I must first put out the fact that this is a report done out of it's time, however considering I deemed it low priority, I had to handle everything else I had to do first, so it isn't too much of a time loss. I'll get to the point, the Council knows I've had Alacritas running a transport to collect supplies and credits for the Enclave, upon one of these 'trips', he had a most interesting transmission from someone, or something, call-signed as the Venganza. Alacritas was able to trace the communique back to the Omicrons, though an exact location is unavailable due to it being bounced around the place pretty well. The clarity and the coding of the transmission suggests it wasn't boosted by any external means, meaning that the source is probably a capital type vessel with strong communication systems. The speaker himself, I had his voice print analyzed, he is undoubtedly male but what was also interesting is that accent and other voice regulations put him in either the Kusarian or Hispanic race clarification. He did not give his name at the time however.
I'll also give a quick preview at what you will see on the comm's report {VRS44-012-01} from Alacritas. It seems this person was acting individual, and was asking about a certain branch of our technology. Mainly android forms and mechanical/biological to biological/synthetic form tech. To say it straightforward, I think Aigis would be a good example. Now this, piqued my interest at the person, he wanted an empty body for personal means stating that his intentions are pure and only individual, Alacritas, after analyzing his voice, deemed that he was telling the truth but of course on that type of transmission, you simply can't be sure. However, I myself, somehow believe him, he does want this piece of technology for something, and that something is not something that would have repercussions on Sirius.
And it should be known, Alacritas had only explained the basics of the technology, any classified data has NOT been given out.
Also, when I had had Alacritas to pinch my in the comm, the person properly refused, it seems he doesn't want to ask for anything just yet, something to keep in mind, as it does prove he wouldn't want to use if for any hostility or else I'd think he'd want it directly.
This..Venganza, I deem it necessary that he should be tracked in any communique's directed toward us, even though we cannot to anything at this time, however, this will be very interesting.
May the Creator be with us all,
The fist of the Creator,
[color=black]Anima Messor