You make a fair point however you must understand that we do not wish to be paying someone who is an enemy of our organisation so please do not blame us for wanting to know a bit more about you. Now you have shown your relations with the house of Rhineland and liberty and I'm satisfied, furthermore if you utterly humiliate this pest I'll throw in an extra 2 million just for you (First Kill only), call it.... an incentive to insult him before killing him.
@ Hugh Mort : Alright You've been added to the list happy hunting.
Hello. How are you? I am sorry to hear that. I am fine, thank you.
I will admit, that I work primarily for lawful organizations. However, I think that if you review my records you will find that I am more than capable of completing this job efficiently, and thoroughly. Therefore I submit my application.
Quote:Payments received to date:
Hello. How are you? I am sorry to hear that. I am fine, thank you.
I will admit, that I work primarily for lawful organizations. However, I think that if you review my records you will find that I am more than capable of completing this job efficiently, and thoroughly. Therefore I submit my application.
*Laughs* an honest man I like that.
Ok we will give you a chance but while claming from our bountyboard do not try and claim bounties placed on us as doing such things would .... anger us and I would have no choice but to remove you name from the list and place a bounty on your head.
You've been added to the list Fran.
Now a little update Forza has not been sighted for a few days so perhaps she changed her name. In any case I will be adding a blanket bounty on a faction soon (Not going to say whitch one yet) so there will be plenty of money to make from that, trust me.