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// To clarify... this thread is restricted to the LR- command and the Outcasts in question ONLY. Everyone else get out of my thread.
There seems to be some confusion about the way we treat competition on our lanes.
The sole objective of the Outcast government in Liberty is cardamine. This includes transportation, protection, and supervision. These will only be allowed in a fighter, bomber, or transport. Any Outcast found pirating in Liberty may be dealt with at the discretion of the Rogue that comes across them.
Tridentes will be asked to leave and escorted out of Liberty if they are found here. If they refuse, they will be terminated. If they try to dock on one of our bases, they will be immediately terminated. Our facilities cannot support ships of that size.
Any and all Stortas or Outcast Battleships found in Liberty are subject to immediate termination.
Some specific Outcast groups have earned our respect and will be allowed to remain in Liberty without molestation. As of now, the Gryphon Clan is the only one that we recognize.
Other Groups
Specific other groups that have previous agreements with the Rogues may remain in Liberty space. You know who you are.
Nathaniel Hathorne I be the Quinn a rouge myself i'd like yer to give our group The {Undeads} Outcast permissions tha others dnt ye see, In The United Council, The {Undead} The Hackers, Outcasts and Rogues have come together to challenge Liberty's finest which will instate the use and formal use of a Outcast Battleship and Tridents all over Liberty naw son we dun wanna fight cha the battlegrounds should be kept wi Liberty n if yer accept us proposal we'll start delivin cardimine fer ye O course we understand tha ye dun wan outcast ships dockin at ye bases aye accepted but dun force us from Liberty The United Council be trying to control the Commerce so de Rogues finally fortune from the commerce o Liberty, Tha hackers be involved aye we gots us a Spyglass now tha be our HQ for primary trade route hacks n shuttin down the lanes fer us. Aye us de Rogues.
This be none challenge fer the Undeads United Council abart the Rogues status of Liberty n what ye de here, but if yer let us (the outcast side) in yer Liberty we'll keep our end o the bargin wi Cardimine, n maybe even some slaves fer ye... Look we dun wanna battle yez Nathaniel we want free reign for both of our profit.
Yer call, get back ter us ye hear? Oh n dun worry about tha tridents yer lads shot down thear back safe n sound in Alpha and in the recovery wing buh they should be out be mornin miner fractures ye no dems pilots wa sorry dey shot at cha but didn't know ye laws n had teh defend the sens ye understand i be sure.
N ye no the best part abou Tridents n Battleships dey got up Alpha, de protect tha shipments o Cardi tha gets sent down here, only 25% makes it thru the borders untouched the rest get either destroyed or taken by de squaddies o police dey got in Liberty. Let em challege Liberty fer the Better o Cardamine and more will come te ye ye gots me word!
United Council {Undead}-Ciaran.Quinn
Liberty Rogue' Leader
///Excuse for the OORP but it states via Liberty Rogue History: They also provide shelter for the Outcasts in exchange for Cardamine... Wth is the thanks here?
Who the bloody hell are you to come in here and make any sort of demands from us.
You're nobody, that's who.
If you come into Liberty with your Tridente and Capital Ships, you won't recieve any more mercy from us.
You will be subjected to immediate termination.
The days where Liberty Rogues relied on the Outcasts to survive are over.
Welcome to the new Liberty
You better get used to it, or you'll die a quick and painful death.
Consider this an ultimatum to your so called "coalition" back down or you will be crushed.
Eva, out.
|::Transmission Terminated::|
Eva, it wasn't demands but your erratic behaviour when you did used to rely on the Outcasts and suck up to us when you was in grave danger and now you have the audacity to challenge us? The Outcast Reign will not be scared by your threatens as it was us that put you in your place of worthyness this can be taken away as easily as it was placed upon you Rogue!
Remember this Eva, when i ram a Outcast Battleship into one of your bases, You will suggest a cease-fire as you cannot even grant stock to a local trident. Your out of stock, your low on Cardimine and you defiantly do not have the tools to take on the Outcast Wraith.
Oh and Eva, Challenge muchly accepted.
The Outcasts and some Lane Hackers shall be in your vicinity shortly good luck.
You don't seem to understand how things work, let me explain.
For numerous years the Liberty Rogues have weaned ourselves from Cardamine use, less than five percent of our numbers are now addicted to the substance.
The Outcasts can no longer control us with threats of Cardamine withdrawal.
Furthermore, our deals for Cardamine and Slave trades are with the 101st, not some back ally scum like you.
You hold no weight in our business.
The strength of your capital ships means nothing against the brute force of the Barghest.
You are waging a war far from your own supply lines with no port of harbour capable of supporting your fleet.
And I have little doubt that the rest of the Outcasts and Lanehackers will not support your actions.
You are alone and you have signed your own death warrants.
Do not beg for mercy. They will fall upon deaf ears.
I don't know why it has come to this... We didn't need to start off on the wrong foot. Why Couldn't we have talked this out before we tryed to enter Liberty in the first place. I understand you are really angry right now. But is this KOS or War necessary? Can we not work this out in another way so we don't have to shead blood over something this stupid? We don't need
Quote:Remember this Eva, when i ram a Outcast Battleship into one of your bases, You will suggest a cease-fire as you cannot even grant stock to a local trident. Your out of stock, your low on Cardimine and you defiantly do not have the tools to take on the Outcast Wraith.
Bellck There was absolutely no reason for that to be said.. In my Opion... We don't need to add more salt to the wounds... Even if its been said.. it was not necessary to have jumped down her thrat like that..
Well Depends on what is going on.. If you are truely Doing what i hear and that is Declairing war and the Undead Alliance? If so.. *Laughs* We wont will do as we wish. My fleet at least. We will do what we are set to do and that is GO after the navy. And Focus on our own problems as a Outcast alliance.. If you come to fight we will be ready.. Thats all i will say to this... *Cuts transmission*