COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Freeport 2 SUBJECT:Treaty of Bethlehem ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Hale here.
Good evening. You seem to have made an error... A very unfortunate one regarding your No Fire Zone surrounding Freeport 2 in Bering. Allow me to explain. I will do so in a short a manner as possible.
The quote below is the Treaty of Bethlehem. I suggest you familiarise yourself with it.
' Wrote:
I trust you see the issue with telling us to cease fire while chasing known criminals into your precious no fire zone.
I also trust you understand why a certain degree of anger may well be felt when you granted certain criminal elements docking rights during said ongoing conflict, showing yourselves to be actively sheltering criminals from Liberty Law.
I understand therefore that given these breaches of the Treaty of Bethlehem (which covers Freeport 2, Bethlehem Station and Ames Research Station) you would have no issue with us staging military operations from your freeport, into Rheinland. After all, as you say "It's a free station".
Perhaps this gross display of non-neutrality from a supposedly neutral group would prompt the Liberty Government into denying docking rights for all Zoners in Liberty. Who knows.
I suggest you rectify this mistake. We won't be satisfied by anything less than removal of docking rights on Zoner stations to the entire 'Indians' pirate group, and monetary compensation to the order of 100,000,000 sirius credits.
Incoming transmission.
Comm ID: Peter Kristall
Message Body:
Dear, sweet Eris on a hot dog bun.
Mister Hale? I have a minor problem with your line of reasoning.
The problem isn't the Indians. The head of Freeport 2 already had complaints about them well before this incident, and they are already in serious danger of losing their docking rights on Zoner bases Sirius-wide.
The problem isn't the fine. I'd gladly take out a loan and pay you folks myself, even if I had to work the rest of my natural life to repay it, if it meant my Freeport would be left in peace.
The problem isn't a problem with clauses 1 and 2 of the treaty. I think they are very good clauses, and I would love to see them included in any future deals between Freeport 2 and the Liberty government.
However, this treaty is void <strike>six</strike> five ways from Sunday.
Not only is the signiatory body long, long dead. Not only is the sucessor to the body, the Zoner Alliance, gone, leaving NO central Zoner authority.
The so-called 'Zoner' signature on the treaty, one Aurelia Silvan, has revealed herself as Aurelia DeFrance, daughter of King Louis DeFrance of Gallia. She has removed herself to Gallia, and declared her intention to destroy all Zoners everywhere!
Freeport 10 was even attacked by her personal battleship! They've STILL not repaired all the battle damage. I should know, I'm helping.
So I think there might have been some sabotage involved as regards the treaty, don't you?
Now, that having been said, I'm just a concerned citizen. A very, very concerned citizen. The head of Freeport 2 may see things differently.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Freeport 2 SUBJECT:Treaty of Bethlehem ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Hale here.
You will find the treaty is not void. It is signed on behalf of the Zoner People, regarding territorial authority over certain sections of space. Regardless of the status of the Zoner signatory, the Zoner People still exist. As does the Republic of Liberty.
If the Zoner People renege on this treaty, then the Republic of Liberty is under no legal obligation to observe Zoner law regarding no fire zones, etc. Would you like that?
Incoming transmission.
Comm ID: Peter Kristall
Message Body:
Mister Hale... I'm speechless.
Let me try and put this into terms you understand.
The 'head of state' who signed this treaty has left our 'nation'. Our 'governing body' has collapsed.
I know of NO instance, throughout our history as a species, where, these circumstances having occured, the people of said nation would still be held accountable to the agreements of the defunct governing body. They would, AT THE LEAST, be up for re-negotiation.
You might think of Freeport 2 as a tiny island nation that was once a part of a much larger one. We might still have good relations with the various blocs of the former large nation. We might even still be friendly with our neighbors. But ALL treaties and agreements that the larger nation held with those neighbors are null and void.
So, yes, The Republic of Liberty is currently under no legal obligation to abide by this, or any, No-Fire Zone.
Isn't there a moral obligation to be spoken of here?
Here we are, this tiny island nation, caught between the crossfire of two much, much bigger nations. We have a long, long history of peaceful noninterference with both, and we have in our borders citizens of both nations. Take my own case. My mother was once one of DSE's top employees. My father was a lowly Daumann construction worker. But they both came here to start over.
Please, sir. I urge you - no, I beg you. Meet with the leader of Freeport 2. Yes, and the leader of Ames as well! Sign a new agreement, recognizing and respecting the Zoner No-Fire Zones.
Please. Don't let Freeport 2 become a casualty of war.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Freeport 2 SUBJECT:Treaty of Bethlehem ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Hale here.
Funnily enough Mr Kristall, that is exactly the man I am waiting to speak to. However for the sake of completeness, I'll converse with you on this matter. If you use the terms which you have just used, you would be implying there is no 'Zoner People'. However I would call that into question, by asking the following:
Are you not zoners? Are you also not people?
