---Incomming Transmission---
Comm ID:Josef Strauss, recruitment officer
Herr Rothstein, it was a good decision to come to us, you've seen with your own eyes that the current leaders of Rheinland can not be trusted.
We are in need of good pilots to fight the oppression and it seems you have potential, therefore you are accepted into the Red Hessian Army.
You will be directly starting off as Flieger, means you are allowed to place the [RHA] transmitters infront of your ship's ID code.
Herr von Stukov, your application is on hold due to the fact that we have not received your S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address. Please provide us with said details and we will process your application.
Is this thing on?!?
*more static*
*static fading*
Damn bounty hunters!
This is Siegfried Wurtzner speaking. I'm currently on my way to Freital base, hoping that this piece of junk gets me there in one piece...
Maybe I should introduce myself shortly. I was raised as the only child of the Rheinland military pilot Jürgen Wurtzner, who fell in the hands of the nomad during the war. My mother was killed shortly afterwards by a Rheinland officer, claiming her to be a terrorist. Since then my loyalty to the Kanzler faded. Finally, after the conflict, when the Bundschuh fighters weren't granted amnesty, I began to start actions against the government. Starting with distributing flyers and organising small demonstrations, I began to attract attention from the officials. When I was marked as a terrorist and police started observing my house, I fled from Stuttgart, my home.
During my escape, one of the bounty hunters managed to follow me. I was able to loose him, but the freighter I'm flying is badly damaged.
I now made my way to the Omega-11 system and am approaching the Hessian base Freital, where I hope to be granted asylum.
I decided to join the Revolution as part of the Red Hessian Army and give my best in helping to overthrow the corrupt government!
With the money I inherited from my family I hope to purchase a ship and join the fight!!
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
Rekrut Siegfried Wurtzner, your applikation ist hereby Approved und you kan konsider yourself vithin ze ranks ov die armee. However, as ov now you do Not have permission to use [RHA] transponder tag, und ze klearance vill be given once you reach ze rank ov Flieger.
You have one week to fulfill ze requirements to be promoted to rank ov flieger, und ze requirements kan be found in ze dokuments attached.
Well i was a young but Expirienced Fighter Pilot Since 7 Years
i was also Stationed on Cruisers that traveled the Entire Sirius Sector, and i see many Scary Things in my Lifetime.
Today im 25 and Ready for the Bloody Part of my Life.
Most Years i was Stationed in Omega 5, to Fight the Legendary Centurions.
Since one Day i lost my Ship in battle, and the Corsair,s got my Pod. but on Black Market i was a good price, so they sold me, and the owner of me sold me again, and i dont know how many times i was sold. but finally, i was on a Mission for some Mercs. well i managed 100 Kills for them. and then they let me free. in this Lost time, i learned many. and my Wisdom was Increased too.
Well i,m back to Fight four our Freedom and i Got my Brand New Odin.
and i Think my Rustic Skills are Good Enough to Join the [RHA] i hope i can Proof it soon.
i wait with patience for the answer, actually i,m on my way to bremen for a Training Session with the Bundschuh.
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
Sascha Falk, after your request being diskussed fur a vhile, you're finally Accepted into ze ranks ov die Rote Hessen Armee. However, first und most important thing you're rekuired to do ist to forvard me your S.K.Y.P.E. protokol via private komms so you kan be added to RHA sekure komms. Und zen, being a rekrut means you vould not have klearanse to use [RHA] transponder signature on your ships yet, so you have one veek to fulfill all ze promotion rekuirements to ze rank ov Flieger so to be kleared ze use ov [RHA] signature in your ships transponder.
Also, you're asked to karefully und patiently read ze folloving dokuments.
Herr [color=#33CC00]De Luca, this is just horrible, I am not even sure if you can call this an application.
We are not happy with the information you provided and we don't really care if your father or grandpa was a 'hero'. You won't be useful for the Revolution.
<<<Incoming Transmision>>>
<<<Sender ID : (with letters) MuktediR>>>
Guten Tag mein Herr.
I have come before you today to sign up so that I may do my part for the cause.
Dresden has been my home for the last three years, and although I have been flying from here for that time I wish to improve myself by not only lashing out at the Rheinland Government in revenge, but also now furthering the cause of the Hessian movement as well. Revolution must be winner then this country will rule by true ones.
