My name is Soju Hatama, loyal warrior of the Emperor. I was dishonored along with all of Kusari when our supreme sovereign was exiled from his own nation. I was arrested for attempting to leave Kusari to re-join your glorious cause. On route to Fushu, the prison convoy I was being transported on was attacked by some pirates- Lane Hackers, I think. It doesn't matter, though. I was able to escape and made for Leeds at full speed. I was intercepted by a patrol of the pretender regime. One of the three pilots was a true Kusarian- and together we defeated the traitors.
My ally suffered damage to his fuel injection system, and he died with honor and integrity when our enemies were destroyed. The Taus were difficult to maneuver. Gallic ships combed them thoroughly. The jump to Leeds was close to being my last. Four Gallic fighters were behind me, preparing to fire as I flew through the Jump Gate. I dropped my entire mine bay behind me, which created enough of a distraction for me to slip through. On the other side, I was able to cruise away before I could be caught by any pursuit patrols and eventually met with some Bretonian Armed Forces pilots who directed me to your whereabouts.
I am merely awaiting your permission and blessing before I rejoin the true sons of Kusari. If you deny this warrior a place among you, then I shall endeavor to fight Gallia on my own for as long as I can breathe.
Also please include your skype name, forum name and any other player factions you have been a part of.
// Skype: Alexander.The.Pharoh , Forum name: Corsair?
Every faction I've ever been in:
Hellfire Legion
Das Wilde
Aoi Iseijin