Your 'nation' may well no longer have it's central governing body, but to all intents and purposes, the inhabitants are the same individuals as they previously were. The total lack of diplomatic contact following this split would also imply the various smaller nations which now comprise the previous much larger nation would be inclined towards following the same diplomatic path.
I am also rather interested in the conflict imbedded the following two statements.
Quote:and they [The Indians] are already in serious danger of losing their docking rights on Zoner bases Sirius-wide.
Quote:Our 'governing body' has collapsed.
Without a governing body Mr. Kristall, how would this be organised? If you are capable of arranging this on a sirius wide scale, I would argue there is a governing body for the Zoners as a whole.
Incoming Transmission.
Comm ID: Peter Kristall
Message Body:
Oh dear. Well, answering your last point first, I would argue that since that the one thing Zoners -are- good at is, well, arguing, we have made efforts to improve communications between our various Sirius wide enclaves. And, I don't think any Zoner reacts well to discovering that a Freeport NFZ has been violated, and would be inclined to welcome the individual what did the violating with open arms.
But, apparantly, this is all moot! Since I am a Zoner, and a person, I can never be free of the Treaty of Bethlehem. Despite that I had volunteered for medical experimentation at the time and had no knowledge of it until it was signed. Please Mr. Hale, tell me which Liberty slave processing station I can submit myself to forthwith?
Ah, but I see that Mr. Porter once again has access to a functioning transmitter, so I'll leave further lip flappings to him.
Peter Kristall
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Freeport 2 SUBJECT:Treaty of Bethlehem ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Hale here.
I await communication from the administrator of Freeport 2. Ensure he responds as soon as he is available. Doubtless his view will be an interesting one to hear. I've not made any change to our demands.
If indeed it is the case that the Zoners as an entity have collapsed, it might have been wise to be more forthcoming with your neighbors about the current state of affairs. Until any negotiation is conducted, we will naturally assume that the Zoners are still holding to binding agreements signed in their name. I'm sure you understand.
Dear Admiral, for a man to such an important function, I have to admit that you are very nervous.
Fortunately, I am not so rash, or want to put yourself in a position to respond to a man who is head of a huge fleet, against me and a few families of peaceful people in Freeport 2.I do not want to mention that Freeport 2, is oriented towards cooperation with all sectors of society, which because of its position, partly because of structure of inhabitantson on the base.Majority of this peace so far maintained a neutral and I'm very proud of it.Unfortunately, the last two days have turned an interest in the quieter part of Sirius.
The first incident occurred yesterday, with the same participants who were and today evident.
Unfortunately yesterday, I'm on a ship "Balkan Rose" were on the way to FP2, so full report waited me on the office desk.
But today I were present and unwelcome participant events.
Certain actions and consequences after considerable research and re-recorded interrogations of the document have already been withdrawn and given their impact.Now, I hope that this story that concerns a group called "The Indians' completed.
Next story is No Fire Zone aka NFZ...
Admiral, after the collapse Council of Zoners , created a vacuum in the relationship between my people. I do not want to go into a discussion about it, why it happened or what could be done, it is another story.
To control and improve the functioning and cooperation between all groups Zoner, all Zoner base, including Freeport went to representatives who were the ones who are keeping communication and neutrality of the nation.It is a very ungrateful position in some events.
NFZ was reached between the people and Zoner Sirius, on mutual respect and maintain the same neutrality, which is guaranteed in the Treaty of Bethlehem. not binding for everyone, but it is generally respected. Based NFZ can read here.As well see in this text, there is a proclamation given by my power of authority as representatives of FP2.Proclamation, each base has become an independent and authoritative unit, which itself is responsible for all operations and actions.
Further. as I said today I was a participant of unpleasant events and the sequence of events was somewhat confusing. While I personally spoke with a representative group of the Indians, just the issue of eviction from the base, appeared to have you and Mr. Ross Barley. It seems that in some activity or your negligence, you are not a good look at the communicator, admirals, because I have a 4 times addressed. As a former soldier, his highness, and my attention is always the first to take the enemy ship, so to you.If you are invited for the treaty of Bethlehem, and in some cases, you have every right to it, as well as an officer of honor and you undertake to respect the civilian ship near the base and zone of responsibility. What if your officers, Mr. Ross was not the case. Opening fire from 1.7k from base,its not honour.
Quote:Death: The.Alabama was killed by [LN]-Barney.Ross (Gun)
2011-05-21 16:06:54 SMT
Unfortunately, in an attempt to get in touch with you, I turned attention to document pictures of events, but many of the participants was around the base.
Also, as an officer, I would ask you to explain this to me, your words that were directed towards me:
Quote:2011-05-21 16:07:31 SMT
[LN]-David.Hale: You'd better be aware of the treaty of bethelehem.