Name: Balenko Zruza
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 183cm
Weight: 67kg
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Marks:Thin but very agile and fast body.
Skills : Drawing , Logic and Crazy Sports (Eskrim and Snowboard)
I am born from the Planet Holstein. My family killed from barbarian poliçe pilot called *Gunahino Kechin* !! cause of my family believes Revolution! This is the Picture that i taken when they kill my family (they were 3 guys)
And this eyes are the last think that i sayed before i exit planet and move to Vogtland via Bundschuh help.
When i reach Vogtland i wil begin exploring around inside Vogtland. A Hessian inside anmes 'Köroglu' helped me and he teach me how to flight. Me and my best friend Koroglu will head to New Berlin central Bank to tell people about our Revolution. My friend .. he is dead too and with luck i had make it to Vogtland back.
Hopefully i had found my new Home.
Flight exprience :
Just up of average, Standart training on Fighter class vessels and razoring at short range. With the 4.00 and 3.03 rate weapons exprience.
GMT+9 (I be Online for every hour expect some days with friends)
Herr [color=#33CC00]Zruza, we appreciate the fact that you are already fighting for the Revolution.
That doesn't mean we will accept you into the Red Hessian Army.
I know persons like you, orphans only seeking for revenge, there is no need for such persons.
Greetings, let me introduce myself. I'm Waldemar "Sketch" Lüken. I was borned on planet Hamburg.
I lived in a small family, my parents were working at the ALG Waste Disposal office. I've started to learn fighter flight when I was 16. At the time I was dreaming about stars. When I've got my first own ship 2 years later I had an accident..
At the middle of the trade lane I was disrupted and stopped by two Red Hessian guys. From what I've learned from parents Red Hessians want to destroy our government and make themselfes supreme upon Rheinland. I was scared to death when they wanted me to give them all my money and cargo.
Right after I gave them my stuff I've asked them "why are you doing this??? nobody did anything to you!". My question got a bitter response.. They told me about the rebellion. [18-19]When I got back home parents have grounded me due to the accident at the trade lane.. So I've had much time to think about Red Hessians and I started to question my parents reasons. Finally I've chosen to check the things myself. After I've written a message to my parents I left the home with some credits and almost full equipped civilian fighter. The first place I was going to was the Stuttgart system. I heard about Hessians performing patrols in that system. At the time I was temporarily living on the planet Stuttgart. Finally a couple of days after arriving in Stuttgart system I've been caught by a hessian patrol on the trade lane and I was finally able to talk with them again. I found out that they are really fighting for a better Rheinland. [20-21]I was still confused about everything. I missed my family but I knew that I couldn't come back to Hamburg. I've made myself a couple of hessian friends. I started to meet up with them. At the time I really wanted to help them and finally decided to join Red Hessians, besides, living alone and with no real sense isn't a good live.. Months after I made my decision I was really trusted by my friends. They told me about the Vogtland Base, and that they can give me a place to live there. [22-24]Everything was looking pretty good. I've got many good friends, probably a better family than the one I had on Hamburg. We were going out for patrols, missions and sometimes we've been catching transports and getting some cash or fireworks. I was able to gather enough money (almost 20 millions!) to buy a new good ship and equipment. A friend of mine - Sven. He gave me the information about where I can buy good stuff. I went to Omega-54 where Sven bought his Odin. I decided to get a bomber. After that I've beginned to stalk in Omega-7. Sometimes I was going back to Vogtland to support friends with money that I've gathered in the Omega-7 garden. I was sitting there almost all the time.. Silently waiting for someone to show up. Mostly miners, but sometimes I've fought corsairs and military units. I've met some hessian guys too and went patrolling with them to other Omegas. [Present]Some time ago I've met an Red Hessian Army ship that was in some uncomfortable situation. I started to help him as fast as possible. Soon he came back with some help and we handled the situation. Later we've operated in Omega-7 more for a while. Sadly that day my ship got destroyed by the corsairs.. I was lucky my friends from Vogtland soon found me drifting in space and saved my life.
My flight experience and skills.. I'm not bad at fighting with a very heavy fighter and a bomber using razor or supernova cannon. I'm quite universal about guns. I'm training very often. Sadly my experience with codename weapons is poor but I don't think I really need them.