Here we go again. After a few notes exchanged with Unseelie and a few weeks to rethink some things, I've revised the original post to see how it goes over with the community. People trying to compare Rockwood to Luciaden and other superbeings should go away, and even then their arguments are defunct in that HE'S DEAD. Long dead. Ha. Assume for the duration of the thread that th Extended Intro is canon. Also assume that, because it was not explicitly stated that Rockwood starts the Order, that it was all Orillion and Rockwood is something completely different.
As the Coalition and the Alliance fought on, one man, an Alliance General and uncontrolled telepath known as Atticus Rockwood, read a book; it was an ancient tome called Foundation, written by one Isaac Asimov, of some repute. In this tome it describes a mathematical idea, Psychohistory, for predicting the actions of populations of humans over time. He took the idea seriously attempted to develop it.
It was successful.
The plan called for a number of Alliance Sleeper ships to depart and start anew in a relatively close region of space, Sirius. The number was originally eight, but it was reduced during final calculations. Eventually, the five ships would develop, war, and, finally, unite under one flag: a government named in honor of Asimov's original idea, The Foundation.
And then something unpleasant happened.
A week after the Sleeper Ships broke the blockade, the Coalition forces bore down on the Alliance Bastion at Pluto. All was lost...
And then They came.
A Nomad Superweapon took that moment to impose its presence on Humanity, and relieve it of its star. They were threatened by our potential, you see, and hence did what any logical species does: remove the threat. They didn't know about the Sleeper Ships, though... This superweapon had relieved them of most of their resources, and they spent the next hundred and fifty years recuperating, in which time Humanity's remnant had settled itself in Sirius and begun to develop. The Nomads had managed to scrape together enough resources for a single massive Dreadnought, which they promptly set upon Humanity. But, just as it entered the corner of Rheinland space...
The Foundation came.
The Foundation was originally a loose organization of twenty or so more powerful Rheinland and Bretonian military commanders, Outcast powers, and businessmen, based off of Malta and selected for their foresightedness and military or monetary value, by Rockwood. They quickly called up as much military force as they could divert without being noticed by their respective governments, a paltry eight or nine antiquated destroyers, and began their defense on the edges of Sigma-19. All seemed lost; three of the original force remained, without making any noticeable dent in the Nomad craft. Then the Nomads made a critical error. They sighted Rockwood's abnormal telepathic power and attempted to attack it directly.
Thy failed miserably. Rockwood's subconscious fought back and completely fried the mind of the Nomad Dreadnought; the derelict beast was hauled off to the remote system where the Foundation now bases itself. Sadly, in the process of destroying the brain, Rockwood, to put it bluntly, exploded. Nothing left. A small contingency of scientists were dispatched to study the beast. In that time it was decided by the remainder of the Foundation council to adopt a more permanent presence. All the ships involved were declared Missing in Action after some serious ass-kissing and favor-pulling, and the Foundation permanently stationed the three ships to guard the scientists and prepare for the return of the Nomads. They managed to maintain total secrecy from then on, conversing only with the upper echelons of the Maltese command.
This changed in a rather big way when the second Nomad invasion came. The Foundation home system was assaulted by no less than three Nomad battleships and numerous smaller craft. The Foundation fleet, caught completely unawares, consisted of one battleship-the oldest of the few Outcast Dreadnoughts in service-a few destroyers, and slightly under a hundred Sabers. The Dreadnought was a smoking wreck, one of the four or five Destroyers was still operational, and half of the Foundation's fighter force was shot. Nomad casualties-12 fighters. Once again all seemed lost.
Edison Trent and the Order's paltry fighter force assaulted the Nomad stronghold in the Dyson sphere around the same time as the three Nomad Battleships were mowing down the unprepared Foundation fleet. Just as the last Destroyer was about to go, the entire Nomad force simply stopped responding. The three Dreadnoughts, maintaining a closing triangular formation, collided, taking most of their fighter-gunboat force with them. It seems that as the Order reactivated the Hypergate it severed the Nomad's connection with their Hive Mind, resulting in the death of the Brains.