2011-05-21 16:07:40 SMT
[FP2]Balkan.Rose: mr DAVID
2011-05-21 16:08:05 SMT
[FP2]Balkan.Rose: STOP all NOW
011-05-21 16:08:12 SMT
[LN]-David.Hale: because you just violated one of it's key clauses.
2011-05-21 16:08:16 SMT
[FP2]Balkan.Rose: MR DAVID
2011-05-21 16:08:46 SMT
[LN]-David.Hale: Right... Mr Rose
2011-05-21 16:09:09 SMT
[LN]-David.Hale: You'd better be aware of the treaty of bethlehem, signed by the republic of Liberty and the zoner council, as it was then...
2011-05-21 16:09:17 SMT
[FP2]Balkan.Rose: mr, david, not mix Bettlehem threaty and NFZ please. 2011-05-21 16:09:33 SMT
[LN]-David.Hale: You are a moron
2011-05-21 16:09:39 SMT
[LN]-David.Hale: expect further action
very interesting vocabulary for an admiral.
To get serious about a bit. Freeport 2 is independent and autonomous units, Everyone has good intentions, who wants to rest, or to dwell on it, it will be welcome. Nobody, who is no gap in peace, honor and integrity of the population Freeport 2 will not be treated as a friend and never will be admitted to the same, it should be clear to everyone. Admiral, I am not your soldier, or receive orders from you. nor the Freeport 2 are in Liberty, with all due respect that can provide your state and nation and power you have behind.
Freeport 2 is a small base, compared to the fleet which have behind you, but also this small base several times offered to you and your peoples help in the war actions against the Rhineland. Never forget it. Recklessly would be that, in your opinion, the consequences for today's events borne by those who have no stake in it, and to think of the whole population of Zoners.But this is up to you and your decision, I hope that democracy still has some power in Liberty.
what I can offer you, I already did, a group of pirates away from my base.The amount of money you are looking for, I do not have, nor wish to interfere some of the Zoner groups that me donate them.
I personally invite you to sit at the same table, no matter where it finds it, and write a new declaration, which shall be binding on me and for the people of Liberty.
That's all that this small base and I We can provide to you.
<div align="right]Representive of Freeport 2
ser Isaac Porter
<div align="right]
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Freeport 2 SUBJECT:Treaty of Bethlehem ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Medium
Hale here.
I doubt you have ever experienced this Mr Porter, but there is a certain amount of tension involved in having people attempt to kill you, and your friends. And then when a neutral Zoner protects the people who attempted to kill you and your friends (by allowing them to dock after fleeing into your precious no fire zone) it brings out a little bit of anger. That would be why I called you a moron.
I'm not sorry.
In short, the monetary compensation and concrete proof of you having removed The Indians from your base is required. Without it, the issue will not be resolved.
Once this issue is settled, then we can negotiate a new treaty regarding your base.
The people of your base have never offered help in the war against Rheinland. So don't attempt to use non-existant events as some sort of bargaining chip.
[color=#000000]If you call someone moron, then you probably know from your experiences what it means. Equality is known.
Area around Freeport 2 , 5k distance was demilitarized zone. neutral territory, do not see what is unclear about that? What you have personally or professionally with The Indians, it absolutely do not interest me. Currently, that your group, as I am aware of are removed from the base. And if you're interested, you can send any of your officers and to look at.
I do not even protect them, not protecting you. nor anybody else except the people on the base. nor anyone else interested in me, my country, my house is FP2, how is your Liberty. And this is my neutrality unquestionable and indestructible.What you obviously do not want to understand or do not know what the word means. So I allow that they landed, so I'm in the same time allow your officers, I think Angelina Dimitrova or something, to do repairs and additions-mention in the same period!
Yes. you are right Admirals, only in one, I never offered to help in the war with the Rhineland. nor will I ever do it. Just do not know what to do with documented landing ships with LN tag on FP2 for a supplement before or after the attack on the Rhineland?Or should I shut up about it and sit in the corner like a dog, you probably would have been happy then.
Or what should I do the same with documented landing a few of your GB, heavily damaged by return from combat action?
Calm down your arrogance, FP2 not have that money, nor pay blackmail to anyone. I say blackmail, because you mentioned that you ban the entry of other groups Zoner if I not pay.
Or we stop at this, or open a personal war, or you with your friends and acquaintances to urge that pulling the line so long as I remove from Freeport 2
but that you do not expect to bow, right I'll never succumb to any blackmail.
Last time I invite you to read the meaning of the concept of neutrality and then sit down and agree on a new treaty.
Liked it or not, we are neighbors, and I am the only base ,and only one station between Liberty and Rheinland. [color=#000000]<div align="right]Representive of Freeport 2
ser Isaac Porter
<div align="right]