here is a trade report of what Omicroners have sent to Ames Research Station:
Aliens organisms as requested (15 000 units/month): 4963+4961+4962+1444+3563+3563 = 23456
Bonus: 4980 Deuterieum
So we are a little in advance on our shipments.
I've received a report from our scientific team, they really enjoy the lab you provided to them. Their research project is going well and they expect some preliminary results soon. I will keep you inform about it.
Best regards,
Dankien Moebus
Freeport XV Administrator
Ah, Hallo. I am glad to be talking with you! We here at the ALG Resource Development Department (RDD) are interested in purchasing a lab at Ames. Lab 11 with Group Module I, to be more specific. I am familiar with your terms, therefore I have layed out the contract. The lab will be used for purposes a waste company has. Such as analyzing scrap metal, and developing a new type of containment fields for our new line of vessels.
The equipment we need from you are as followed: Heavy duty metal cutters, radiation suits and a toxicant analyzer as well as some heavy lifting equipment. We also require 500 units of toxic waste storage space, and a large research bay also suitable to contain internal radiation. The research team currently consists of ten people, including myself. But we would also like housing for twenty people, for future advances. Hopefully this will not raise prices too much.
Yours Faithfully from the ALG CSO, Karlmann Benedikt
COMM ID : Edward Malrone, Co Admistrator Topic: Laboratory
To : Karlmann Benedikt
We are currently modified some labs, and lab 11 is one of the modified. That will continue this night.
I will begin to look for the commodities needed. I will contact you tomorrow.
COMM ID : Edward Malrone, Co Admistrator Topic: Laboratory
To : Karlmann Benedikt
Ames Lab will be open again soon. Our deliveries are a bit slow, since we want to keep the lab with the most hight-tech devices. I will begin to write the contract today, and send it here tomorrow.
COMM ID : Edward Malrone, Co Admistrator Topic: Laboratory
To : Karlmann Benedikt
This will be our contract, replace the X by your name.
In addition concerning this :
Quote:The equipment we need from you are as followed: Heavy duty metal cutters, radiation suits and a toxicant analyzer as well as some heavy lifting equipment. We also require 500 units of toxic waste storage space, and a large research bay also suitable to contain internal radiation.
We already have material to handle heavy radiation, since Kepler is full of radiation cloud. So there will be no additional cost.
Quote:Edward Malrone, the current Co-administrator of Ames Research Station agrees to
1) Give the docking right to ALG
2) Lend the laboratory number 11 located at the third floor, dock 1.
3) Lend a ship storage bay to ALG.
4) Supply ALG in basic goods
5) Lend offices & rooms to ALG.
In return ALG agree to:
1) Not give access code to the laboratory to ANYONE.
2) Not interfere with other scientist work.
3) Share his result with the Ames scientific team's.
4) Not infringe Kusari & Liberty laws.
5) Pay the rent for 24.000.000 SC/month to Ames.Research.Station .
Signed X,
Administrator, Ames Research Station
And Our basic intern Policy
1) All personal and scientist MUST NOT endanger the crew and station by experience and test.
2) All Weapon and dangerous test MUST BE DONE outside the station at 20k MINIMUM
3) All TEST and EXPERIMENT on "Nomad" and bacteria things MUST BE DONE in the appropriate room.
In case of leak The whole lab will be evacuated, decontaminated , sealed and burned. An additional fee will be add to repair the damage.
We will agree to this contract, but only if we can reach a more suitable price. 24 million credits a month is unacceptable. And unpayable by us. I am afraid that it is either less, or nothing. We will ask other accomodations in another location if a negotiation is unable to be made.
We are willing to offer ten million (10,000,000) credits every month plus a tip if all of our requirements are met immediately as they appear. We have plans if you decide to not accept, so do not feel as if you have damaged any relations if you turn us down completely. Although, a large-scale business oppurtunity may be lost if you do so. We hope you make the correct decision. We are merely showing our position. Perhaps we can negotiate further.
COMM ID : Edward Malrone, Co Admistrator Topic: Laboratory
To : Karlmann Benedikt
Well, since we also work on radiation your work will maybe contribute to ours.
We currently rent a free lab to the medic and in exchange they run an hospital at Ames.
Concerning your equipment, we already do radiation research, so have some new devices will be easy.
So how about the 10.000.000 Sc/Month and share your research ?