At that point the Foundation, being well-fed-up with almost being blown up multiple times, decided to make its presence known. It immediately started embezzling as much money as it could from its contacts within Samura and Republican, all the while taking huge grants from the Don, all to build a larger fleet and a seemingly impenetrable fortress. The current force, now much larger, should be more than suitable for combating the next Nomad invasion.
The situation began to improve. Foundation fleets began appearing everywhere, destroying Corsairs and Nomads as much as was possible. Rates of Infestation dropped to virtually zero. Then the status quo changed again; Kusari and Bretonia went to war, and Bretonia started to lose. Badly. Rockwood's plan called for five houses, no more, no less. Kusari had to be stopped, and they set about their work. The Foundation's fleets are now involved in a bloody war with the Kusari Navy, viciously assaulting the Japanese colony at every chance they saw. The other two cracks in the Plan, besides the Nomads, were the Corsairs-The Plan called for Five houses, no more, no less-And Malta's status as a Fallen house, unacknowledged by the others. They preach acceptance of Cardamine and they ways of Malta as they attempt to silence Crete. The Foundation, now fairly well property of the Don, now works as a more legitimate face of the Outcast empire to fulfill the grand plan of their dead master...while still keeping the Don happy, of course.
That's the lot. Changed a few things, I think it seems more believable now.
Proposed fleet size is six cruisers maximum and three battleships maximum (and no capital ships until their captains find it in themselves to pay for the freaking Mark Seven armor. Sheesh, people, if you can't spend a few extra credits, don't buy it at all). The Rockwood is now out of the picture.
Proposed Allowed Ships
Fighter-Sized Craft
Templar (limited)
Civilian Ships (with Restrictions)
Falcatta (If It Comes Out)
Capital ships:
Outcast Dreadnought
Outcast Assault Battleship (proposed)
Spyglass II (proposed)
Outcast Destroyer
Red Hessian Cruiser
Rogue Gunboat (maybe; seems a bit low-tech)
The Foundation Relationships
Suggested Tag: Modified Outcast
Asgard Warriors: Neutral
Aside from passing through the AW ZOI, Foundation intends to remain politely neutral in their conflicts, except where concerning Corsairs.
=BSG=: Downright Hostile
We are Cardamine-addicted semi-legal Outcasts. You are...IMG. You like to bring Battlestars into Alpha...No. Bad. Bad BSG.
Black Squadron: Neutral-Friendly
While we may not get along particularly well about Corsairs, we both share a dislike of the Liberty Navy, and have a direct and active interest in destroying the Nomads.
The Brotherhood: Downright Hostile
You Corsair. Me (semi)Outcast. Me Club Funny Corsair.
Bushido: Friendly
We all have grievances with the KNF; Let's blow 'em up together.
Benitez: Dead Hostile
Corsairs. Ready the Cess pool.
Darkwing: Neutral
We don't know you, and as long as we don't see you going out after us or our allies we won't have problems.
The Angels: Neutral
As a completely neutral organization, we shall provide the same for you, unless somehow somebody gets it into their heads to attack your craft, in which case our blades our yours.
Epigoni: Friendly/Allied
You're basically our half-brothers. We should be on relatively good terms...
Hellfire: Neutral-Friendly
We share very different objectives, but if you feel like nailing the Liberty Navy while we're handy we won't likely get in your way...
IND: Neutral-Friendly
We likely won't likely have many dealings, but with your relations with the 101st Guard squad, feel free to ask for assistance...
Junkers: Neutral
We have little business with you, except occasional restock at on of your depots, for which you will be duly compensated.
Jupiter Guild: Neutral
We may encounter each other often, but, assuming you don't engage members of the Outcast Alliance in our view, we will regard you as a neutral entity.
KNF: Dead Hostile
Our duty is to maintain the balance of power, and you've managed to disown one house and are making excellent progress on another. You must be halted.
LDDLG: Dead Hostile
See our Corsair Policy.
=LSF=: Unfriendly/Hostile
Liberty's Gestappo. If we see you do anything to us or our allies, we will become displeased.
Mandalorians: Neutral
More full-neutral mercs. 'Nuff said.
Nature's Last Hope: Unfriendly
We appreciate your ideals, but you ally with the Corsairs and harass the war effort against Kusari. Stay out of our way and we will refrain from killing you.
Nayehia: Neutral-Friendly
We see you as a relatively minor influence, but one we can respect and one that shares our dislikes. Enemy of my enemy.
NovaPG: Friendly
You have a noble goal and a formidable force by which to achieve it, and just so happen to share some rather important goals of ours. Give us a ring.
101st Ghosts of Razgriz: Friendly or Neutral
Like the Epigoni, we should be the best of friends, but the Guards often times with to stay uninvolved, so, if they wish, we will politely restrict interaction.
The Phantom Empire: Neutral
While we rather deplore your objectives, you are at least universal in your destruction, and we share a backyard. Best not to anger the neighbors, yes?
QCP/QCO: Neutral-Friendly
We see no reason to deny you anything, as you are in the employ of the Queen, with whom we are currently in something of an Enemy-of-My-Enemy situation.
RoS: Friendly
More of the Outcast lot.
Rep-Ex: Unfriendly
We are not pirates or terrorists; however, Traders may wish to be mindful of the company they keep...
Red Hessian Army: Neutral
We are mindful of the objectives you keep, and wish no part of it. Rheinland is indeed one of our transportation arteries, and using the Tradelanes will make Foundation ops much simpler...
RM: Neutral
Rheinland has suffered hardships and pain; Why cause them more? They have done little to impede Malta, and their core systems are indeed excellent transportation routes to our allies in Bretonia that must be utilized...
SSO: Unfriendly
More Bounty Hunters...we aren't fond of people who hunt Outcasts, you know. Keep your hand clean while we're present, and we won't have any problems.
Sirius Federation: Neutral-Friendly
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. We want to blow up Kusari; Kusari wants to blow up you. SOunds like we got ourselves a deal...
South Alliance: Unfriendly
You have problems with our Order friends and like to put our Cardamine-haulers into the slammer: Not fun. Out of my way!
Temporary Autonomous Zoners: Neutral
You are a peaceful people dedicated to their beliefs; we respect that, and as we have no scruples, we will respect that neutrality.
UKMG: Hostile
The BSG's little brother, possibly even a front corporation. Vaporize them.
Union of Gold: Neutral
Mollys are part of our alliance, but we are currently more in need of the BAF's support than yours, so we will respectfully maintain neutrality.
Worker's Union: Hostile
Corsair-Huggers. Kill'um.
Slaver's Union: Unfriendly
We have no love of Slavery in Foundation-land, but they're not actively shooting us...Also, there is the matter of the entire Slaver's Union being a bunch of NOOBS! And kinky noobs at that, their flagship is named Submissive Mistress...what does that tell ya about them? Vulgar Nun...that's almost as good. Questionable morality indeed, Hobby...
Amended some things, added the [W] to the list. If I missed anybody tell me and I'll add them.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Interesting Concept, Epyon. The Roleplay is quite unconventional, and we imagine some of the more rigid, puritanical Roleplayers may have some difficulty with it, but it seems quite workable. There are a few finer points We'd like to discuss via PM, but otherwise, as they say, 'Go for it.'
Very interesting indeed, Eppy. I caught my attention from start to end. Pretty consistent (from what I can tell), and downright believable. I mean, I'm much more willing to see something like this happen (completely based on the Freelancer fiction), than the adaptations of other fictions push into the FL universe here on disco (please, to the guys doing that, don't take this as flaming, but just as an incentive to you to think of something inside the box).
' Wrote:allotocus, do you HAVE to type in the most random colour? ffs i can hardly read what uve written. i have to highliight it to read it.
(just in case, im using a diff forum skin, thats why its so hard)
nice faction idea, good luck with it
in the meantime, i have a pet project of my own to create
and its a faction that would be a perfect enemy for yours eppy
Slaver's Union: Unfriendly
We have no love of Slavery in Foundation-land, but they're not actively shooting us...Also, there is the matter of the entire Slaver's Union being a bunch of NOOBS! And kinky noobs at that, their flagship is named Submissive Mistress...what does that tell ya about them? Vulgar Nun...that's almost as good. Questionable morality indeed, Hobby...
:Poh the abuse! All I did was remind him that he neglected us on his diplomacy. Noobs eh? Well I can't make much of a judgment on our PVP abilities since we avoid it when at all possible, but I have a question buddy.....just how many active bounty's do you want before faction even starts:P